02-21-2011, 01:57 AM

02-21-2011, 02:59 AM
I know complete everything-but-the-kitchen-sink score advocates will be seething as I say this... but the album release of BBTS really does include pretty much everything noteworthy from the score. It clocks in at 43 minutes (not including Humanoids) and includes all major themes and every major action cue. Having had the pleasure of hearing the complete score (thanks again!) it is evident that there isn't much at all missing. If you take away the repeated takes in the complete score, you're left with 62 minutes; and most of what is missing is repetitive or stinger cues...

Very happy with this GNP album. :)

02-21-2011, 03:02 AM

02-21-2011, 03:43 AM
TY babydoll. I love James Horner's early stuff and this is one of my guilty pleasure movies. Not the best scifi movie out there, but still fun to watch John Boy in outer space.

02-21-2011, 03:45 AM

02-21-2011, 03:50 AM
Honest question... I like garbage sci-fi as much as the next guy (or gal). Is it worth actually watching this film? I haven't seen it but feel like I should... After all, it has tits and a great score - two of my favourite things...

02-21-2011, 03:53 AM

02-21-2011, 04:48 AM
Yeah, the more intoxicated the better. It's been a few years since I've watched it myself. It was kinda crappy back then, so I it can't hold up that well. My 3 favorite things about it are the ship, Cybil Dannings chest and the music.

02-21-2011, 04:51 AM
I just found it as a download... Call me crazy. First thing that jumps out at me is that the credits look exactly like Star Trek II! It's not just Horner that got carried over I see...

I think I will leave this until Saturday, get very drunk, and watch it with the missus. Looks like an absolute piece of crap. But fun.

02-21-2011, 05:31 AM
Thanks Babydoll. I didn't know there was an official release of this.

02-21-2011, 06:52 AM
Where'd you get this? LzTr or WhatCD? I ripped a flac of this on both sites.

02-21-2011, 06:55 AM

Ranged Weapon
02-21-2011, 03:36 PM
I know complete everything-but-the-kitchen-sink score advocates will be seething as I say this... but the album release of BBTS really does include pretty much everything noteworthy from the score.

Yup, SEETHING! *seeths* but i do get your point tangotreats. It's just those little missing bits that people, including me, come to love, like the Gelt's arrival track from the recording sessions. Loved that missing cue since forever. Thanks for both these posts babydoll.

02-21-2011, 03:39 PM
True, true. Just wanted to make the distinction... There are so many albums out there which conspicuously miss off great chunks of very important score and that grossly need expansion. This one, by contrast, is already 95% complete and the missing stuff - whilst it would be great to have it - doesn't really qualify as essential.

02-21-2011, 03:59 PM
Listening to this confirms that all I really need from horner is Krull, ST2, ST3, and Legend of the Fall. Most of this I feel like I'm just listening to ST2 but with even more annoying metalic percussion.

02-21-2011, 04:24 PM

02-21-2011, 11:14 PM
True to your word

Thank you so much Babydoll

02-22-2011, 01:20 AM
Well, it's Corman produced, but it has a lot of up and comers working on it. Aside from Horner for the music, John Sayles did the script, (as a parody/remake of Magnificent Seven, Robert Vaughn is even playing the EXACT same character,) James Cameron did the space ships. It's fun. It looks a lot better than it has any reason to, and they don't ask the audience to vest emotion into something they can't deliver. In a word, adorable.

02-22-2011, 04:26 AM
l love the references to Goldsmith's Star Trek TMP and that blaster beam. Naughty naughty, James.

02-22-2011, 10:32 AM
I do find a certain charm in this that isn't present in ST2... not that ST2 doesn't have charm, but this is a different sort. I think another reviewer described the whole score as "reckless abandon" and that seems a good description to me... it's this bizzarely hyperactive, ham-fisted score that throws in absolutely everything and hopes for the best. Even the atrocious orchestra somehow contributes to the atmosphere. Where ST2 is slick and professional, BBTS is rough and comparitively amateurish. It feels less like the impeccable product of an expensive studio project, and more like a bunch of stupendously enthusiastic people absolutely going for it - they're in over their heads (yes, Horner too) and they know it and they're loving every minute of it.

02-22-2011, 10:47 PM
I LOVE this score. I think it was the most memorable score of it's day for me... even more than even star wars ! and that's saying something.

I couldn't say why it lodged in my memory like it did but i remember being thrilled to get the LP and playing it over and over. I was disappointed that the HEPHAESTUS STATION track was not on the soundtrack but overall the majority of the score is here.

As for watching the movie... Just remember it's a Roger Corman project and you should be watching with the eyes of an eight to 12 year old or dial your brain to a setting just above coma and enjoy.

04-08-2012, 04:50 PM
I was able to track down a 1998 bootleg version by Star Records and I was wondering if any of the official american editions are of different quality. The time durations are similiar but the first official version was in 2001 by GNP Crescendo then later repressed in 2011 by BSX and Rhino.
While it is most unlikely that the official GNP should have the same quality I just could not track down any mp3 versions to compare the quality.

Is anyone having the GNP or BSX versions?

04-09-2012, 06:45 AM
I was able to track down a 1998 bootleg version by Star Records and I was wondering if any of the official american editions are of different quality. The time durations are similiar but the first official version was in 2001 by GNP Crescendo then later repressed in 2011 by BSX and Rhino.
While it is most unlikely that the official GNP should have the same quality I just could not track down any mp3 versions to compare the quality.

I'm sure the bootleg version is a few steps down from the GNP pressing's which where taken from the master recording tapes, but you do lose quality going from...say 6 inch tape down to 2 inch or in this case CD. Be that as it may, I do have the GNP CD so here is the link:


Is anyone having the GNP or BSX versions?

04-09-2012, 03:48 PM
I'm sure the bootleg version is a few steps down from the GNP pressing's which where taken from the master recording tapes, but you do lose quality going from...say 6 inch tape down to 2 inch or in this case CD. Be that as it may, I do have the GNP...

Thanks very much for the link but after having triple-checked the waveforms I just cannot hear much difference with the bootleg version... even if there is some difference:

GNP Crescendo GNPD 8075

Stars Records SCD-98427

The source was most likely the same (the final mixes to a 1/4 inch master tape) even if the transfer was a different one. Some spikes of the waveform are a tiny bit more pronounced on the bootleg (possibly a different audio engine/algorithm).
I cannot spot extra hiss but on the bootleg version the fades look more like they were on the original master while the official release smoothered them out.

Just in case you wish to add the bootleg replica released three years earlier to your collection. :)

04-10-2012, 06:45 AM
Your right!! there is very little difference...GNP is known for doing the job on the cheap. It looks like someone got a hold of the master tapes and did a better job of transferring the tracks...of course I'm not a professional audio engineer and I'm almost deaf in my right ear, so I'll defer to your judgment. :)


05-16-2012, 02:50 AM
Hey guys!, Where is the link to this one?

05-20-2012, 02:59 PM
Battle Beyond The Stars / Humanoids From The Deep (GNPD 8075)
� 2001 GNP Crescendo Records

from Battle Beyond the Stars

01. Main Title (02:01)
02. Malmori Rear Guard (03:52)
03. The Battle Begins (04:34)
04. Nanelia And Shad (01:27)
05. Cowboy and The Jackers (03:37)
06. Nanelia's Capture (01:30)
07. The Maze Battle (03:12)
08. Shad's Persuit (03:23)
09. Cowboy's Attack (01:46)
10. Love Theme (03:53)
11. The Hunter (01:41)
12. Gelt's Death (01:31)
13. Nanelia (01:33)
14. Heading For Sador (01:00)
15. Destruction Of Hammerhead (02:37)
16. Epilogue / End Title (05:04)

from Humanoids from the Deep

17. Main Title (02:28)
18. The Buck-0 (03:46)
19. Unwelcome Visitor (02:03)
20. Night Swim (01:48)
21. Jerry And Peggy (00:58)
22. Trip Upriver (01:59)
23. The Humanoids Attack (02:55)
24. Jerry's Death (02:05)
25. Search For Clues (01:56)
26. Strange Catch (01:07)
27. The Grotto (03:22)
28. Night Prowlers (02:08)
29. Final Confrontation (03:05)
30. Aftermath and New Birth (02:23)
31. End Title (02:12)!KEV21KwA!mfKoFj7ZnZlfY9z17fYEClHCgK_ufpwv0wCcf9v sb80!zJVV0BBJ!pQUENdYw9PRPiE-SWuCsGeN2VTZP8GmYgG3Y79X4xNc!6J920bxK!Sbs5c3-yIlUFs4KFd6aKAVFr54p9T1xJFr2MHod7J94

Battle Beyond The Stars / Humanoids From The Deep (SCD-98427)
� 2011 Stars Records

from Battle Beyond the Stars

01. Main Title (02:01)
02. Malmori Rear Guard (03:52)
03. The Battle Begins (04:34)
04. Nanelia And Shad (01:28)
05. Cowboy and The Jackers (03:37)
06. Nanelia's Capture (01:29)
07. The Maze Battle (03:12)
08. Shad's Persuit (03:24)
09. Cowboy's Attack (01:46)
10. Love Theme (03:53)
11. The Hunter (01:41)
12. Gelt's Death (01:31)
13. Nanelia (01:33)
14. Heading For Sador (01:00)
15. Destruction Of Hammerhead (02:36)
16. Epilogue / End Title (05:02)

from Humanoids from the Deep

17. Main Title (02:28)
18. The Buck-0 (03:46)
19. Unwelcome Visitor (02:03)
20. Night Swim (01:49)
21. Jerry And Peggy (00:58)
22. Trip Upriver (01:59)
23. The Humanoids Attack (02:55)
24. Jerry's Death (02:05)
25. Search For Clues (01:56)
26. Strange Catch (01:07)
27. The Grotto (03:23)
28. Night Prowlers (02:08)
29. Final Confrontation (03:05)
30. Aftermath and New Birth (02:23)
31. End Title (02:11)!A4tlyKIQ!wZKFq_2G5m2WQViX0y8_rkcyWk_V2WGBq32qoXC u5FA!whNDEYxZ!Q9qVyI-m4LRWK_XNDq1PSy0Z528R2Klk0Aqbnz1iS7Y!totRAQ6C!0dO2trTNCGn_GN5NBLY8yJp2z4mvJmaryB7m7-ujh3M


Comments :

Battle Beyond the Stars: (James Horner) The New World Pictures studio headed by Roger Corman was at the height of its ambitions in 1980, determined to not just fill the screen with B-rate science fiction and horror trash but actually compete with the major blockbuster franchises already established in cinema at the time. Undoubtedly, Battle Beyond the Stars was a response to the space opera phenomenon caused by Star Wars, and its plot involves mercenaries hired to protect a distant farming colony from nasty aliens. The character-driven picture features a dose of Corman's usual flesh on display, though the special effects of starship combat were akin to television's Battlestar Galactica in their general design. Most of the movies that came out of Corman's troop were undeniably trashy, but that group did include several big names that would go on to mainstream greatness, including Ron Howard and James Cameron. Both directors eventually used the services of composer James Horner, who himself was a Corman regular during the initial years of his career. Horner was fresh out of his doctorate education in music composition and theory when he landed the position with Corman, making his story initially very similar to Cliff Eidelman's, especially with their overlapping involvement with the "Star Trek" franchise. His score for Battle Beyond the Stars was among the later in the rather impersonal collaboration, and it had far more of a lasting impact on the direction of the composer's career than other Corman entries. For Horner's collectors, it's a bit strange to go back and revisit Battle Beyond the Stars, if only because it came at a time during which not one listener could compare the music to a previous Horner score. Ironically, though, being the first entry in an illustrious career doesn't automatically mean there isn't some borrowing to be heard. Horner's writing has always been a hotbed of controversy regarding his tendency to borrow material from himself and others, though Battle Beyond the Stars was a case of temp track emulation of the highest order. Despite this obvious reality, the score directly caused Horner's employment on Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and an acquaintance with Battle Beyond the Stars art director James Cameron that may have likely led to his troublesome assignment on Aliens.

Being the young, impressionable composer at the age of 26 in 1980, Horner freely admits that he was strongly influenced by the works of other composers when assembling Battle Beyond the Stars. In interviews done early in the decade, Horner went so far as to admit that Jerry Goldsmith was an enormous influence for him in the earliest days (not to mention some unsavory rumors about Horner's involvement with Goldsmith's daughter), explaining some of the overlaps in electronic experimentation with the orchestra and other various rhythmic similarities. He could also provide several names of classical composers whose motifs were inspiring to him then (and for many years to come). Thus, at a time when Horner was too young to rip off his own material, he took the opportunity to quote some recent favorites. In the case of Battle Beyond the Stars, Corman was looking for music similar (if not identical) to Jerry Goldsmith's Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and it was ironically Horner's ability to so well incorporate that material into his own that he got noticed. As one must recall, the early 1980's were the time when space fantasies and sword and sorcery films were at their height, with John Williams and Jerry Goldsmith re-establishing the power of the full orchestra in film music. Corman wanted to take advantage of that sound, but on a fraction of the budget. Thus, Horner was given only 62 orchestral players with which to simulate the adventurous sound of the London Symphony Orchestra. What surprised everyone is the plain fact that he succeeded. He composed a spirited title theme, a longing interlude for romance, and a Western-styled character subtheme, all of which already exhibiting traits of the composer's style that would dominate his work in the first half of the 1980's. In the end, though, what Horner wrote for Battle Beyond the Stars was simply too complex for the musicians to perform. The composition is superb, but the performance, while inspiring in the enthusiasm drawn from the players by David Newman's conducting, is sometimes badly lacking in the brass section. An entire series of brass performances at 3:40 into "Epilogue/End Title," for instance, is badly mangled. And yet, there's something about the performance mistakes that enhance the Corman B-rate film atmosphere; it fits snugly with the cheesy costumes and sets, and it is no coincidence that the director used Horner's music for the film in countless of his other similarly poor flicks. In retrospect, the music for Battle Beyond the Stars is a riot, one of nearly smirk-inducing fun many decades later.

To a distracting extent, the references to Goldsmith's Star Trek: The Motion Picture are aplenty in Battle Beyond the Stars, with reports existing that the blaster beam in the two scores was even performed by the same musician. The uniquely crisp, metallic edge that no modern synthesizer can imitate is unmistakably joined by familiar rhythms and counterpoint techniques taken directly from the Goldsmith classic. The entire cue "The Battle Begins" pays tribute to the opening Klingon sequence in Goldsmith's score, with whole motifs from the blaster beam and other percussion providing a cheap and light-hearted (but entertaining) imitation. You'll easily recognize the brass Klingon theme altered for use here, as well as the propulsive rhythmic crescendo that exists late in the equivalent battle cues for both scores. The start of "Love Theme" is an even more shameless rip, using woodwinds and piano to affectionately reflect Goldsmith's score with no alteration. It's interesting to note that when Horner was actually hired to work in the "Star Trek" franchise and tasked with writing his own Klingon music, he disappointingly never produced anything as similar to Goldsmith's famous Klingon material as what you hear in Battle Beyond the Stars. In a general sense, it's also intriguing to hear, even beyond all of these obvious influences, the process of Horner testing out the original motifs and ideas that would later become staples of his career. In and around all the obvious borrowings from Goldsmith's Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Alien, and even A Patch of Blue in Battle Beyond the Stars are the fledgling ideas that would later be fleshed out in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Aliens, Cocoon, and even Willow. The raw enthusiasm written into this score is something that slowly taped off as Horner matured, however, leaving classically complex compositions that have rarely matched the brute excitement heard in this 1980 work. This is in part why listeners held on to their LP records of Battle Beyond the Stars for two decades. It's an extremely engaging score, even with all of its performance and recording flaws. Aside from the fanfares, look for highlights in the softer cues like "Nanelia and Shad," which features some alluring translations of the score's themes by an oboe over harp and strings. In 2001, the score finally made the transition to CD courtesy of sci-fi schlock label GNP Crescendo, which combined its contents with Humanoids from the Deep on one product, another Horner collaboration with Corman from the era.

While Humanoids from the Deep came after Horner had matured a little more, it lacks the spunk and personality of the previous score. The performance is significantly better in that work, but the horror genre was not as exciting for Horner as the realm of space had been. Even for a film with massive, evil fish pursuing barely clothed women with giant boobs, the music for Humanoids from the Deep is substantially less interesting. Much of it lingers in the murky depths, and the moments of action are less complex. It is a score of function rather than inspiration, and it remains nothing more than a small footnote in Horner's career. Sound quality was always a problem with these scores, and while Humanoids from the Deep has better clarity than Battle Beyond the Stars, both are afforded superior sound on the 2001 CD release than either the LPs or the CD bootlegs that had been representing these scores by drifting around the secondary market over the course of the late 1990's. The long awaited and readily available GNP Crescendo product made the bootlegs completely obsolete, though the folding of the label shortly thereafter didn't help collectors' prospects. The sound quality in the Battle Beyond the Stars section varies greatly from cue to cue, with some sequences muffled considerably while others are vibrant and impressive. It largely depends on the volume of the individual cues. A 1,000-copy 2011 CD from BSX Records, essentially the GNP Crescendo label rebranded, then presented Battle Beyond the Stars alone with slightly remastered sound (the same label also pressed Humanoids from the Deep alone that year as well). Even here, there are bass artifacts that distract in the later cues. That quickly sold-out CD did add Alan Howarth's source music and sound effects, as well as the decent but not overwhelming City of Prague Philharmonic performance of the main theme from many years prior and released by Silva Screen. The re-recording sometimes suffers from performance flubs itself, again in the brass section, and its gain levels seem to have been pushed too high for this release, yielding frustrating distortion and a tinny sound. Those who already own the 2001 album will really have no need for the 2011 expansion (Howarth's material is impossible to appreciate out of context). On any product, though, the exciting personality of Battle Beyond the Stars can easily make the listener forget about its age and subsequent performance and sound issues. For enthusiasts of both Horner and Goldsmith, the score will be an enjoyable listening experience as long as it isn't taken too seriously. You have to appreciate it for what it is, an exhibition of Horner's youth and a testing ground for ideas to be littered throughout his scores for a decade to come.


Notes :

It seems that both the regular GNP Crescendo release and the preceeding Star Records bootleg versions are collectors' items only and the only sensible thing you can do is supporting the second-hand market at far superior prices than originally marketed. Get the BSX Records re-issues with the extra tracks while they are still available. :)

If you are looking for a password try using the name of the corresponding archive! ;)


05-20-2012, 05:42 PM
thanks ! :D

05-20-2012, 08:02 PM
Thank You guys for all Your help with the links!
I�m forever greatful!

This is are great scores from the master

05-22-2012, 03:56 AM
Thanks for the links! I seem to be having a braindead moment. Perhaps another hint at the passwords please. Thanks. :S

05-22-2012, 11:56 AM
Thanks for the links! I seem to be having a braindead moment. Perhaps another hint at the passwords please. Thanks. :S


05-22-2012, 12:04 PM
Can anyone point me in the direction of the BSX Records version from last year?


05-22-2012, 01:48 PM

05-22-2012, 04:45 PM
Yeah I got the original cd of BATTLE BEYOND STARS (now out of print I believe) from BSX, if there's no link for it here, I may upload it...

05-22-2012, 06:20 PM
Thanks for the links! I seem to be having a braindead moment. Perhaps another hint at the passwords please. Thanks. :S

If you are looking for a password try using the name of the corresponding archive!

So... supposing the name of what you have downloaded is sort of "BOB IS NOT THE PASSWORD.part1.rar"... the password should be "BOB IS NOT THE PASSWORD" without the quotes.

I trust you will overcome that a braindead moment now! ;)

You need to have a higher count of comments to receive PM's ... so keep contributing to the forums so that you might receive the magic words on your inbox! :)

Can anyone point me in the direction of the BSX Records version from last year?


Humanoids From The Deep-James Horner, Christopher Lennertz (
Battle Beyond The Stars: James Horner, Alan Howarth (

Yeah I got the original cd of BATTLE BEYOND STARS (now out of print I believe) from BSX, if there's no link for it here, I may upload it...

... being just 1 year old it is still in print anyway. Get it while it is still on sale. Any second-hand version of the original will have every sort of problems being a 76 minutes long cd. It took me 24 hours with seven different computers and four different programs, XLD, EAC, iTunes, dBPoweramp to get the proper hashset for an AccurateRip cd. I believe it is now perfect matched according to the Accurate Rip database. That's why I have posted the lossless. Not to get anybody undergo the pains I went through...

I cannot tell the same of the Star Records version since the original ripper has done something with the indexes... it should have inverted gaps perhaps, but I left it as I got it after 24 hours of struggles... but I believe the audio is perfect anyway.

05-22-2012, 06:56 PM
... being just 1 year old it is still in print anyway. Get it while it is still on sale. Any second-hand version of the original will have every sort of problems being a 76 minutes long cd. It took me 24 hours with seven different computers and four different programs, XLD, EAC, iTunes, dBPoweramp to get the proper hashset for an AccurateRip cd. I believe it is now perfect matched according to the Accurate Rip database. That's why I have posted the lossless. Not to get anybody undergo the pains I went through...

I cannot tell the same of the Star Records version since the original ripper has done something with the indexes... it should have inverted gaps perhaps, but I left it as I got it after 24 hours of struggles... but I believe the audio is perfect anyway.

It's out of print at major soundtrack outlets like SAE, Intrada or BSX, but yeah Amazon still has some copies left... so if you like the music, buy it, it's certainly worth it (and this comes from a guy who dislikes most of Horner's stuff)

Anyway is it that hard do rip an oversized 76 minutes CD? I must try it...

05-22-2012, 07:03 PM


05-22-2012, 09:48 PM
It's out of print at major soundtrack outlets like SAE, Intrada or BSX, but yeah Amazon still has some copies left... so if you like the music, buy it, it's certainly worth it (and this comes from a guy who dislikes most of Horner's stuff)

Anyway is it that hard do rip an oversized 76 minutes CD? I must try it...

It is not hard at all if your source cd is brand new or kept in fairly good conditions. If you want to buy the original 2001 release (which is the one I preferred not trusting the new re-mastering trends) you can only get it second-hand... and second-hand cd's are not safe to rip when they come out of the jewel case with scratches, cheap supports and countless hours of use. Their audio might be still good to be interpolated by most cd players... (if they can't it will just skip) but when it comes to ripping and you get AccurateRip warning messages... the matter gets tricky.

A lossless backup should be as close to the original source as possible and match the AccurateRip databases (as a rule of thumb). But that's the way I like to do things, you'll get along just being less accurate as I wanted to be.
But since we are leaving something to the people coming after us and the cd is out of print... I'd rather making it as proper as possible.

Just make sure you configure properly your drive, the rest will follow. If AccurateRip database is giving some different matches try re-ripping the track until it matches the database crc's or try different softwares to do that and then mounting the resulting cdimage with Daemon's Tools to test a re-rip... granted you have pasted the same frames exactly where they should be pasted... ;)


<a href="" target="_blank">



God bless the bootleggers and the lucky owners of that double cd! :)

05-22-2012, 11:11 PM
If you are looking for a password try using the name of the corresponding archive!

So... supposing the name of what you have downloaded is sort of "BOB IS NOT THE PASSWORD.part1.rar"... the password should be "BOB IS NOT THE PASSWORD" without the quotes.

Okay... the name of the archive is "JH-BBTS%20HFTD-GNPD%208075.part1.rar", so I tried...


Neither worked.

Am I missing something ?.

05-22-2012, 11:14 PM
That is what I meant in my earlier post, it probably has something to do with their DNA configuration.

05-23-2012, 05:56 PM
May I ask which browser are you using?

I think your browser (or it might be the host server) is adding the "%20" in place of a simple spacing " " (though I have re-downloaded them and did not get such issue).
Name of the archives as uploaded and showing on the host server are: JH-BBTS HFTD-GNPD 8075 & JH-BBTS HFTD-SCD 98427.

So... supposing the name of what you have downloaded is sort of "JH-BBTS%20HFTD-GNPD%208075.part1.rar"... the password should be as suggested a couple of posts back and omitting the "%20" thing obviously... :)

Sorry for the password, but some of the stuff uploaded here on FFS was (and it is still being) sold on eBay with custom covers and the random checks at archives containing a given word are getting lot of stuff removed by the host servers. Though password will not stop such people from selling this stuff with eBay blessing to the matter, it will prevent the deletion of the archive from the host server if password protected. If anyone can thing of a better method please send a PM.

Anyone heard track 25? It has something very familiar though I cannot tell what!

Keep the secret! ;)

05-23-2012, 06:22 PM
Thanks problem resolved. I use safari on my Mac.

05-23-2012, 09:22 PM
I see. I used to have lots of problem when using Safari back when I mostly used the MAC... could not even pay for something on the MAC and slowly I turned to the Windows side...
I switched it on to use XLD to rip the cd actcually! :)

05-24-2012, 04:00 PM
If you are looking for a password try using the name of the corresponding archive!

So... supposing the name of what you have downloaded is sort of "BOB IS NOT THE PASSWORD.part1.rar"... the password should be "BOB IS NOT THE PASSWORD" without the quotes.

I trust you will overcome that a braindead moment now! ;)

You need to have a higher count of comments to receive PM's ... so keep contributing to the forums so that you might receive the magic words on your inbox! :)

Humanoids From The Deep-James Horner, Christopher Lennertz (
Battle Beyond The Stars: James Horner, Alan Howarth (

... being just 1 year old it is still in print anyway. Get it while it is still on sale. Any second-hand version of the original will have every sort of problems being a 76 minutes long cd. It took me 24 hours with seven different computers and four different programs, XLD, EAC, iTunes, dBPoweramp to get the proper hashset for an AccurateRip cd. I believe it is now perfect matched according to the Accurate Rip database. That's why I have posted the lossless. Not to get anybody undergo the pains I went through...

I cannot tell the same of the Star Records version since the original ripper has done something with the indexes... it should have inverted gaps perhaps, but I left it as I got it after 24 hours of struggles... but I believe the audio is perfect anyway.

Thanks for clarifying. I appeared to have made the same error as others with the "%20" inclusion. I'll work on my Post#s ;)

---------- Post added at 09:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 AM ----------

If you are looking for a password try using the name of the corresponding archive!

So... supposing the name of what you have downloaded is sort of "BOB IS NOT THE PASSWORD.part1.rar"... the password should be "BOB IS NOT THE PASSWORD" without the quotes.

I trust you will overcome that a braindead moment now! ;)

You need to have a higher count of comments to receive PM's ... so keep contributing to the forums so that you might receive the magic words on your inbox! :)

Humanoids From The Deep-James Horner, Christopher Lennertz (
Battle Beyond The Stars: James Horner, Alan Howarth (

... being just 1 year old it is still in print anyway. Get it while it is still on sale. Any second-hand version of the original will have every sort of problems being a 76 minutes long cd. It took me 24 hours with seven different computers and four different programs, XLD, EAC, iTunes, dBPoweramp to get the proper hashset for an AccurateRip cd. I believe it is now perfect matched according to the Accurate Rip database. That's why I have posted the lossless. Not to get anybody undergo the pains I went through...

I cannot tell the same of the Star Records version since the original ripper has done something with the indexes... it should have inverted gaps perhaps, but I left it as I got it after 24 hours of struggles... but I believe the audio is perfect anyway.

Thanks for clarifying. I appeared to have made the same error as others with the "%20" inclusion. I'll work on my Post#s ;)

07-30-2013, 01:17 AM
when i try to download the files it just takes to the homepage of am i missing?

07-30-2013, 10:03 AM
when i try to download the files it just takes to the homepage of am i missing?

I'd say the links are dead.

09-01-2013, 02:28 AM
Thank for the initial file. Love old school Horner

08-25-2014, 11:22 PM
Anyone have a re-up of this one by chance?

09-12-2014, 05:24 PM
Anyone have a re-up of this one by chance?

Another request here for a re-up please.

09-16-2014, 05:41 PM

09-16-2014, 06:21 PM
Thank you again for the new links!