01-28-2011, 08:15 AM
Hi all,

im looking for the interactive music tracks of Little Big Planet 2.
All of the tracks have six parts that make the music track. Im looking for all individual parts, just like in LBP 1. It took me a whole day to find all Parts of LBP 1, like The Wilderness. But havent found anything usefull of Little Big Planet 2 Interactive Tracks. Today I downloaded the interactive tracks of LBP2 but those were not individual parts .

Help is appreciated!


01-28-2011, 01:09 PM

well i've found this but i dont think it helps that much: LittleBIGPlanet 2 Soundtrack (Gamerip) | Download Soundtracks (http://ma-g.com/game_sountdtracks/littlebigplanet-2-soundtrack-gamerip/)

its the full soundtrack, but the interactive songs have only 2 parts.

good luck!

01-28-2011, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the link, but i already have that soundtrack. Yes there are only 2 parts and i need 6.
Ive also found this: Thread 85097
too bad that this is the whole song, and i need individual parts :S

Anyone else that could help me?


01-30-2011, 10:06 AM
Can you upload it on megaupload or rapidshare? I dont want to sign up for a site just to download music. Too risky and well I dont trust file sharing sign up sites you know?

01-30-2011, 12:52 PM
Can you upload it on megaupload or rapidshare? I dont want to sign up for a site just to download music. Too risky and well I dont trust file sharing sign up sites you know?

What do you mean upload? this is a request. that means that im asking for something. So is there anyone that could help me??

02-02-2011, 11:18 PM
oh nothing has changed since I last checked here, is there nobody that got all parts? Im looking for it like 2 weeks from now on. My PC could not even open a blue ray disk. Too bad Leli!

02-04-2011, 03:37 PM
Little Big Planet 2 Interactive Music - Split Tracks (Worlds 1-6, 6 Tracks each) (Thread 85639)

You're welcome.

02-04-2011, 11:19 PM
thank you so much! im the happiest guy ever!

02-04-2011, 11:30 PM
Sweet!!!!, there are a few things, in Da Vinci hideout in the Drums, there is a small piece missing at the begin of the track, its like 1.55 second, try it when you mix the parts. Same in Period Instruments 2.
In Victoria's Song its also the drum missing begin, and in the guitar part is a small part missing as well. Also the Vocals of part five is missing something....