01-13-2003, 07:56 AM
The sea reddens think with the blood of men
The smell of death is like fuel to my strength
I become stronger with every breath
Every move sends tremors across the earth

People run and scream
Panic paints every corner
Every word a cry of terror
For my armies have burned and pillaged

The armies of the dreadlord soldires march
They know the call
Death awaits those who do not kneel to my will
And in death lies eternal misery

As the fires burn
My power grows
And with it grows an empire
Bigger than any kingdom
Stronger than any mountain

I am here now
Looking over my handy craft
I see far and wide
And all shall revere and honor me

I walk in the shadows
The shadows come to my call
Nothing is left unturned
Nothing can escape

01-14-2003, 05:57 AM
Heh, I like the theme for your poems Phill and that poem was fairly good. But you might want to change your theme so people don't think your copying Lord Of The Rings. Just a piece of friendly advice ^_^

You can take it or leave it. Anyhoo, keep on writing! ^_^

01-16-2003, 10:40 AM
It's more ispired by Wheel of Time that lotr, actualy. Besides, no copy righted names or places were used. All in all I appreciate the advice :)

01-18-2003, 10:09 AM
Well, I like a poem with good flow...that really had no flow at all. But it was really well-written...

01-27-2003, 11:08 AM
I'm working on these skills, and trying to invent other methods. It really is an artform just to get right. I will improve over time. :)