Moogue Guypan
01-11-2002, 01:53 AM
For the sake of Square Soft I think they should make this game on a PC instead of on a console system. Why? gives them the ability to expand. If not, Square Soft would end up like that other Online game that came out for DreamCast. Forgot the name but it was fun to play for awhile. The online game that came out for DreamCast there was no place to expand. Everything was the same old deal and it got boring FAST. Hopefully it wont be setup like that where you join some room and get a group of people together. Hopefully they will make a world which is almost similar to most Online games in america but leading towards the FF style.

01-17-2002, 12:20 PM

There are oppurtunities to expand...that's why Sony is brining out a Hard Drive...and that's the only real difference between a computer and the PS2. Apart from crappy Windows.

And from past experience, 'American RPGs' are usually designed by European/Japanese teams, anyway o_O

Nanaki XIII
01-18-2002, 12:34 AM
I definitely think they should make it a console MMORPG. You want PC only play Everquest. Besides, why do you care if its on PC and PS2 both?

Moogue Guypan
01-18-2002, 01:38 AM
That could explain the big tiddy ladies in Ever Quest.......

Moogue Guypan
01-18-2002, 01:45 AM
Why I want it on PC? One word SPEED. My PC is more powerful than my ps2 not to mention I been hearing alot of rumors that PS2 is only planning on making a modem port no network port. That my friend would really suck.

Nanaki XIII
01-19-2002, 02:38 AM
For one, dont double post. For two, it will be on PC also.

01-19-2002, 04:57 AM
How is your pc faster than PS2? The ps2 is designed to be streamlined and with only one purpose, pcs have many different purposes and are doing all sorts of things at once. And I heard that the PS2 was to use a broadband ethernet thing thats supposed to be really fast