01-12-2003, 09:49 AM
Can't move
Can't breath
Can't make me believe what you believe
I have no feelings
I'm just an object
My life is worthless now
No one can save me
No one can even try
The emptiness is all I have
It's nothing big
It's nothing small
It's just they way it is
The way it will always be
I am gone
I am dead... So how can I say these words?

01-12-2003, 09:51 AM
Good, but it belongs in the 'Fiction and Poetry' forum... Nice though.

01-12-2003, 09:53 AM
Oops my bad >_<
Thanks for the comment :)

01-12-2003, 11:49 AM
That's a good poem for a starter Phill. Encore, encore! *Claps* =D

01-30-2003, 04:02 PM
Yes indeed i too think this is good