Heavens Cloud
01-06-2003, 10:37 PM
Ok i have been playing final fantasy 8 for about a week now and i get to the final boss and i get completely blown away! i mean major butt kicking towards me!
Its i good thing i have lots of files saved in different places in the game just in case something like that ever happened...i have a file saved right before i blow my way into lunatic pandora that is the file i am using to improve...well everything.
Anyway i really need help with the following things...

1. Who is CC group card King i think thats his name i have beaten the rest of the cc group and it really sucks when i have spent hours looking for the card king and still not found him!

2.I need to know if i can still get the following summons at the part of the game i am at now and if i can please tell me how... i need the following....
(a) Bahamut
(b) Doomtrain (i think thats what he is called)
(e) another hard one to get but i cant reember the name grrr.
Just imagine how excited i was when i found out that i missed all these summons

3.Just one more thing does anyone know how i can get some Hero's
i know you can get 100 from turning Lagunas card into them but ive allready passed Lunaside Base so that option is out and all i have is about 2 at the moment..

Anyway if anyone at all can help me with this stuff i will really apreciate it! thanks :)

01-07-2003, 12:06 AM
Ok, my advice to you is, if you want to get most of those summons and that, use your lunatic pandora just before save. That way you can get all the summons except for Leviathan which you missed (Draw it from the NORG). I'll just answer the questions assuming you're using that before Lunatic Pandora save.

1. Go to Balamb Garden and if you've already beaten the queen, all i did was go to sleep, get rid of all party members when going to sleep and when you wake up, you should vs the King (which is Dr Kawoski). That way doesn't always work.

2. Ok, summons.

Bahamut - You can still get him. He's at the Deep Sea reserh center and if you don't know where that is, head around the bottom left of the map. When you get to the research center and enter the room with the light, i'd urge you not to move when the white light shines, or you'll enter a battle. Just keep walking, there's only one way to go, and when you get to bahamut speaking, choose the only option there, beat the Ruby Dragon (using limit breaks if you have you final weapons and some Aura which you get on the Islands closest to hell and heaven). If you don't have that, use Diablos. After the battle, choose the option "never" and you fight another. After that, choose the invisible 3rd option under "none of your business" and you fight bahamut. Bahamut's pretty easy if you use limit breaks and are pretty powerful. Though i suggest getting Doomtrain first.

Doomtrain - This is a hard bugger to get. Took me ages to figure out what you need. To get Doomtrain, go to the Tears' Point and go all the way in to find the salamon ring (should be to the right of the huge statue in the middle. Them get 6 malboro tentacles (which you steal from malboro on the island closest to Heaven), 6 Steel Pipes which you steal or win from Wendigo's in the forests near timber) and 6 remedy pluses. Now these Remedy pluses are gotten by using Alexander's Med Lvl Up GF ability. I so hope you drew Alexander from Edea at the end of disk 2, or you're pretty much stuffed. Everything needs to work perfectly in that way, so if you miss Alexander, you miss Doomtrain and your chance to really kick ass. Once you refine 60 remedies into 6 Remedy pluses, go to the salamon ring and press the ok button.

Eden - Well, the easy way of getting this GF is drawing it from Taimat in Ultimecia's castle BUT, if you're VERY strong and feel like a challenge, after you get Doomtrain, go back to the research center (be sure to have Zell in your party) and go down the pipe that's past the save point. On the first level, go towards the screen and to the left to the huge machine, press on it and a hatch will open, go down and go to the little panel to the right of the stairs. When it asks you to select a number, select 2. Go to level 3. The panel should be in the same place but this time, select one at the number select part. Go to level 4. Do the same as level three and choose 1. And the same with level 5. At level 6 let Zell do the machinery. (this is vital because if you don't, there are no baddies down in the Excavation site, but you cannot get Eden) Go into the Excavation Site and SAVE!!!!! Because it's a loooooooooooooooooong way down and i suggest having someone who has Doomtrain on, to have Initiative on so you use Doomtrain as soon as the battle starts, you'll need it. You battle someone every few steps so i suggest running. You verse several badguys on your way down and another suggetion is to have Siren's move-find ability so you can save at the bottom. Limit breaks are the most effective here especially Squall's. Now, if you actually manage to get down there without throwing your controller to the ground because those damn Ruby Dragons keep using Breath and killing you, then save the game (there's no baddies in the room with the save point) and junction all your members to have 100% protection against Meteor and Quake or better yet, absorb them. Then go to the red panel and select Yes. Cast Doomtrain on Ultima Weapon and then hack into him with Renzokuken. He's quite hard, and just pray that you get a Lion Heart.

I don't know what your other one was, but PM me if you figure it out or need any more help.

3. You cannot get any heroes after the lunar base. They're just not findable.

01-07-2003, 02:44 AM
Well I would mostly agree with what Kie said, but some of the things he said aren't true and I also have some stuff to add on my own.

First off, the Card King should be Quistis, not Dr. Kawoski. What you do is after you beat the Card Queen, go to Dr. Kawoski and play her in cards. When you beat her, she will say that she was the King for a while but someone beat her. Then go to your room, get rid off all the party members, and go to sleep. Quistis should appear in your room and she will challenge you to a card game. If you beat her then you can challenge her again anytime you want on the bridge of the Garden. Also another note: the Gilgamesh card can be won from the King. This card IS VERY HELPFUL when fighting the final boss. Why? Because the card will refine into 10 Holy Wars, which when used in battle can make all your characters invincible for a set amount of time.

Also, another thing is that the Hero Cards can be gotten anytime in the fourth disc. In fact, all the Queen of Cards secrect cards can be obtained in the fourth disc quite easily. The trick is, in the fourth disc, go into the Ragnarok. Inside the Ragnarok the Card Players from Balamb Garden will be there. Any hero cards or rare cards can be won through them if you never got them. And what even better, is you can also win back rare cards that you have already card moded from them!!!! This is a great way to get 100 Holy Wars!! Just keep refining the Gilgamesh Card and then play some of the Card players until you win it back. Please note that sometimes it may take a while to get a rare card back! Just keep trying. It works, trust me, I had 70 Holy Wars until I decided I really didn't need them anyway. @_@;;;

Another tactic which will help you level up real fast is by going to the Island Closest to Hell or to The Island Closest to Hevean. I would recommend going to the Island Closest to Hell because you can get more exp. The Island Closest to Hell is the island that is the furthest west of the Galbadian country. It kinda looks like an axe. Well once you get there, put Quistis in your party. She will also need to know the ability Degenerator. This blue magic ability can be obtained through using the item Black Hole on her. Next, go out and run around. WARNING: All the monsters on this continent are very tough. So you will want to usually save after each battle you win. Also before you go into battle make sure that Quistis is at a very low health so that she can use her limit break at the start of battle. Anything to get her to cast her spell faster, use it. EX: Auto-Haste, Initiative, ect. Anyways, her spell Degenerator is a one hit killa! Once you cast it, the monster should be dispersed into another dimension or something. But with the creature killed you get a hella lot of experience. Especially if your at a really low level.

Also note that there are alot of REALLY good spells lying around on the Island Closest to Hell. Just put Enc-None on one of you characters and just run around the island tapping fast. You should be getting the most powerful spells in the game that way.

Whew. That was long. -.-;;; If you have anymore questions on FF8 feel free to PM me. I know every nook and cranny of that game. I've played like 400 some or more hours on that game alone. @.@;;;;; I am teh 1337 FF8 Guru!

AND! If you want to know some more really helpful secrets to help you win the game, PM me. I didn't want to write everything down here anywayz.

01-07-2003, 11:27 AM
Well, the Card Club members don't always go to the ragnarok. As a matter of fact, in all of my games, they've never been at the Ragnarok.

01-07-2003, 09:22 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">The CC group will only be on the Ragnarok on disc 4 if you played and beat all of them around Balamb Garden on discs 2/3. :) They're only there so that you can win some rare cards if you've missed/lost/refined them, you can't complete the sidequest itself on disc 4. :)

01-08-2003, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by Meltigemini
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">The CC group will only be on the Ragnarok on disc 4 if you played and beat all of them around Balamb Garden on discs 2/3. :) They're only there so that you can win some rare cards if you've missed/lost/refined them, you can't complete the sidequest itself on disc 4. :)

lol. I never knew that. XD

01-08-2003, 01:56 AM
You haven't got Bahumut the summon yet I think you get it on the first part of the game but I can't recal the exact location of it.

Heavens Cloud
01-08-2003, 05:55 AM
no you actualy get him on disk 3 after you get the Ragnarok he isnt to hard as long as squall's stats are good and you use Auras to use his limit more often :)

01-08-2003, 06:40 AM
no you actualy get him on disk 3 after you get the Ragnarok he isnt to hard as long as clouds stats are good and you use Auras to use his limit more often
You mean Squall, right? Whew, for a moment, there I was thinking I had somehow warped to the FFVII forum or something. :D Anyways, good luck with Ultimecia. Everyone's strategies look pretty good to me. I usually just use Aura on Squall and give her a major butt-whooping with Renzokuken and Lion's Heart. Also, usually before this battle, I go crazy, refining each and every card and item that I have. Then I just save in a different slot, so that I don't lose anything and then I kill her. Oh, and one other thing - use Meltdown on each of her forms. This is important. Meltdown completely nullifies all physical defense.

As for the other GF, perhaps either Cactuar or Tonberry? Cactuar you can get by fighting King Cactuar by running into the Cactuar running around Cactuar Island. I usually just use Meltdown, Aura, Renzokuken to make short work of him. Or it could be Tonberry. To get him, you have to fight 20 Tonberry's in the first room of the same area where you get Odin and then you'll fight a King Tonberry. Beat him and you'll get GF Tonberry. Meltdown, Aura, Renzokuken and other limits seem to work well with him too.

Heavens Cloud
01-08-2003, 06:45 AM
errr ya thats what i meant... well time to edit that :p
hmm i wonder how that happened..

01-08-2003, 06:48 AM
Wow, looks like you read my post like right after I posted it. Just in case, go back and read it again because I edited something in right after I posted it and there's a chance you may have just missed it.

Heavens Cloud
01-08-2003, 06:55 AM
haha ya i did post before i read your edit :p oh and no those 2 arent the summons im after i have them.... i found out that what i dont have yet is pheonix any idea how i can get it?

hmm the first time i played the game i remember getting pheonix.. but i cant remember how now :eye:

01-08-2003, 07:03 AM
Phoenix isn't a normal GF, in that you can't simply call him from the GF menu. Rather, I guess you could say he's sort of like Odin or Gilgamesh, in that he just shows up sometimes when your characters are KOed, revives them and does fire damage to the enemy. But first, you have to activate him by using an item. One way to get him is to complete the first subquest at Shuumi Village. Do everything they ask you to, finding all the stones and everything and then talking with the Village Elder. Just do everything and make the choices that it seems the game wants you to make and when you complete the quest, the Village Elder will give you a Phoenix Feather. (I think that's the name of the item.) Use this item in a battle and you will activate Phoenix. From then on, he will show up randomly when your characters are KOed. It's also possible to obtain some more Phoenix Feathers, by using one of the refinement options, but I don't remember how right now. This would also be a way to get it if you don't feel like messing around with Shuumi Village. Or, if you can't mess around with Shuumi Village because you're on Disc 4.

01-08-2003, 07:50 AM
Its called a phoenix pinion. I did manage to find another phoenix pinion without refining them. I can't recall where I got the other one since I haven't played ff8 for over a year now. I'm sure I can go back to the game if you are interested where the other one is.

Heavens Cloud
01-08-2003, 04:29 PM
Oh well i allready have one i cant remember where i got it either.. hmm ive had it for a while and i never even thought of using it :p

01-08-2003, 07:02 PM
Well, if you want, go ahead and use it. You'll get to see Phoenix and then you have a chance of Phoenix showing up. He actually showed up for me once when all of my characters were KOed by Omega Weapon. Quite useful.

01-08-2003, 10:00 PM
Are you sure that you can Draw Levithian from Garden Master NORG??? Crud, that must mean I missed it. :eek:

01-08-2003, 10:03 PM
Yep, you get Leviathan from NORG. So if you didn't get it from him, you missed it. Sorry.

01-08-2003, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by comrie89
Its called a phoenix pinion. I did manage to find another phoenix pinion without refining them. I can't recall where I got the other one since I haven't played ff8 for over a year now. I'm sure I can go back to the game if you are interested where the other one is.

<font color=red face="comic sans ms">If you mean somewehere apart from Shumi Village, you can also get one from the Lunatic Pandora on disc 3. You will need to make sure that you open all three of the trap-doors while controlling Laguna (to do this, you need to open the middle one first, then attempt to open the other two before rolling the boulders you use the detonator to move). This leaves another Phoenix Pinion available on disc 3. :)

And if you didn't get Leviathan from NORG, you will have an oppurtunity to get it from one of the bosses inside Ultimecia's Castle instead. I can't remember which one this was though, and if you've already killed that particular boss, you won't have another oppurtunity to get it... :(

01-08-2003, 11:24 PM
Yeah, Ultimecia's Castle is littered with GFs you missed. I usually get em all before but i wouldn't be suprised if each of the 8 bosses there have one.

01-08-2003, 11:51 PM
Leviathan's available in Ultimecia's castle? Cool. I forgot about that.