01-14-2003, 11:46 AM
What was the latest Anime/Manga You saw? Also, you might wanna give them ratings, a one out of ten mark or somtehing. The latest one I saw was Spriggan. It was kinda ok, but it isn't the best and the plotline needs a bit of smoothing. I also saw Armitage: Dual Matrix. It was also very cool, but they seem to be very formulaic. I'd give Spriggan a 6/10 and Armitage: Dual Matrix a 7/10. Both very good animation, but it doesn't have that classic appeal about it.

01-14-2003, 04:52 PM
I've been watching Angelic Layer. Great series by CLAMP :) Very fun indeed. It really pulls you in and makes you want to join in. Nothing overly stellar about the animation, but its quite clean. Classic CLAMP character design. Really bright and colorful. Great opening and endings. I give it a solid 8/10.

Another series I just watched the first ep of, though was impressed with, was Spiral: Bond of Inference. It's got really cool character design and just all-round design. Plot is really interesting. It's actually kind of a mystery show (though not in a Scooby Doo kind of way, though it does have alot of comedy elements). As of right now, I'd give it a 7.5/10, and I do plan on watching more of it.

01-14-2003, 05:06 PM
Review of the anime Fruits Basket's, the lastest i've seen

Since everyone and their brother are Love Hina fans, i thought i'd
recommend another superior alternative. Fruits basket. A heart warming
tale of a modern zodiac fable. Its not heavy on love, and
mainly focuses on friendship development and all around fun. I'm a bit
skeptical on how the popularity is gonna turn out, because funimation seems
to be a love/hate thing nowadays. Well i'm reviewing the first and only disc
that is released "The New Transformation". A highschool student Tohru Honda,
while camping out in the woods while her grandfather is away stumbles upon
a little abode nestled in the forest while walking to school one day. Twelve
Zodiac stones laying on the porch of this house were drying from being painted.
She's startled by the charming, perverted Shigure Sohma who notices her
interest in the idle stones. They talk and blah... blah *skips some* and she's about
to leave and a classmate that lives in the Sohma household joins her. Yuki Sohma,
the "prince" and untouchable stud at her school (He has his own fan club).
ANYWAYS, the Sohma boys eventually invite Tohru to stay at the home till
her grandfather returns, because a landslide earthed her tent. When this happens,
the Sohma's outcasted cousin, Kyo, returns from training in the mountains
enraged to learn that a girl is staying there.In this little chain of events,
Tohru accidently "embraces" kyo and all the boys... and they all turn to
animals of the zodiac!
I won't comment on the visuals because they are beautiful, and that is all.
BUT I will suggest you all download the theme song, which is very nice.

Rating 9.5/10

01-14-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Atom
Another series I just watched the first ep of, though was impressed with, was Spiral: Bond of Inference. It's got really cool character design and just all-round design. Plot is really interesting. It's actually kind of a mystery show (though not in a Scooby Doo kind of way, though it does have alot of comedy elements). As of right now, I'd give it a 7.5/10, and I do plan on watching more of it.

I love the character design. Ever since I saw a picture of the manga, some months before there was an anime of it, I have been longing to get my fingers on this... but it is as if I am cursed... I cannot seem to get it, as if the whole wide world was completely against it!!

So, the last anime I have watched is Cowboy Bebop, episodes 1 and 2, that is. The series started on German MTV last week, proving that all in all MTV dubs are superiour to every other German anime dubs. Oh, and the anime seems good, too, but I suppose most of you already have an opinion on Cowboy Bebop.

Second last was Gensomaden Saiyuki, which I recommend very very much... it is extremely funny... Hm.

The last mangas that I have read were... the first volumes of Fruits Basket, Skip Beat, Kare Kano, God Child/ Count Cain,... yes, a new anthology started in good ol� Germany... hehehe...

01-14-2003, 09:37 PM
Actually, will coincidences never cease, the actual last anime I've seen is Fruits Basket as well and it is hillarious

01-14-2003, 11:08 PM
The most recent series I just finished was RahXephon. I haven't had the time to watch that much anime. I had to watch this series over the summer. I also watched Full Metal Panic this summer. Both are quite good, but not really something that sticks in your mind.

Forgot to give ratings...
I give 8.4/10 to Full Metal Panic, and 7.8/10 to RahXephon. Those are considered to be really good scores, because I'm a pretty tough marker.

01-15-2003, 12:45 AM
Well, a while ago I just watched the Love Hina anime and the Love Hina manga. Both are awesome! Manga is better than the anime however. I give Love Hina (the anime) 9.0/10.0

David F
01-15-2003, 09:19 AM
For me it was Escaflowne: The Movie, I really liked it, it�s pretty much like the show only without some of the main cast of the tv version. Beyond that though it�s pretty rockin�, a lot darker and serious than its counterpart but yea pretty damn good. 8/10

Enigmatic Angel
01-15-2003, 12:23 PM
recently i got Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 box set and i watched that....

i like it.....

I know its kinda old and all, but still it is good...so dunt knock it....

01-17-2003, 11:11 AM
If you don't count seeing animes for the second or more times.. Evangelion, and The End of Evangelion. It was definately the weirdest anime I've seen. @_@;

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
01-17-2003, 07:31 PM
I was lucky enough to spot this video in a shop downtown, the video was called 'Devil Man' I hope some of you have heard of it.
But it is extremely good, it's packed with action but it has an excellent storyline, it is indeed a rare find. I would give this a 8-9/10. It was very good a recommendation to those who aren't sqweemish in anyway.

Though the video only has two episodes of the series, it is all they've released on video outside of Japan. The episodes are about 50 minutes long each. It is a dissapointment they haven't released more though. But I've watched the two episodes loads since I've got it.

01-17-2003, 08:10 PM
Well, I'd just gotten Ah! My Goddess The Movie on DVD earlier today, but I'd already seen it fansubbed over a friend's house a few months previously, so I guess that doesn't count.

Otherwise, I helped introduce a mate of mine during Christmas to Vandread, and he's now hooked on it, after we watched over two-thirds of the anime in one night! I've also been watching Final Fantasy Unlimited fansubbed, but as I'm getting them on VCD from a mate, it's taking time (right now, I'm only up to episode 9), so I've still got a long way to go.

Ms. Shimizu
01-17-2003, 08:17 PM
Inuyasha (which is the latest for me) I give it a 9 out of 10.

01-19-2003, 01:34 AM
Last Thursday me and my friends had out anime night and we watched the first episodes of Wolf's Rain (http://www.animenfo.com/anime.php?id=1141">.hack//Legend of Twilight's Bracelet</a> (new .hack TV series), <a href="http://www.animenfo.com/anime.php?id=1129">Macross Zero</a>, <a href="http://www.animenfo.com/anime.php?id=1143">Stratos 4</a>, and first 2 eps of <a href="http://www.animenfo.com/anime.php?id=1138). All of which were quite cool and are worth checking out.

01-20-2003, 04:39 AM
Hmm, new anime ehh. I still am a good fan of Hand Maid May, which is funny and surprising cute. However Inuyasha is amazing will it's newest season bringing it closer to 80 episodes I know of. For a rather computer tech/religion based anime try Serial Experiment of Lain which is still hardt o find in the US, order it from japan or calfornia for the best deal.

01-21-2003, 04:41 AM
Inuyasha (which is the latest for me) I give it a 9 out of 10.

9 out of 10? :( *kicks* ^__^ j/k
I've been watching Inuyasha too. I like it very much. Inuyasha is very drool-worthy. And the story line is very cool. ^_^ I've also been reading Fushigi Yugi...if that counts at all...>_> I'm on Vol. #5 Tamahome has been corrupted ^^;

01-25-2003, 04:21 AM
Hmm, I've started watching Crest of the Stars and Serial Experiments Lain. Both are on TechTv... I've only watched a little. But, since it is friday, I will have time to sit down and WATCH it. Not listen...

01-25-2003, 04:24 AM
i'm starting to watch Fushigi Yuugi. I only saw 1 episode, and that was ep. 4 : ( i wanna see more!

02-04-2003, 08:30 PM
Devil Man >=)

02-06-2003, 04:59 AM
Evangelion, cool anime, characters are cute...Every character in the anime has his/her own personalities (hot-headed Asuka), that makes Evangelion exciting, storyline is hard to get just like that headache Xenogears...

02-25-2003, 07:41 AM
watched the 1st episode of Macross Zero... very very excellent. the dogfights are all beautifully CG rendered. very very nice. :D

Darth Revan
02-26-2003, 06:55 PM

Well, I was introduced to two new animes lately. First one being Vandread : Part Anime, Part CG. I like it, think because I'm a fan of space operas (Star Wars, Star Trek etc, etc.), and there's something about this anime which has drawn me to it.

The next one, isn't really a new one, although my friend Enkidoh, has tried numerous times to get me hooked on it. Now, I have succumbed to it. Oh! My Goddess. Thanks to him, I have become entranced with it, to the point I'm even considering getting some of the manga's, even the figures.

However, as I'm in Australia, I'm currently awaiting the release of Trigun, the Love Hina Specials, Irresponsible Captain Tylor and, even though it has been released here, Volume 5 of 3x3 Eyes. I've seen the first four, but not the finale and it is annoying me greatly, as to not being able to see it.