01-18-2011, 04:01 AM
I'm not looking to start a argument, but i am serious stuck here.

I have a choice between a PS3 and a Xbox 360.

I've done some of the pros and cons such as price and how certain games i like are only available on each system. Pricewise i like the Xbox 360. But is it really any better then a nigh $300 PS3? I just don't know, and i am burning brain cells trying to come up with a decision.

Darth Revan
01-18-2011, 04:24 AM
Only difference imo between them, is the PS3 has Blu-Ray capability and it's games are on Blu-Ray discs. The Xbox 360 doesn't. Both have their faults; PS3 has the Yellow Ring/Dot of death while the 360 has the Red Ring/Dot of Death; PS3 has the PlayStation Network which is free, whereas the 360 has Xbox Live which is a subscription service which you pay via 1, 3 or 12 month subscription.

Initially, both consoles had the same game libraries, with developers making a game for one and then porting it to the other (I'm using Volition's Saints Row 2 as my example here). Ultimately though, it comes down to what games you like and which offers the best opportunity for you to enjoy. My advice, go and see if your local video store hires out PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles, hire one and a few games and see what you like, then you can make a informed decision from your own testing. Personally, I'm a 360 user and have no intention of getting a PS3, as some of the games I'm after, I already have on my 360 and I'm not too fussed about the PS3 exclusives.

01-18-2011, 04:33 AM
Just get whatever you personally fits you best. You know you have a leaning towards one over the other... so just go with that.

01-18-2011, 04:46 AM
Just get whatever you personally fits you best. You know you have a leaning towards one over the other... so just go with that.

But that's the problem! I'm stuck dead center! I wanna play DMC4 but I also wanna play the Halo series! I want the better graphics and coolness of the PS3, but i also want to affordability of the XBOX 360. Not to mention i hear it has a better game lineup! What to do, what to do.

01-18-2011, 04:54 AM
each system has their shiny stars.
the xbox has a lot more though.
when you do get the xbox, give me your GT please

01-18-2011, 05:02 AM
Just go make your own list of the exclusives on each console.
Xbox 360 - /v/'s Recommended Games Wiki (
Playstation 3 - /v/'s Recommended Games Wiki (

The PS3 has more great exclusives, imo. There's also more variety in its exclusives.

Devil May Cry 4 is on the 360 as well, if you didn't know.

Multiplatform games will generally look a bit better on the 360. I don't know what you mean by the coolness of the PS3.

Is there even that much of a price difference between the 360 and the PS3? It seems to me both are hovering around the $300 area.

Both have their faults; PS3 has the Yellow Ring/Dot of death while the 360 has the Red Ring/Dot of Death
Comparing YLOD to RROD is like comparing something that is pretty uncommon to something that was (once) really common. Why would you do that?

Darth Revan
01-18-2011, 05:05 AM
Comparing YLOD to RROD is like comparing something that is pretty common to something that was (once) really common. Why would you do that?

Just saying that both do have hardware faults, which cover a majority of smaller problems.

01-18-2011, 05:07 AM
I edited my post before and accidentally edited out the "un" in uncommon and you've caught that in your quote. Woops...

01-18-2011, 09:32 AM
Get the 360 because I have one :D

And just so you know, even though the 360 says it can play games in 1080p, it really doesn't. But the PS3 does. The difference was huge when I was playing Black Ops on a friend's PS3 while I have it for the 360.

01-18-2011, 10:57 AM
Are you sure that isn't an issue with your TV or cables? The 360 and PS3 don't actually play Black Ops (or just about any other game) at 1080p. The 360 plays the game at 1040x608 while the PS3 plays it at 960x544, both with 2xMSAA.

If you go read this this ( and watch some of the videos, you should be able to see the 360 version does look a little better. Like I said before, this is pretty normal for multiplatform games. I don't find the difference in visuals to be much of an argument against the PS3 though.

01-18-2011, 01:20 PM
Thanks for your help guys. I'm still kind of fence siting for now. One of the exclusive series i'm really interested in is Ratchet & Clank. So that may tip the balance in PS3's favor. But Halo is so godlike.

01-18-2011, 01:32 PM
Is there even that much of a price difference between the 360 and the PS3? It seems to me both are hovering around the $300 area.

The Xbox360 S with a 4GB hard drive is hovering at 200$ as far as I know. It's definitely cheaper where I live. So, I suppose that might be what he's referring to. Although I definitely wouldn't recommend it. Getting a current gen console (except the Wii) without a hard drive is pretty ridiculous, imo.

OT: Well, we can't really help you if you don't tell us what it is you're looking for. I don't think you'll be disappointed whichever one you pick, especially since most games these days are multiplatform, meaning you're not gonna miss out on too much. You mentioned you really like Halo, so you might as well get a 360, since you won't find Halo anywhere else. But I don't think any console is worth buying for just 1 game. Just give us some more specifics and we'll try and help you out.

01-18-2011, 01:47 PM
The Xbox360 S with a 4GB hard drive is hovering at 200$ as far as I know. It's definitely cheaper where I live. So, I suppose that might be what he's referring to. Although I definitely wouldn't recommend it. Getting a current gen console (except the Wii) without a hard drive is pretty ridiculous, imo.

OT: Well, we can't really help you if you don't tell us what it is you're looking for. I don't think you'll be disappointed whichever one you pick, especially since most games these days are multiplatform, meaning you're not gonna miss out on too much. You mentioned you really like Halo, so you might as well get a 360, since you won't find Halo anywhere else. But I don't think any console is worth buying for just 1 game. Just give us some more specifics and we'll try and help you out.

Well one question i do have is about the PS3. Is the extra size in a hard drive worth it? I was gonna get 40 gigs. But i heard that some games take up five plus gigs in save files and downloading a part of itself on the HD. Is that true?

01-18-2011, 02:03 PM
It's not worth it. It's necessary.

Yes, everything is true. There are VERY few games which have the decency to ask you whether you want to install them (mostly exclusives, last ones I remember are Folklore and Valkyria Chronicles). It's not anything annoying, doesn't really take long to do, but the hard drive space is gonna fill up. Fast. They're selling the PS3 Slim with large HDD's now so it shouldn't be a problem. The 160 GB version will suffice. Don't know where exactly you were planning to buy a 40GB one, pretty sure they've ditched the old models. You can check how much space game data is gonna take on the back of the box.

01-18-2011, 02:36 PM
The Xbox360 S with a 4GB hard drive is hovering at 200$ as far as I know.
Oh right, I was looking at the wrong one. The Slim that comes with a 250GB hard drive is $300, which is obviously the same price as the PS3. I agree that getting a console with 4GB of storage is probably a bad idea.

01-18-2011, 04:27 PM
Just to kill some preconceptions - the PS3 is not graphically superior to the Xbox 360. The much touted Cell multi-core processor is handicapped by an atrociously low amount of RAM, and very thin bandwidth to parse graphics - hence the huge installs for games with large textures. Both consoles say they display in 1080p, but as chewey said, most games aren't that high a resolution. The only two I can think of off the top of my head are Gran Turismo 5 and WipeOut HD, both of which sacrifice small details for large, pretty textures.

There are really only two factors to consider - one, if it's going to be a gaming console or a general entertainment machine. My PS3 gets more use than my X360, not because I play more games on it - i've got about 10 PS3 games compared to my 50 and growing 360 collection - but because it's a Blu-ray player. If you love movies, blu-ray is the way to go, and PS3 is the most cost effective way to get a top-of-the-line blu-ray player. That said, in the US, the X360 has Netflix with streaming HD movies for the price of a subscription, so that's another option.

The second factor, as has been mentioned, are exclusives. This is the really important one, and what you should base your final decision on. Look at the lists that are posted above, and really ask yourself what games you REALLY want to play - and categories in general. Overall, the Xbox 360 has better first-person shooters and western rpgs; also, the XBL Arcade selection is MUCH better than the PlayStation Store. The PS3, on the other hand, has better platformers, japanese RPGs, and Uncharted. UNCHARTED IS A GENRE NOW. It's called 'awesome'. Multiplatform games perform better on the 360 in general (higher framerate, less stutter) but sometimes look prettier on the PS3 (higher resolution textures). Personally I use my kick-ass laptop to play multiplatform games and get the high framerate AND awesome textures, but i'm an asshole.

If you really can't decide, flip a coin.

If you still can't decide after that, buy one and put the other on layby. And a PSP, because i've recently discovered the under-appreciated little black brick is where Square-Enix's good games have all gone. After playing Birth by Sleep, I don't get people still whinging about not having Kingdom Hearts 3 - it's right there, on the PSP. Seriously. Apart from some slight system limitations, it's easily the best game in the series so far.

01-18-2011, 04:53 PM
That said, in the US, the X360 has Netflix with streaming HD movies for the price of a subscription, so that's another option.

PS3 has this too.

One thing I have noticed is that, when playing online, less people have mics on the PS3 versus the 360. Personally, I don't think this is a bad thing, but your mileage may very.

In addition to what Raidenex mentioned the PS3 is also good for games where you can create content- stuff like Modnation Racers, Little Big Planet, 3D Dot Game Heroes- and the 360 is the default console for bullet hell games. A surprising amount of them have come out or are expected to come out in North America, so if you like that genre that's probably a big 360 plus.

01-18-2011, 05:14 PM
Modnation Racers was really disappointing imo. All the cool user-created content in the world can't make up for a rubber-band AI and having every weapon be upgradable into a Blue-Shell-FUCK-YOU.

That said, racing as Iron Man in a mini Ferrari is cool.

Also: LittleBigPlanet 2 in a few days! *squee* Really looking forward to this. If the mod community take to it, we'll see some amazing things.,

01-18-2011, 06:17 PM
This may sound a bit crazy but I would say you should get neither.
These consoles have been out for a while, and if you don't have one by now you should just wait for the next generation to hit.
Consoles are just snapshots of current technology, so you might be buying something that will drop in value. Unless, that is, you think PS3 and 360 will have a '10 year life cycle'.
I'd settle for using a friends system until the next thing hits, and as a side note DS3 is coming soon.

Dr Faustus
01-18-2011, 06:27 PM
Thanks for your help guys. I'm still kind of fence siting for now. One of the exclusive series i'm really interested in is Ratchet & Clank. So that may tip the balance in PS3's favor. But Halo is so godlike.

The next R & C is 4 player co-op. :)

01-18-2011, 06:28 PM
Just to kill some preconceptions - the PS3 is not graphically superior to the Xbox 360. The much touted Cell multi-core processor is handicapped by an atrociously low amount of RAM, and very thin bandwidth to parse graphics - hence the huge installs for games with large textures.

I was under the impression you need to install games on the PS3 because it can only manage a 2x read speed.

Might as well expand this to "action/adventure games" imo.

Dr Faustus
01-18-2011, 06:31 PM
Some games have no install, some have an optional install and some have a mandatory install. It's true that Blu-ray drives read slower than dvd.

01-18-2011, 06:37 PM
I am aware of this.

01-18-2011, 10:08 PM
PS3. Nuff said.

01-19-2011, 12:55 AM
Are you sure that isn't an issue with your TV or cables? The 360 and PS3 don't actually play Black Ops (or just about any other game) at 1080p. The 360 plays the game at 1040x608 while the PS3 plays it at 960x544, both with 2xMSAA.

If you go read this this ( and watch some of the videos, you should be able to see the 360 version does look a little better. Like I said before, this is pretty normal for multiplatform games. I don't find the difference in visuals to be much of an argument against the PS3 though.

Some guy did something about counting pixels in Halo 3 with some rifle or something. I can't remember since it was a long time ago and then an article was brought to my attention about 360 games being played in only 720p and not 1080p like it says whereas the PS3 is actually capable of doing it. Me and my friend are using HDMI cables for our systems and both of our HDTVs are capable of 1080p. I was able to notice it right away how clearer and "fresher" it looked on the PS3 compared to when I would play it on my 360. But I'm sure everyone knows that in terms of hardware, the PS3 has the better stuff except in like 2 areas. It was in an article on (I tried looking for it but it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack) comparing the two systems.

01-19-2011, 02:16 AM
Some guy did something about counting pixels in Halo 3 with some rifle or something. I can't remember since it was a long time ago and then an article was brought to my attention about 360 games being played in only 720p and not 1080p like it says whereas the PS3 is actually capable of doing it. Me and my friend are using HDMI cables for our systems and both of our HDTVs are capable of 1080p. I was able to notice it right away how clearer and "fresher" it looked on the PS3 compared to when I would play it on my 360. But I'm sure everyone knows that in terms of hardware, the PS3 has the better stuff except in like 2 areas. It was in an article on (I tried looking for it but it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack) comparing the two systems.

Halo 3 was only running in 576p due to the way they designed the graphics engines - as chewey said earlier, Call of Duty on the PS3 only runs at 576p. The resolution of the game has nothing to do with the system, but what the programmers set it to.

If it looked clearer and fresher on his TV, chances are his TV has a better contrast ratio / refresh rate. All HDTVs are not equal, unfortunately. I have my 360 and PS3 hooked up to the same TV, and i've played Modern Warfare 2 on both, and unless you're really looking for the small details (like texture size), I couldn't really tell the difference between the two.

Also, the PS3 tech articles always fail to take into account the huge bottlenecks in the system - mainly, the BUS bandwidth. Imagine having a huge city in one area (the CPU) and a huge empty city in another area (VRAM), with millions of cars in the CPU - but the only road to the VRAM was a small two-lane dirt road. There may be a lot of space in the cities, but it's still going to take a long time to get all the cars from one city to the other.

01-19-2011, 04:33 AM
indeed, the 360 can only run on 720p, whereas the ps3 can run on 1080p. however, non-exclusives (most, if not all) still run on 720p on the ps3.
while i dont own a ps3 yet, i still read the back of the potential games i might get when i own one, and i see that they run at 720p.

01-19-2011, 08:39 AM
Depends what you mean by run. The 360 is quite capable of outputting 1080p, and has been since launch - if you had the VGA cable. The advent of HDMI made it a lot easier.

If you mean game-wise, there aren't any 1080p games I can think of - but then again, there are only two 1080p games on the PS3 that come to mind. Keep in mind too that when it says '720p' on the back of the box, sometimes it means '576p upscaled to 720p'. Both the PS3 and 360 have smoothing engines as well, meaning that if you're running at 1080p, they will somewhat scale up, no matter the game.

On an interesting note, i've found that the DVD upscaler in the 360 works a lot better than the PS3 counterpart.

01-19-2011, 01:52 PM
It's not worth it. It's necessary.

Yes, everything is true. There are VERY few games which have the decency to ask you whether you want to install them (mostly exclusives, last ones I remember are Folklore and Valkyria Chronicles). It's not anything annoying, doesn't really take long to do, but the hard drive space is gonna fill up. Fast. They're selling the PS3 Slim with large HDD's now so it shouldn't be a problem. The 160 GB version will suffice. Don't know where exactly you were planning to buy a 40GB one, pretty sure they've ditched the old models. You can check how much space game data is gonna take on the back of the box.

Wow. O.k... Looks like i may have to spend an inordinate sum if i get a PS3 that i can utilize fully. Hmm this helps me in making a decision a lot more then anything else.

01-19-2011, 03:02 PM
Wow. O.k... Looks like i may have to spend an inordinate sum if i get a PS3 that i can utilize fully. Hmm this helps me in making a decision a lot more then anything else.

Do you mean a 360? When you said the 360 is cheaper, it's likely you were comparing the 4GB model of the 360 ($200) to the 160GB model of the PS3 ($300). The 250GB model of the 360 is $300 as well, so it seems you're going to be spending that much either way (unless you're happy with a 4GB model, obviously).

01-19-2011, 03:32 PM
I can't imagine anyone actually wanting a 4GB 360...

01-20-2011, 01:46 AM
Do you mean a 360? When you said the 360 is cheaper, it's likely you were comparing the 4GB model of the 360 ($200) to the 160GB model of the PS3 ($300). The 250GB model of the 360 is $300 as well, so it seems you're going to be spending that much either way (unless you're happy with a 4GB model, obviously).

O_o WTF?? You gotta be kidding me. You mean the XBOX 360 is just like the PS3 with this whole memory/HD thing??

Darth Revan
01-20-2011, 01:55 AM
O_o WTF?? You gotta be kidding me. You mean the XBOX 360 is just like the PS3 with this whole memory/HD thing??


01-20-2011, 02:00 AM

I feel like i wanna scream. Damnit. So no matter which way i go i'll have to spend at least 300 buck unless i go to pawn shop

Darth Revan
01-20-2011, 02:03 AM
I wouldn't buy a console second hand myself. No warranty unless the pawn shop offers one, and if they do, it's usually only for 30 days or so. I'd recommend buying one brand new, as you'll get a full 12 month warranty.

01-20-2011, 02:06 AM
I wouldn't buy a console second hand myself. No warranty unless the pawn shop offers one, and if they do, it's usually only for 30 days or so. I'd recommend buying one brand new, as you'll get a full 12 month warranty.

I will probably do that. I was hoping to only spend 200 to 300 bucks at best but it seems i'll have to go over that.

01-20-2011, 02:46 AM
So what happened with the Elites? 120gb is pretty much all you need unless you plan on getting shitloads of movies from Zune, arcade games, and music from either Zune or from your own CDs. But no one has mentioned it so I'm assuming it's no longer on the market?

01-20-2011, 02:57 AM
So what happened with the Elites? 120gb is pretty much all you need unless you plan on getting shitloads of movies from Zune, arcade games, and music from either Zune or from your own CDs. But no one has mentioned it so I'm assuming it's no longer on the market?

Huh? Oh by the way i heard you can download music from your computer onto your XBOX or PS3 and play it during the games you play. Is that true?

Darth Revan
01-20-2011, 03:02 AM
Huh? Oh by the way i heard you can download music from your computer onto your XBOX or PS3 and play it during the games you play. Is that true?

Yes. You can also rip music straight from the CD's onto the console's HDD.

@IDX: I think the Xbox 360 Elites have been discontinued due to the Xbox 360 Slim.

01-20-2011, 03:13 AM
Yes. You can also rip music straight from the CD's onto the console's HDD.

@IDX: I think the Xbox 360 Elites have been discontinued due to the Xbox 360 Slim.

straight from the CDs? You mean the game Cd or some music CD? Oh my gawd i have to get at least 120 GB now!![COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

Darth Revan
01-20-2011, 03:14 AM
straight from the CDs? You mean the game Cd or some music CD? Oh my gawd i have to get at least 120 GB now!!

Music CD's.

01-20-2011, 03:21 AM
Music CD's.

still all good!

01-20-2011, 06:48 AM
O_o WTF?? You gotta be kidding me. You mean the XBOX 360 is just like the PS3 with this whole memory/HD thing??

Smarty was talking about the 360 when he was talking about hard drive space, not the PS3.

Edit: This ( looks like good value. They weren't really any good deals on the Xbox 360 S on Amazon (they've even got the 250GB model price at $320) and the old Elite models are still pretty expensive. Shop around more obviously, but this is probably a good place to start.

01-20-2011, 09:49 AM
or just get the cheapest 360 model you can, and go to dealextreme and buy the HDDs there.
why is everything offered so cheap and in hong kong? well, thats because thats where the factory of those things are based.

slight spam, i know. so what? unlike real spam, this one is relevant.

01-20-2011, 09:58 AM
How easy is it to put regular hard drives into the 360 Slim? I know with the old regular ones you had to do a bit of work to trick the 360 intro thinking what you've put in is actually a Microsoft one.

01-20-2011, 12:01 PM
Huh? Oh by the way i heard you can download music from your computer onto your XBOX or PS3 and play it during the games you play. Is that true?

I feel I should mention that this doesn't work with all PS3 games. Some let you do it, some don't. I don't think there's a way of knowing beforehand except for trying it out.

Also, while PS3 games definitely need installation, I'm not sure the same thing applies to Xbox360. As far as I know, installs on the 360 are all optional. (I don't know for sure, I don't have one)

01-20-2011, 12:08 PM
You can install I think up to 2 360 games at a time on the 360. The reason some do this is to have quicker loading times. To me, the difference isn't at all that drastic so you might not even notice a difference except the humming the console makes if it's reading the disk. Might be wrong though. And with the 360, if you want to rip CDs or stream them from your computer (which is what I do), you can listen to music at any point in any game. Some games will let you know that it will take away from the experience (Halo does this because I believe it mutes the dialogue in the campaign among other things) but they will still let you listen and play.

I actually never thought of asking if the PS3 can do that.

01-20-2011, 10:01 PM
Smarty was talking about the 360 when he was talking about hard drive space, not the PS3.

Edit: This ( looks like good value. They weren't really any good deals on the Xbox 360 S on Amazon (they've even got the 250GB model price at $320) and the old Elite models are still pretty expensive. Shop around more obviously, but this is probably a good place to start. i am a little confused. But you are saying that the XBOX doesn't have the same HD issues as the PS3. That the XBOX 360 does not need a 100+ Gig HD to operate at its best like the PS3 does? Now on a more positive note, i am going out to buy a game system TODAY! Although that amazon deal you just showed me looks good, it looks real good.

01-20-2011, 10:04 PM
Get an XBox 360. It's boss. Then we can destroy on Black Ops together.

01-20-2011, 10:18 PM
Get an XBox 360. It's boss. Then we can destroy on Black Ops together.

I don't have the interwebs at my place :< . But i do have good news. Thanks to FSITO i am now the proud owner of a PS3 family bundle! I shall receive it very very soon! I am very happy now! And heck i still have enough money to buy that Wii i want as well.

01-20-2011, 10:33 PM i am a little confused. But you are saying that the XBOX doesn't have the same HD issues as the PS3. That the XBOX 360 does not need a 100+ Gig HD to operate at its best like the PS3 does? Now on a more positive note, i am going out to buy a game system TODAY! Although that amazon deal you just showed me looks good, it looks real good.

Well, you won't need to install as many games on the 360 but you'd install enough that the 4GB capacity of the $200 model would be a problem. No matter which console you get, basically, you're going to want a decent sized hard drive.

It's not like this discussion matters anymore since you bought that PS3 bundle anyway. :)

01-20-2011, 11:39 PM
Well, you won't need to install as many games on the 360 but you'd install enough that the 4GB capacity of the $200 model would be a problem. No matter which console you get, basically, you're going to want a decent sized hard drive.

It's not like this discussion matters anymore since you bought that PS3 bundle anyway. :)

*kisses FSITO on the cheek* saved me a lot of money too. :)

01-21-2011, 04:19 AM
when you get the wii, give me your FC. and buy mario kart, then give me your MK fc

01-22-2011, 10:07 PM
I just got it more then a hour ago! EEEEE!!!! I's so happy! But i has a disappoint. You know what i realized after i took the PS3 out of the box? I just spent $309 on a fancy hard drive with a controller based GUI. As a person who repairs computers the realization that i could have probably gotten a Alienware with the same ability for maybe $370 dollars. It kind of makes you wonder if you were truly smart in your purchase. But i do love my new PS3. I can't wait to play some more Ratchet & Clank.

Jitan Toraibaru
01-22-2011, 10:15 PM
That's pretty much new consoles in a nutshell...once you get over that, it's all good though. :P

01-23-2011, 12:52 AM
As a person who repairs computers the realization that i could have probably gotten a Alienware with the same ability for maybe $370 dollars.

Surely a person who repairs computer would realise alienware computers aren't very good for the money!

01-23-2011, 02:30 AM
I just spent $309 on a fancy hard drive with a controller based GUI. You don't know what a hard drive is. You're technically correct about the GUI thing but I think the intent of your statement was probably wrong too.

01-23-2011, 02:31 AM
To get a computer with the same ability as a PS3 (blu-ray player, at least an i7 processor), you'd spend at least $500, even in America. A decent computer is better value in the long run, but only if you spend about $1200-$1500 on a top-of-the-line PC. So don't worry, you've got good value for money :)

Also - no matter how good a graphics card is in a PC, there always seems to be lag when you hook it up to a 1080p tv via HDMI out. I can't figure out why - my laptop screen is 1080p and I can play games fine at 60 fps, but when I hook it up to my TV, performance drops to about 15-20 fps.

01-23-2011, 02:34 AM
To get a computer with the same ability as a PS3 (blu-ray player, at least an i7 processor), you'd spend at least $500, even in America. A decent computer is better value in the long run, but only if you spend about $1200-$1500 on a top-of-the-line PC. So don't worry, you've got good value for money :)

Also - no matter how good a graphics card is in a PC, there always seems to be lag when you hook it up to a 1080p tv via HDMI out. I can't figure out why - my laptop screen is 1080p and I can play games fine at 60 fps, but when I hook it up to my TV, performance drops to about 15-20 fps.You definitely don't need an i7 to be as powerful as a ps3. More like a core 2 quad (maybe duo) and a low-mid range gpu. An i7 is $300 by itself though, so you won't be building a system with one for $500.

01-23-2011, 04:50 AM
Phenom II is the answer IMO.

01-23-2011, 09:03 AM
To get a computer with the same ability as a PS3 (blu-ray player, at least an i7 processor), you'd spend at least $500, even in America. A decent computer is better value in the long run, but only if you spend about $1200-$1500 on a top-of-the-line PC. So don't worry, you've got good value for money :)

Nah man, you don't really need to spend over a $1000 to get a really great PC that'll last a long time anymore (in the US). ~$750-$850 would probably be all you'd want to spend, really.

A sub-$500 computer (not including the monitor) could probably equal the performance of a console though. It's not that hard to run a game at 720p with 2xAA, which is about the most you'll ever get out of a console.

01-25-2011, 03:49 AM

I have been downloading music to my PS3. And soon i will have the ability to change the wallpaper, download photos and take over the world!! Well O.K. i won't be able to take over the world. But i have also discovered the joys of wireless controllers. Now i can lay in bed, buck nekkid and enjoy my PS3. I wonder what i should do next? Oh and no i can't play my own music while playing R&C: A Crack in Time.

01-25-2011, 05:21 AM
holy fucking shit i just posted to the forum via my PS3! This so kicks ass! I'm gonna go download some porn!

---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 PM ----------

see ya

01-25-2011, 05:22 AM
Streaming sites like xhamster work on the PS3 as well.

Or so I'm told <.<

01-25-2011, 08:14 AM
well to be honest, i kinda didn't actually download any porn. for some reason i lost my heart. i guess i didnt want to sully my new system just yet

01-25-2011, 08:16 AM
i perfer the ps3. many games are for both systems, but im more interested in the ps3 only games, so i suggest that.

01-25-2011, 10:07 PM
i too only care about ps3 exclusives, as the multiplatform games will always play and look better in the 360, and on a very small amount, the wii (yes, gundam 0079 looks WAY better on the wii than in the ps3).
however, there are rare occasions where the ps3 version will have worthwhile exclusive content, bioshock and the ninja gaiden games come to mind.

01-26-2011, 09:54 PM
LOL. Ahhh the music, the music. I am so enjoying myself. I downloaded countless wallpapers and such.

Jitan Toraibaru
01-26-2011, 11:49 PM
Goddamn right, I do love my PS3. :3

01-28-2011, 01:10 AM
Goddamn right, I do love my PS3. :3

I'm starting to love mine as well. I think this may be a long lasting love affair.

01-28-2011, 03:29 AM
will there be sex involved?
if yes, proceed..

02-20-2011, 10:17 PM
In case you haven't decided, I'll just say it: Get a PS3.

Their online is crap compared to Xbox Live. However, last time I checked, Sony didn't decide to jack up prices on their services--for no valid reason--either.

I had an XBox360 Elite for 3 years, before it decided to die (a MONTH AFTER the 3 year warranty expired, btw).

I didn't get a red ring. It made a 'chirp' sound, showed me some psychedelic light show, and finally a damn blue screen of death. It's messed up, because I had just watched that preview video for that new slim model. I was actually thinking about trading my Elite in for the Slim.

Did I put it in a shoebox to play or cover it with some dumbass console sticker, or attach the fan cooler that does more damage?
NO. It was well ventilated and kept in an air-conditioned, no stupid pets or pest-infested room, just like my 3 year old PC (which works just fine)

I'm saving up for a PS3. Because, My PSX (the 1st/2nd gen model) and my PS2 (the 2nd gen chubby) still work. They're my current consoles right now. Yay, only not. I might get a Slim, just of all the DLC, and to keep up with friends and my bf, but I'm no rush, though. My bf had his Slim since July, and it STILL does a few flaky things, like freeze up and not respond to controllers.... (that was the start of my Elite flipping out and dying).

02-21-2011, 03:28 AM
I'm going to get all three. I already have the PS3 and Wii. Now I want a 360 to complete my collection.

02-23-2011, 07:00 PM
As a result, just like you and the game offers the best opportunity for you to enjoy what comes down. My advice, go to your local video store and see if the Xbox 360 and PS3 rented a bike, only a few games and consoles, and then make a decision for their own testing, I see what you like.

02-26-2011, 09:54 PM
Hey everybody! Sorry i haven't been around. I've been busy playing Sonic Unleashed. But before i could beat the game i discovered something in the PS Store...OLD PS ONE GAMES!!! I downloaded FF7 and XenoGears. Next i will download Castlevania: SOTN! EEE!! I love this system!!

02-27-2011, 02:08 AM
those have been up since the ps3's original release. not all ps1 games are on there, though. i have plenty of games that arent on the network.

02-27-2011, 02:13 AM
Why would you play Sonic Unleashed?

02-28-2011, 03:07 AM
perhaps she likes it.

02-28-2011, 04:06 AM
It's a pretty bad game though!

02-28-2011, 04:31 AM
Well, some people play the game for the character.

I'd think she's a pretty hardcore Sonic fan to like it.

02-28-2011, 05:25 PM
what he said.

Jitan Toraibaru
02-28-2011, 10:48 PM
I enjoy Sonic Unleashed {Or at least what I remember playing before I got my first PS3 shortly after and thus didn't finish}...Besides, bad and good games are subjective anyway.

EVERY Single game can be the greatest thing ever to somebody, or it could be the worst thing since Atari's's all just a matter of perspective!

03-01-2011, 04:00 AM
EVERY Single game can be the greatest thing ever to somebody

good things about this game: the premise
bad things about this game: everything not listed in the good things.
when there is nobody playing this game's MP, it means something.

03-06-2011, 01:43 AM
again, maybe someone likes it. perhaps it's a kid's first game, and he likes it. who knows.