01-27-2011, 04:40 AM
If you have any interest in Marvel vs Capcom 3 or in helping to start a community, then check out mvc3.proboards.com

It's a forum I started recently that focuses on everything Marvel vs Capcom 3. If you've got opinions you want to share (and if you're a fan of MvC you most likely do) then MvC Unified is a great outlet for them.

Do note though, this forum is just started so it's pretty bare bones at the present. This being said, I'm am open to any sort of help and/or creative ideas for the boards. I do plan on hosting Tournaments after the game launches so if you enjoy competition and know friends that do, let them know and check the forum out.
Like any good forum, it's only as good as the people who inhabit it; and this forum is fertile ground.

Check it out and help build a community!

01-27-2011, 04:54 AM
Signed up. Thanks for directing me here.