Darth Revan
02-18-2011, 12:57 PM
Been looking over my old games, and been thinking of my favorite characters from them. So thought I'd ask the forum who their top five favorite videogame characters are. Just list your top five, with a pic, name of the game they're from and why they're your favorite. One request... please NO RPG characters OR Final Fantasy Characters. This is for General videogames only thanks.

In no particular order:

Sam & Max.
Sam & Max Hit The Road
I remember playing this game years ago and loving it for it's zany, madcap and hilarious antics. I just wish LucasArts didn't focus solely on Star Wars games, and kept making games like this.

Solid Snake
Metal Gear series
Snake is a great character, akin to Kurt Russel's character in Escape from New York/L.A., with a daunting task ahead of him in each adventure, but he still comes through strong.

Ryo Hazuki
Shenmue series
Another one with a mission, to avenge the death of his father. Throughout both Shenmue games we see how he evolves from a man seeking vengeance, into a rounded and determined character.

Johnny Gat
Saints Row series
Crazy, insane, psychotic, loves his guns and sarcasm, Johnny Gat is the quintessential second in command for any gang. Add in his loyalty to his colors/boss, and he's a loyal, faithful henchman.

and finally...

Xiahou Dun
Dynasty Warriors series
Another loyal henchman, who faithfully follows orders from his lord Cao Cao, but also does question them if he dislikes them (as seen in Dynasty Warriors 4, during the CS prior to the battle against Yuan Shao's forces).

02-18-2011, 10:49 PM
I won't go through the hassle of posting pictures because I honestly can't be bothered doing it.

In no particular order:

Dante from the Devil May Cry series. I like his cocky attitude and unlike most in the real world that are cocky, he can back his shit up. Plus I find him funny at times.

Sonic from Sonic The Hedgehog series. Mainly because I like him much better than Mario.

Ansem from Kingdom Hearts 1. Me and him share a few of the same ideals.

Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. I don't care if I can't include him but he, to me, is a symbol of the exact kind of person I was when I was younger. Of course we might not be so different now as we still act pretty much the same, but what I think is a lot darker than what he would think.

Emile or however it's spelled from Halo: Reach. I like how even at the very end, he didn't go out without a fight. I have respect to those who will face death with no fear and even if they know their time is almost up, that they don't give in. Plus that's the kind of person I am. Intimidate me with death? That's fine. But if I go I'll make sure I'll take you with me.

Darth Revan
02-18-2011, 11:37 PM
The reason I said no RPG/FF characters in this thread, is because I am going to make similar threads like this in the RPG subforum and General FF subforum... but w/e.

Jitan Toraibaru
02-18-2011, 11:43 PM
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
I respect his drive for the truth and his endearingly silly mannerisms...plus the games are just awesome!

Godot (Ace Attorney)
Coffee drinking prosecutor of win who has an awesomely tragic past...I love the guy a great deal for being a cocky bastard, but I feel sorry for him owing to his circumstances...

Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic series)
Blue Blur I grew up with in my childhood...always gonna have a soft spot for him!

Sissel (Ghost Trick)
I fucking loved this guy, even moreso when I found out the truth about what he was. The final revelations in this game made me cry...beautifully written game.

Caleb (Blood series)
Badass cowboy style BAMF of the old 1990's FPS series Blood - Totally enjoyable!

02-19-2011, 01:25 AM
Hard... In no particular order either.

Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) - From all the characters that are heroes that save the day. Snake is one of the few that does it for himself.

Dr. Michael Kauffmann (1999 - Silent Hill) - An interesting character from the Original Silent Hill, a character that plays his own agenda & which's goal is similar to the game's protagonist, only that the reasons are different.

Simon Belmont (Castlevania series) - The True Belmont, doesn't need a dialogue to be the greatest vampire hunter in all Castlevania.

Kyle Katarn (Dark Forces Saga) - The Mercenary turned Jedi turned into Dark Jedi & to be turned into Mercenary again to be in the end just a guy with a lightsaber & a few questions.
His personality traits & his way of seeing things instantly turned him into my fauvorite character in the whole Star Wars Universe.

Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango) - One of the best tributes to Haumphrey Bogart & Casablanca, these character has a particular charisma, that I can't really describe.

I'm not convinced from my choices, but that's with what I can come up right now.

02-19-2011, 03:14 AM
Good thread! These are mine:

Alyx & Eli Vance. These two are so tight-knit I figured they could count as one entry. Alyx's calm, collective attitude throughout Half-Life 2 is a welcome addition, and Eli's personality just makes him one of the most memorable characters ever. They're both the kind of character you would be devastated to lose.

Leon S. Kennedy. Need I say more? He's skilled, he's cool, he's badass, and he's equipped with enough one-liners to make Indiana Jones cringe with jealousy.

Nemesis. Now, he may not be much for "character", per se, but no one can play through Resident Evil 3 without constantly hesitating to turn a corner, afraid that he'll be waiting there to attack. He's more than just an enemy. He seems to have a mind of his own and always manages to show up at the most inconvenient times, and where you would never expect him to be. His name is well-deserved.

Alex Roivas (the one on the far left). She is packed with a strong will and very fetching . . . assets that keep the player hooked throughout the whole game. As one of my favorite games of all time, Eternal Darkness would not be the same without this daring central heroine.

Andrew Ryan of Bioshock is one of the most intriguing and misunderstood heroes in video game history. Starting off as what seems to be an antagonistic villain and remaining so throughout much of the game, it isn't until much later that the player realizes the true meaning behind Ryan's actions. He deserves special praise as one of the greatest characters in gaming history.

03-18-2011, 12:29 AM
There are mines with no order:
Yorda (Ico for PS2)
She is so sweet and fragile. Reminds me Rei Ayanami of Evangelion.

Reiko Nagase (Ridge Race 2 for PSP)

One of the best CG characters. It's not a bimbo like most female characters in video games.

Agro (Shadow of the Colossus for PS2)

Throughout the game, we developed a great affection for Agro. It's the only living being with us. The separation at the end is a shock. I almost cried.

Hong Xiu Ying (a.k.a. Lishao Tao) (Shenmue 2 for Dreamcast/XBOX)

She is so beautiful. It's a good reason enough, right?

Tsuzurao (Okami for PS2/Wii)
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlg8gFdjjIqF2uNMI6nIaqFnCdyxQ6T 7FEH5IPDVEXLV0-Akyc
I'm so ashamed. What a perverse i am.

03-18-2011, 03:58 AM
geee, ive played so many games (over 2000) to narrow all the characters i like to a top 5... but ill try.

in no order, and characters that were born in videogames:

ayane, from DOA
rebecca chambers - phisically my dream girl.
yuffie from ff7
moira - fallout 3 (tell me, where THE FUCK do people see a mustache in her? plus i love her voice and how her head moves when she says " ill buy whatever youre selling")

and... oh man, this is gonna be hard... uh... let me take a moment. ok, got it.
my final character is:

adult malon/cremia from the legen of zelda oot/MM. many where the times when i helped her carry her milk bottles ONLY to get a hug from her. that was entirely worth it.

03-22-2011, 09:18 PM
1. Argo from Shadow of the Colossus. Almost cried at the end :(
2. Leon Kennedy because he's a badass.
3. I agree with CC in saying Andrew Ryan. He's such an interesting character.
4. I know Mass Effect is an RPG but I have to say Commander Shepherd because he is basically my all time favorite video game character ever. The beginning to Mass Effect 2 was the coolest thing I've ever seen.
5. Klonoa from all of the Klonoa games. The ending to Door to the Phantomile was so cute >.>

Darth Revan
03-22-2011, 11:47 PM
4. I know Mass Effect is an RPG but I have to say Commander Shepherd because he is basically my all time favorite video game character ever. The beginning to Mass Effect 2 was the coolest thing I've ever seen.

You win with that lol

03-23-2011, 02:03 AM
Sonic & Tails
Ryo Hazuki
Solid Snake (up to MGS 4)
Scarecrow from Arkham Asylum

03-23-2011, 05:44 PM
Hmmm...like this idea, Lord Revan. I may cheat on a few of them here...

Kenshiro - Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage

Nothing more need be said about this manly man. He defends the weak, inspires hope wherever he goes, and even if he IS beaten, it never stops him from coming back later to kick even more ass!

Garrett and Benny - Thief series

I had to lump these two together. Garrett's just plain cocky, and he's got reason to be; he stole from a GAWD, for cryin' out loud! How many can lay claim to that? And as for Benny...dear Lord in heaven. Listen to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-V9T0SiWvA), and tell me you don't immediately love him.

47 - Hitman series

Pretty much an even more no-nonsense version of the Punisher, 47's a practical man...he'll take out the target with hedge clippers if need be!

Vergil - Devil May Cry 1, 3

I'm gonna buck the trend here. Dante's a little too flamboyant for my tastes, though he does have moments where I cannot deny his awesomeness. Vergil, on the other hand, is all business. The only time he lets a little bit of flamboyance and cockiness show is when he fights Dante. And besides, who else could reflect bullets by catching them in the vacuum of his twirling sword?!?

Sonic - Sonic series

As long as it's pre-SA2, Sonic has been great, and a firm part of my childhood. I still love the old commercials with that wrinkly old hag who tried to tell people why Sonic was a 'bad influence'.

03-23-2011, 06:22 PM
Chris Redfield
Zero (from Mega Man X)

06-26-2011, 03:29 AM
Paxton Fettel (FEAR Series): This Cannablistic psychic commander has been scaring the bejesus out of me since the first game.
John Marston (Read Dead Redemption): Stops at nothing to save his family, and is forced to kill his former gangmates and pays the ultimate price for his family's freedom
47(Hitman Series): Cool under pressure, supremely gifted in killing, and a penchent for expensive black suites.
Altair(Assassin's Creed Series): While pretty much having the personality of a homicidal toaster, his legacy is far reaching in the AC timeline.
Niko Bellic (GTA IV): Comes to America, based on false promises only to discover the American Dream is a sham and his forced into a life of crime and an old vendetta with a former traitor.

Sorry for short Description just dont want to have to post whole paragraphs.

Mercenary Raven
06-26-2011, 04:51 AM
No particular order:

Naked Snake in MGS3..... MGS3 is my favorite MGS game ever and I loved Snake in the game. So tragic...

Can't wait until that HD remake.

I liked General Gismor. Cliche villain, kind of a shithead, but Goddamn Nowe is a retard and Gismor's the only one that takes it upon himself to absolutely troll the fuck out of Nowe. It's hilarious reading the LP of Drakengard 2 and seeing all this stupidity go down...... on top of Gismor's random FUCK YOUs to Nowe. I know it's an RPG, but it's also H&S and I won't post this in a hypothetical RPG forum thread.

But talking seriously for Drakengard...

Caim and Angelus. Yep. Atypical JRPG protag stuff aside, I thought their characters were the only good things about Drakengard; I loved their characters so much. Caim has nothing in his mind but wrath towards the empire after seeing his gentle father get brutally murdered at the hands of Empire Black Dragons. It was implied he was gentle before this, given his sword's history, because he idolized his gentle father. But after seeing that there was nothing on his mind but revenge towards the Empire. It went beyond his own need to protect his own sister, who took the burden of the goddess upon her; his only motive in life (up until meeting Angelus) was to see the Empire and everyone who was apart of it burn to ash. In order to survive a fatal injury (due to his indulging in killing many Empire soldiers, and thus losing his guard), he made a pact with the dragon (whose name is later revealed to be Angelus) against his own will so he could live. This caused him to lose his voice and the only thing you ever learned of Caim's thoughts were what he communicated through Angelus... even then, Angelus said that there was only murder on his mind, especially after they murdered his sister.

Angelus and Caim start out absolutely hating each other, and Angelus starts out hating humanity for binding her as they did; but towards the end they form an extremely special comradery that causes Caim to cry upon her becoming the seal. She becomes a seal (after Furiae's death and the chaos) to protect Caim and all humans because her fondness for them (and especially Caim) grew. Caim did not even shed a tear for his sister's death but he weeped when Angelus became the seal.

Within the next 18 years, he killed a great general and Verdelet, the men responsible for placing harsher chains on angelus and making her suffer more. His only mission when he learns of the true pain that Angelus was going through was to free her, even if it meant breaking the world. Yes, this allowed him to kill a lot more, but he more or less killed any single human being standing in his way (especially the Knights of the Seal because he felt the same way towards them as the Empire and their Black Dragons). This eventually lead to this scene:


Possibly one of the saddest scenes I have seen in a video game, Drakengard 2's stupid as shit plot notwithstanding. He smiled to Nowe to setting them free before fading to ash with Angelus. Truly a vengeful man, but I bet his death had finally soothed a vengeful heart. I feel like Caim/Angelus were pretty complex characters even though everyone (due to TheDarkId playing up everyone's flaws to a humorous degree) thinks he's a sociopath that enjoys murder. Everyone else in the series is either too fucking stupid (everyone else) or flawed (...Leonard) to truly like. Except Urick. But Urick's ok as a character anyway. I thought I needed to explain why I liked a Drakengard character.

50 years old and still going ham. Kudos to you, Julius Belmont.

Nathan Graves....... non-Belmont that f'd Dracula in the A. His boxart art is a lot better than his regular art since he always looks somewhat deformed in his regular art. But yeah, Castlevania had a ton of chars so I just chose two from them.

Trying to think of a #5.... Gismor was a funny one, but I didn't post that seriously. He's an asshole... I didn't like him, but The Dark Id really played up how much he hated Nowe to a hilarious degree.

Little Gray is my #5! Sorry for two MGS's :(


He goes ham every day of his life.

execrable gumwrapper
06-26-2011, 11:05 AM
In no particular order:

Fenix from Starcraft
Jester from Devil May Cry 3
Alistair from Dragon Age
Falco from StarFox
Knuckles, but only from Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

06-26-2011, 11:32 PM
In no particular order.

Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 4)
Cole MacGrath (inFAMOUS)
Bowser (Super Smash Bros.)
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

07-31-2011, 06:00 PM
Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie) - Her personlaity and usfullness it what I like about her
Kumatora (Mother 3) - Again, personality and the fact that she can use two of the most powerful PSI moves in the game.
Peach (Super Mario) - Always liked her since I played Mario Kart 64 and the only female video game character I knew of until Kazooie.
Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island) - His lines are hilarious!
Kirby - He is just so cute!

08-01-2011, 05:51 AM
after playing catherine, i MIGHT have to exclude ayane and put catherine in there.

08-01-2011, 07:24 AM
All five are my cowgirl Courier. She goes deathclaw huntin' with a six shooter and a bottle of whiskey.

Lucky, 10 Luck, More criticals, better criticals, cowboy, first recon cap and josh graham armor, + that perk that gives you more crits when you wear light armor I forget what it's called = destroy everything with a pistol.

08-01-2011, 07:24 AM
Jack Skellington

08-15-2011, 08:42 AM
I like Thief (Garrett) ,2.Hitman, 3.Tony (Mafia), 4.Lara Croft, 5.Snake(MGS).