Dark Mist
01-13-2003, 03:02 AM
I really need help with this...ok i want to get squalls final weapon because it looks really cool but i need 12 pulse ammo and it isnt easy to get so i need to know every way possible to get pulse ammo thanks :D

01-13-2003, 03:35 AM
You have the Adamantine and 4 dragon skins? (might be dragon fangs instead of skins) If you have them, i assume you have the Ragnarok and are after the Lunar Cry. Now, go to Esthar and when you get to the first crossroads, take the path coming towards the screen. If you have Bahamut's Rare-item ability, put it on, it'll help get it easier. Turn Diablos' ENC-NONE ability on, to get there quicker. Now, you should pass a save point, and another screen that's just straight. When you get to the next intersection where there's a road going up and to the right, go up. In the next screen, go right, down the stairs and talk to that guy that's there. He'll laugh and you'll battle Eleanor. Eleanor isn't hard if you have Doomtrain. Try stealing off it first, then when you win, you'll hopefully get an energy Crystal or two. (you can also get these off Behemoth if you're on Disk 4. He's around Esthar City) Now, use Ifrit's AmmoRF ability to refine your energy crystals (you'll need two) into Pulse Ammo. If you have any problems with what i said or question etc...PM me. I'm on here a lot.