Heavens Cloud
01-10-2003, 04:59 PM
Ok gather around boys and girls cause its story time ^_^

Todays story is about why i am extremly tired and pissed of this morning... O_o

..Anyways for the last 2 weeks i have been playing FF8, why you ask? because i havent played it since it first came out and that was years ago. I used to think that FF8 wasnt that good and that FF7 was alot better thats why i have played FF7 so may times.... Anywho I decided to give FF8 another chance because it has been so long since i last played it and when i did last play i couldnt focus on it because of stuff that was going on at the time.

So i started playing t again and i fell in love with it... I fell in love with the story line, i fell in love with the relationship between Squall and Rinoa, and i even fell in love with Rinoa o_O who is now my fav female in any final fantasy game.
Ya back to the story so last night i got to Ultimecias Castle so i think to myself dude your stats are awsome get all you magic back and go kill ultimecia. Ya well those of you who have passed the game no its not a 20 min situation. Anyway I finaly get to the savepoint that is right before the last battle he game and it is about 1 am i save and then i think WOOHOO im so gonna end this now because i really want to see the ending its been so long that i cant even remember it. So i killed her i mean i really wasted her.......but.....during the ending maybe half way through probaly not even its at the part where Squall is wondering around and final sits (more of a colapse than sit) my PS2 freezes soi stare at my t.v. (i still cant get through my head what just happened) then i stare some more, then i told myself i was only gonna stare for one min more before i really got pissed of (and people its now 2 AM so its alot more easy to get very emotional when you have lack of seep) so i turned my PS2 of and screamed NOOOOOOOOO

Well thats my story i just had to get that of my chest, itwas either taking my rage out on here or my brother who looks at me this morning and says "wow you sure look tired" Ya that had to be the worst possible place for a game to freeze.. but im still gonna pass it again tonight.....wow i ended up writing alot more than expected :erm:

Weeeeeeee dont you just love story time? ^_^

01-10-2003, 06:37 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">It's annoying when things like that happen. I remember that when I tried replaying the game recently that I couldn't get past the FMV where Balamb Garden starts moving for ages; the only way I could get it to work was by turning the PSX upside down or on its side.

Maybe you should try that with the PS2, try putting it at a different angle, or if you still have a PSX, then just try it in there. The final battle is easy enough assuming you're set up right, so just play it again trying one of those things. If an FMV freezes, turning the console a bit may actually make it work properly without you having to reset... try that, and enjoy the ending. It's really good. :)

01-10-2003, 07:19 PM
Oh man, I know what that's like. Although I played Final Fantasy VIII on computer, not on Playstation, so my troubles were with the computer. But I actually have had that final FMV crash out on me before.

Heavens Cloud
01-10-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Meltigemini
Maybe you should try that with the PS2, try putting it at a different angle, or if you still have a PSX, then just try it in there. The final battle is easy enough assuming you're set up right, so just play it again trying one of those things. If an FMV freezes, turning the console a bit may actually make it work properly without you having to reset... try that, and enjoy the ending. It's really good. :) [/B]

Trust me tried that i turned it every way possible also shook it a few times o_O anyways im gonna go try it again right away it better work this time :notgood:

01-11-2003, 12:36 AM
I hope that you get it to work. You'll be missing one of the best endings ever. I dunno if this would help but if you have a friend that has a PS or PS2 ask him/her if they could lend you their PS and then try beating the game on thier system. Or it could be a disc error. If you know someone who has Disc 4, borrow the disc from them and then beat the game. I hope that helps you.

01-12-2003, 06:05 AM
Don't worry! I've never seen the ending either. I've past the game a 100 times but the ending always crashes, where Squall is wandering around. The boss is not that hard to beat, a few lionhearts and shooting stars and its all over.

Nanaki XIII
01-12-2003, 07:59 AM
Why would you beat the boss 100 times if you cant see the cool ending? thats the whole point of beating the boss.

Heavens Cloud
01-12-2003, 05:10 PM
well i have seen the whole ending now thanks to good old Kazza gotta love it! I downloaded it put it on full screen... and then watched it 3 times in a row ^_^

01-14-2003, 12:56 AM
I was hoping that it will miraculously work one time. Doesn't matter, its fun kicking ultimecia's ass anyways.

01-14-2003, 01:29 AM
lol, i used to get that with my FF7 game. Fricken thing, kept freezing at cutscenes. Curse it to hell.

01-14-2003, 11:59 AM
Ooerr maybe it's me but don't you guys ever 'clean' your consoles? I have an annual clean up every week or so.
I'm currently playing the PS2 all the time, and I clean the disc before putting it in each play, and clean the console after a week. Now I feel like a clean freak. That could be one of the reasons that it froze, or perchance you played it too much for one night.

One word of advice when playing a PSOne game on a PS2 make sure it isn't upright it sounds like it's scratching away or something, it happens to me. I always leave it flat, I dunno why but it's always ok with a PS2 game when I leave that upright. It reads silently like a dream...

01-14-2003, 12:04 PM
Im lucky, my ps1 (now ps2) never crashed at the ending, then ending is a must see!

01-14-2003, 07:26 PM
Riana, how do you clean yours? Just the disc tray and stuff? I'd clean mine, but I'm afraid of screwing something up while trying to clean it.

01-19-2003, 10:18 PM
Agent, you can buy this cd where it has brushes to clean the lens. I already tried it with mine. I don't think my PS is dirty but there is something wrong with my disc.

01-19-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Riana, how do you clean yours? Just the disc tray and stuff? I'd clean mine, but I'm afraid of screwing something up while trying to clean it.

Oh, don't worry about messing up the console. All you need is a dry (I mean extremely dry!) cloth. Yeah, you're right about the disc tray that's essential. Sometimes I take mine apart once a month and clean the fan and stuff at the back. You'd be surprised how much dust is collected. I'm into gadgets so if you too are a gadgety person then you know what you're doing ;)

Originally posted by comrie89

Agent, you can buy this cd where it has brushes to clean the lens. I already tried it with mine. I don't think my PS is dirty but there is something wrong with my disc.

Has this particular disc you have been using been running for more than ooo...say...ten hours or so? If so it may be that the disc is burned from the inside...it happens. That's what happened to my FF7 disc 3.

01-21-2003, 12:52 AM
I don't think I've been running the disc for 10 hours, considering it takes no more than 3 hours to get through that whole 4th disc. There is no scratches on it either. Oh yeah, I tried it on my friends PS and it showed a bit more of the ending but it still froze.

02-06-2003, 08:30 PM
no one will agree with me but, I think that the nintendo cartidges were better. They might not hold as much info but I never had problems with them.

02-08-2003, 05:02 PM
heh....I don't have that problem cus i got FFVIII on computer....and it doesn't really freeze there...

By the way FFVIII is much better on comp the n on ps i tell ya guys

02-09-2003, 12:51 AM
I think everyone will agree that the PC versions of both FFVII and FFVIII, suck. That's the reason they didn't make FFIX or FFX for PC.

02-09-2003, 12:21 PM
The reason they didn't make them anymore on PC was because everyone yust bought them on PS1

If you ever had token the time to play it on PC you would see that it is much better then on PS1

-faster movement through area's
-smoother battles
-movies don't get stuck :D

Don't yudge a thing you haven't played

02-09-2003, 12:27 PM
What makes you assume I haven't played them? I actually own them, and I like the PS1 versions much better.

02-09-2003, 01:19 PM
I�ve had a lot of freezing Final Fantasys in the last few weeks, it�s actually the reason why I am progressing THAT slow with FFX, geez. I can�t find a solution, cleaning sounds cool and all, but tell this to me PS2! It just cannot stand the game, I assume.

Back then when I played FFVIII, it was my TV set trying to cause me heart attacks. The screen just went black at times (the TV set was really really out of order, we don�t have it anymore now!), for example during the ending movie, but we were able to make the picture show again. (By hitting it!)

So... this is why books are better than video games! They don�t crash, they don�t freeze.

But then again... stuff like this makes you really appreciate save points!