01-11-2002, 05:04 AM
<font face="arial narrow" color="75777C" size="-1">*ponders if this topic is in the right forum* :eye:

Anyways, sorry if it's not... but how many of you play this game and/or know what it is? Give your opinions on it and such.

I've been playing it for almost 2 years now... and I <B>still only know the basics! :PuppyDog: Seeing as I only have ONE book on it... Vampire: The Masquerade: Storyteller's Handbook. A gift from Brad (Atom) for my birthday last year... and which is also the <I><U>wrong</I></U> one. :o :o :o I don't storytell, I roleplay. :p Though now that I have this book... I'm seriously considering it. :lol

01-12-2002, 03:37 AM
<font face="arial narrow" color="75777C" size="-1">".........................."

So I'm guessing Vampire: The Masquerade" (http://www.white-wolf.com) is too mature for some of you all. huh? :p Cheap! :o

Nanaki XIII
01-12-2002, 03:57 AM
Ive played it. But D&D is better and personally I like console RPGs better.

Silicon Wolf
01-15-2002, 12:29 AM
I'm not very interested in the Vampire part. I just can't think like a vamp right. On the other hand, if it isn't obvious, I like the Werewolf part of the game, followed by Mage. I haven't had any experience with any of the other playable creatures. I also like D&D, a lot more weirdness in it, but I've unfortunately only played it like 4 times as of the other day.

01-15-2002, 03:44 PM
I've played it a few times, but prefer AD&D X_x It's been a while since I played that game though..
My brother and his friends are huge fanatics of both Vampire and AD&D, and sometimes I join them ^_^;

I like PC and console games better though.. XD

01-15-2002, 06:54 PM
I luuv it! I play Malkavians and Lasombre.

01-16-2002, 02:13 AM
I played it for two years or so. Right around the time those psycho's in florida killed there parents and said they were a vampire cult. ANYWAYS...

I play a 6th generation Assamite

(Dont even start with the ass-mite jokes, ive heard them all)

A 7th generation Setite

And a dead Brujah. I didnt much like him.

Although I no longer play V:TM, I actively play D&D 3rd Edition. Anyone who hasnt played V:TM should give it a try. Set the rumors aside and give it a whirl. Its complex, but its a very stable game. (No conflicting rules)

White wolf was rumored to do the D&D 3rd edition Ravenloft modules...havnt heard anything on it in 6 months or so....

01-22-2002, 10:48 PM
*flexes fingers* ah, first post to this forum . . .

I played the Vampire LARP for 3 years.

2 years before that I ran a World of Darkness game for several months, which included Vampire, Werewolf and Mage characters.

Storytelling is a lot of fun, but I joined the LARP to get away from running the games for a change.

There I played the same character for 3 years.
A Toreador painter that disdains the drinking of blood. When I first started playing him, his sire (also his lover) had been missing for 3 years, last seen in Hong Kong. Over the course of the past 3 years though, he had been raised to Primogen and stepped down, raised to Keeper of Elysium and stepped down, became one of the Prince's confidantes, was reunited with his sire, hunted down the kindred hunting his sire, and was compelled to drink the blood of his sire completely, thus killing her (didn't succeed in Diablerizing her).

long for a first post. but I've lurked long enough. (though this thread looks a little dead)

01-23-2002, 11:53 PM
i was actually looking at this the other night, and was talking to my friend about it. he says it's pretty cool, but didn't go to much indepth, so...if rinoa or garrett or you other avid players (i'm sure i left someone out..sorry) could pm me w/ kind of a rundown of the game, the up's and down's, i'd really like to know if i wanna get it or not. thanks!

01-26-2002, 10:10 PM
I have been unable to play it or D&D....although i have played Rifts. I WANT to play so bad....all ive played is Baldurs Gate 2 for PC.