01-14-2003, 11:12 PM
i wrote this in a few minutes a couple nights ago, i wasn't really trying to make anything good out of it, just trying to vent.

The "fairies" are trying to reperesent a memory, or emotion that wont let you go, they seem to fly around you, and no matter how hard you try to escape, you are always reminded of that time...

Broken Winged Fairies

Things have changed between us,
Little differences occur,
And swirl around like fairies
Dancing in the moon lit sky,
They surround me; they taunt me,
They force me to look back at the mistakes i made.
Like innocent flowers, they stare at me.
I realise now,
How much i miss you,
They make me miss you.

I want to hold you again
(Although it seems doubtful)
I miss the soft caress of your skin,
The warmth of you next to me,
And the silky touch of your lips against mine,
I want to feel loved again.

01-15-2003, 12:18 AM
What a powerful emotion piece. I'm glad I decided to read it, it was a very powerful and beautifully lyrical symbolic piece.

*exhales* What a mouthful . . . lol I like it. I like it a lot.

An amazing poem. Keep it up. ^_____^

01-28-2003, 03:44 AM
*thumbs up* bery bery nwice.