01-10-2003, 08:24 AM
A Metal Gear Drama set after the games, Snake has a beautiful son and has settled down with his [yet to be revealed] wife.



The orange glow of the setting sun reflected off the rippling pond, nothing inside the bed of water moved apart from a vehicle, a small two seater row boat. Inside sat a man known by all: David Hayter, once known as Solid Snake. Behind him sat a young boy, no older than six, with lengthy brown hair and innocent eyes. Snake smiled and looked back at the boy.
"Look son..." Snake smiled as he pointed to the sun. "I used to think that just after the sun set there was a space of time, where everything stood still, even time itself... I used to sit there, trying not to move because time wasn't moving... I believed that if you did move, you'd be sent to another world outside of this one..."
"Dad I'm getting scared it's almost dark..." The young boy started to shed a few tears.
"Shh," Snake put his finger to the boy's mouth. "Time isn't moving... remember that..."
Snake left his hand on the young boy's mouth as they both stopped moving entirely, the pond went calmer than ever and the wind ceased it's battering of the trees, which in turn stood still. But something interrupted the calmness of the scene, something wasn't right, a shadow moved quietly through the bushes nearby. And with a flick of the wrist, sent a projectile flying across the void of stillness.
Snake opened his eyes softly as blood swam down his chin, escaping from his mouth. He blinked slowly, tears being pushed out of his eyes as he looked at his son.
He coughed up blood, but his son didn't know, for his eyes were closed, treasuring the moment of stillness, unaware of the occurrences. Snake was hit, all that was visible was a handle of a dagger, implanted in his skull, the blade severing his brain. He slowly fell downwards in the darkness, his finger brushing his son's mouth before falling off as Snake plummeted out of the boat and into the water...
"Dad... DAD!?" His son screamed as tears streamed out of his eyes, a pain inside that was comparable to any physical harm that anyone could live through. "DAD!"
And for that one moment... time stood still...


So what do you think? It's just a prologue so yes it is very short... Tell me what you like, dislike, or just plain despise about this.

ultima weapon
01-10-2003, 07:54 PM


*runs around in circles and runs into a lamp post

heh,over reacted