02-04-2011, 10:10 AM
( (
(Click-able Images)

Known as Pinky Street Kira Kira Pop Princess (Hour) and Pop Town (Night) in the UK, or Pinky Street 1&2 as some might call it. I'm looking for these OSTs. The Forum search function fails me and Google isn't yielding very successful results. Also as far as I know, the OSTs are Japanese releases only so the game's alternate names are irrelevant. I just posted said information for any DS gamers who want to try the game in English.

There is a Music Night Nintendo DS Rip on the forums, but the rip is low quality and doesn't contain the vocal and arranged tracks found on these OSTs. Don't be fooled by the pretty pink boxarts, half of the soundtrack is actually quite enjoyable, and is one of the most underrated DS games no one really played.

Example Track ( - Example Tack Vocaled (

Unfortunately Youtube doesn't have everything. It has only some tracks from one album. If anyone has this, please post it for me/us. Obviously FLAC is the format of choice here.

I can't read Japanese but this link may or may not prove useful. (

05-15-2012, 01:51 AM

God Geese Howard
06-10-2013, 04:02 AM
Bump, as well.

I'm also tryin' to look for these, as well. So glad I had a friend of mine reminded me in search of this.