02-24-2011, 03:25 AM
So here's the deal I have limited income and am only going to be getting either a PS3 or 360 for the foreseeable future.

Each option before be costs around the same:
250USD (for the system)
17USD (for a GS card that has a 'buy 2 get 1 free' voucher, points system, & 20% off used games)
Free 1 month warranty

If I get a 360 it breaks down like this:
250GB Elite (the never models)
1 controller
All connections
Have to pay for online

If I get a PS3 it breaks down like this:
80GB - 2USB - non-backwards compatible (which I don't care about anyways)
1 controller
All connections
Don't have to pay for online

While I'd consider myself one hell of a Sony fan, for me it breaks down to funds.
From what I understand the 360 is fairly easy to mod while the PS3 - isn't.

For any of you 360 owners I have a question:
If I can mod my Wii/PS2/PSP with tutorials do you think I can mod a 360?

Anyways, thanks for any info.

02-24-2011, 04:35 AM
the only system i have heavily modded was the wii, because it has a shiton of apps that fully extend the wii's capabilities... mainly, dvd (and media overall) playback.
for the 360, you need external hardware to softmod things. for example, im sure as hell wont get the "get everything for everyone" in rumble roses. (because you have to get everything for every girl... which is no easy task... then you have to get everything for the 50 CUSTOMS you can make.) and an aditament can unlock achievements instantly.

i wont even bother to touch the ps3 in that sense.

02-24-2011, 08:57 AM
If you can afford a 250GB 360 S, why can you not afford a 160GB PS3 Slim? They are the same price.

It's pretty easy to hack the firmware of the 360's DVD drive so it will read burnt discs, but I'm not sure if that'll work with the 360 S.

The PS3's master key has been found out, so anything can now be signed as legitimate without Sony having any way to find out if it isn't. They cannot stop this by updating the PS3's firmware. All we have to do now is wait while applications are developd for it, since this key was only discovered recently.

Whether you softmod the 360 or PS3, you probably aren't going to want to go online. There's something like three games (for now) that are unsafe to play on the 360 with the DVD firmware mod. Sony haven't started banning anybody yet because of the master key's usage, but they're threatening they will be able to find out if something isn't legitimate if it goes online.

I haven't modded my 360 nor my PS3, so I can't give you any details more specific than this. Both can be modded though and having the PS3's master key allows you to do much more than just play burnt games (like signing emulators, for example).

02-24-2011, 02:42 PM
I've never really understood the point of modding. In the end, what does it really accomplish...? Especially as chewey said, if you go online, it'll pretty much screw up your system.

02-24-2011, 08:18 PM
In today's consoles, online is usually where it's at. If you want to mod one of these consoles, I suggest you have two of the systems so that way you can play online with one and do whatever with the other. I don't see a reason to mod these consoles personally except to play burned games. But that's not enough for me to mod my system. I have a PS2 modded, but I have Japanese games and that was the reason why I did.

02-25-2011, 03:11 AM
another reason why i modded my wii was to import games.
namely, disaster day of crisis and another code R.

02-25-2011, 03:26 AM
I love both systems, but lean towards the PS3 because of free online and of course the Bluray player. Oh yeah, and one little game that no one probably plays...... Gran Turismo!!!!! Also, my brother had to purchase a second 360 because Microsoft cracked-down on modded systems which rendered his first console unable to be online. If you haven't played any of the Uncharted games, you are missing out on some of the greatest videogame experiences of all-time.

02-25-2011, 04:07 AM
i don't have access to the xbox360's online stuff... so how would I go about modding said system? it's the old white version. I can't afford the new. is there anything I need to mod it?

02-25-2011, 04:42 AM
From what I understand, you have to connect it to your PC and then just flash the DVD drives firmware. You're going to have to google all the details.

02-25-2011, 07:10 AM
oh. I guess there's also the risk of getting a virus in your xbox... or something. or maybe the x is immune... I dunno. haha. can you imagine Microsoft having to make antiviral software for their gaming systems? that would suck.

02-25-2011, 09:17 PM
oh. I guess there's also the risk of getting a virus in your xbox... or something. or maybe the x is immune... I dunno. haha. can you imagine Microsoft having to make antiviral software for their gaming systems? that would suck.

Knowing microsoft's security... I wouldn't be suprised at all...

02-25-2011, 11:49 PM
another reason why i modded my wii was to import games.
namely, disaster day of crisis and another code R.
I wish the Wii was region free. I'm a fan of the Project Zero/Fatal Frame series and am overly pissed at how the CEO of Nintendo or whatever of America didn't want the game to be imported. Techmo was pretty pissed about it too from what I heard. But as far as the PS3 goes, from what I remember it is region free so my reason to mod is something of the past just because it's no longer needed.

I love both systems, but lean towards the PS3 because of free online and of course the Bluray player. Oh yeah, and one little game that no one probably plays...... Gran Turismo!!!!! Also, my brother had to purchase a second 360 because Microsoft cracked-down on modded systems which rendered his first console unable to be online. If you haven't played any of the Uncharted games, you are missing out on some of the greatest videogame experiences of all-time.

I love the Tomb Raider games and hearing from a friend, the Uncharted games are kinda the same way and he says if I love Tomb Raider then I'll most likely love the Uncharted games. But I won't be relying a whole lot of the online play of the PS3. The no party chat feature that the 360 has is a big turn off for me and when the service goes down sometimes they will recommend that you don't even play the system at all. But I guess you get what you pay for in that area. I still want one personally. That way, I can sell my Blu-Ray player finally.

02-26-2011, 12:11 AM
oh. I guess there's also the risk of getting a virus in your xbox... or something. or maybe the x is immune... I dunno. haha. can you imagine Microsoft having to make antiviral software for their gaming systems? that would suck.
That is not how viruses work.

Knowing microsoft's security... I wouldn't be suprised at all...
I don't think you know Microsoft's security very well then.

02-26-2011, 03:55 AM
I see.