Dark Mist
01-12-2003, 06:16 PM
I was just wondering some things about FF8's ending you know how Squall is lost in the desert or whatever and then the feather falls from the sky and Squall grabs it and has all these flashes of Rinoa and at the end of them Rinoa finds him and he seems pretty well dead.. but when Rinoa hugs him the bright light comes out and well i guess you could say fills the world with "goodness"
and she looks at squall with a happy face even tho it doesnt show Squalls face. Then at the end it shows Rinoa on the balcony of the flying Balmb Garden and at first it shows her alone but then it shows Squall beside her and they are happy and smiling even tho earlier Squall looked pretty dead to me. So whats your opinion on the ending is Squall still alive did the "power of love" or some thing like that keep him alive?

This has been bugging me for a while :eye:

01-12-2003, 10:07 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">This is how I always saw the ending...

Everyone was stuck in the future due to the time compression, and they all needed to get back to the rpesent. Remember that Laguna said that in order to exist in the future they all had to believe in each other's existence? Squall wasn't able to get back until he remembered Rinoa. He was stuck in the future, running around everywhere trying to find her, and just trying to picture her face, but he couldn't find her and he was forgetting her.

His life was flashing before him, and things got confused; he just had to try everything he could to find Rinoa and meet with her. However, things changed. When he saw the space suit break that Rinoa was in, he remembered her just then. It was too late though; he knew he had to get back quick. he then saw the feather and rememebred that he promised to meet Rinoa in the flower fields. He went there and found her, and then everything turned out good from there. :D

01-13-2003, 12:06 AM
Yeah, I think that the reason that Rinoa smilied at the end was because Squall woke up or something to that effect. I don't really think he was dead, maybe unconsious or something like that. Really a beautiful ending. ;_;

01-13-2003, 02:16 AM
Oh, wow, this again. My opinion: Squall is not dead. He is there, on the balcony with Rinoa and the scene after the credits. It is not a ghost, it is Squall.

01-13-2003, 04:21 AM
Well, i understood all the squall and rinoa stuff easily, i didn't understand who Laguna married though. Who was that girl that was with him (not Ellone, the other one). Oh well, it's all weird. Seifer smiling lol, that shocked me first time.

01-13-2003, 04:24 AM
Who was that girl that was with him (not Ellone, the other one).
What? That's Raine. He got married to Raine, Ellone's Mom. Right after they show that, you see Laguna putting flowers on her tombstone: Raine Loire. That's why Ellone is Squall's sister. Sis Elle.

01-13-2003, 05:07 AM
That doesn't make sense. Ellone is older when Laguna....oh whatever. I guess it's all stuffed since they're going through time and that. *looks at the cut-scene again on his comp*

01-13-2003, 06:33 AM
I'm not sure how it doesn't make sense. Here's what we know:

- Raine had Ellone as her child at some point, with the father being somebody other than Laguna. Who? Not sure.

- Laguna came to Winhill. There, he met Raine and Ellone, who began referring to him as "Uncle Laguna." When Kiros comes to Winhill, he and Laguna hear a conversation that Laguna says is "girl talk," but Kiros says that something in his heart tells him to listen. In this conversation, Ellone tells Raine that she should marry "Uncle Laguna."

- Laguna continues his journeying and eventually becomes the president of Esthar. But he also rescues Ellone from Odine's laboratory and at some point he marries Raine and they have a child, Squall.

- Ellone ends up at Edea's orphanage and Squall ends up there as well. Squall comes to know Ellone as "Sis Elle."

- In what we consider the "present" of the game, Ellone reappears at Balamb Garden.

- When Squall and Co. meet Laguna at Esthar, you have the option of asking him about Raine. If you do, he says that the story of Raine is too painful to tell. Some other time maybe.

- On the airship Ragnarok, Kiros says that Squall looks like his mother. He then tells him that Ward says that it's a good thing he doesn't look like his father.

- Ending sequence: As Laguna heads down to Raine's grave, we are swept back in time. It's a beautiful moonlit night and Laguna and Raine are outside. Laguna puts an engagement ring on Ellone's finger. We are then swept back to the present (the present now being after everything that happened with the time compression), where we see Raine's grave. It reads Raine Loire.

Edited to add:

Nanaki XIII
01-13-2003, 07:25 AM
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoooa

where does it say in the game Squall is Lagunas son?

01-13-2003, 07:33 AM
where does it say in the game Squall is Lagunas son?
It's never specifically said in the game, however, a lot of people have drawn that conclusion. Here's what they go on:

1. The comments Ward and Kiros make in the airship about Squall looking like his mother and it being a good thing that he doesn't look like his father. :D

2. The fact that in the Laguna sequences, Squall always takes on the role of Laguna, whereas it varies with the other characters.

3. Their similar last names: Leonheart (which was probably a name that Squall adopted) and Loire.

4. The fact that Squall refers to Ellone as "Sis Elle." Of course, he thought of her as a big sister, but she is indeed actually his sister.

5. The fact that we don't specifically know who Squall's father is, so that leaves Laguna open.

Oh, here's another one:

When you're at the prison, the moombas call Squall "Laguna." How do Moombas recognize people? By their blood. So Squall and Laguna must have similar blood.

Just for kicks, here's a page that tries to refute the notion that Laguna is Squall's father (and also tries to explain the ending):

And here's one that tries to retort it and say that Laguna is Squall's father. It points out some of the things I mentioned:

01-14-2003, 12:11 PM
how come you didnt know Squall is Lagunas son???

Heavens Cloud
01-14-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042

- On the airship Ragnarok, Kiros says that Squall looks like his mother. He then tells him that Ward says that it's a good thing he doesn't look like his father.

I do agree with you about Laguna being Squalls father... but i have just finished playing the game again and i dont remember Kiros ever saying that to Squall on the Ragnarok in fact never once while i played was Kiros even on the Ragnarok..... umm i find that a little unusual o_O

01-14-2003, 07:24 PM
I do agree with you about Laguna being Squalls father... but i have just finished playing the game again and i dont remember Kiros ever saying that to Squall on the Ragnarok in fact never once while i played was Kiros even on the Ragnarok..... umm i find that a little unusual o_O
Huh? Kiros, Ward and Laguna are all on the Ragnarok. Go down below the cockpit anytime after you talk with Laguna about the plan to defeat Ultimecia, but before entering the Lunatic Pandora. Go to the briefing room or whatever it's called (it's the room that Squall meets up with everybody in when he first boards the Ragnarok, the one you're in when there's the conversation about just imagining Selphie saying "Whoo hoo! We're flying!) Kiros, Ward and Laguna will all be there. You can challenge Laguna to win Squall's card there (oh, that's another one, Laguna has Squall's card and usually character cards are carried by their parents) and if you talk with Kiros and Ward, you'll get the dialogue I'm talking about.

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
01-20-2003, 07:49 AM
Am I the only one that thought that the ending didn't make any sense, but kicked ass anyway?

See, here's the thing that gets me about the ending: You defeat Ultimecia (the one person trying to achieve time compression), and then time compression kicks in? It makes no sense. It would be like ripping your phone out of the wall, and then proceeding to receive a phone call, like in some stupid horror movie.
Since everything else in the ending is a result of this (which is fine), it doesn't make any sense at all to me.

Could someone explain this to me, if it's possible?

01-20-2003, 08:01 AM
Could someone explain this to me, if it's possible?
The way I understand it is that time compression was already happening. If they hadn't defeated Ultimecia, then things would have been really bad and basically that would have been the end of the world. Defeating her didn't stop it completely, but it accomplished the purpose of stopping it from causing the havoc it would have.

09-18-2004, 01:01 AM
Yes Squall is Laguna's son...I think. Ans yes he's alive. But I'm not too sure Ellone is Raine's daughter. There are two times that I can think of when this is stated in the game.

1) When you first become Laguna in Winhill, before taking Ellone back to Raine's press X in Laguna's house on the left side of the screen downstairs. There are two pictures which are of Ellone's DEAD parents. Laguna then says "Dear Elle's Parent's Ellone has been a very good girl" or something to that extent.

2)At one point when you speak to Laguna, he speaks of her dead parents. Vague I know, but I can't remember when specifically.

If you still don't believe me, go through the game again. But this is just my opinion.