01-06-2003, 02:46 AM
When I win the battle against the two GM52A's and the Elite guy, 'operate' the arm, and get to the bridge, Zell and Rinoa get to the the other side while Squall is hanging on. When I go left or right, it always ends up in Game Over. How do I get Squall to survive??????

01-06-2003, 02:49 AM
You probably didn't cross it fast enough, try doing it faster.

01-06-2003, 04:32 AM
Well, just hold right. If you keep holding or pressing right, Squall will live.

01-06-2003, 06:05 AM
In around the center, he pauses, then it shows the cinematic, and "Game Over". :confused: And I hate how I have to play it from the last save point, it's annoying.

01-07-2003, 12:32 AM
Ok, that's what i said. When he's hangin gover the edge and it's collapsing in the FMV, hold right on the contol pad. It WILL work.

01-07-2003, 12:54 AM
Yeah, just do what Kie said and rapidly press the right arrow on your control pad. It should and if it doesn't I don't know what you're going to do about it -_-

01-07-2003, 01:28 AM
Actually I don't think that tapping is required. All I think you need to do is hold down the right arrow/analoge.

01-09-2003, 02:34 AM
Well, I got past that part where I got stuck, and yet again, I'm stuck! How the heck do you beat Raijin and Fuijin with the stats below:

Zell: 1035 HP Shiva
Squall:1253 HP Ifrit
Irvinne: 818 HP Diablos

And I'm in the harbor near the big red Galbadian Garden, so there is no way to level up. :(

01-09-2003, 03:09 AM
I believe this is the battle inside hotel? Hmm if so just summon your most powerful GFs [With Boost Equipped] and pummel away... Shouldn't be too hard... Oh and if it is in the hotel make sure to draw Pandemonium from Fujin...

01-09-2003, 07:54 AM
Sucks to have all guys in your party. And if I remember correctly, there is no way of switching your party at this time. For me the key is to have two girls in your party since Raijin does not hit girls. Cast protect on all your party members and attack Fuijin first or cast shell on all your party members and attack Raijin first. Remember to draw a GF from Fuijin before you kill her. Some of Quistis limit breaks works well too. Too bad she is not in your party.

01-10-2003, 12:05 AM
What is Boost? I'm reall new to the FF games. :(

01-10-2003, 02:14 AM
Boost is a GF ability that allows you to repeatedly tap square during the summon sequence. A small icon will appear if it's equipped telling you to tap square, when the icon gets a cross on it you must stop until the cross reappears, this boosts the GF's power so it dos more damage and is very useful, especially with long summon animations like Eden's.

01-11-2003, 12:41 AM
Is there a way to skip one of the battles? No matter what I do, I still get all low HPs and then boom! Game Over. Raijin is easy, but Raijin & the other -jin is way too hard. :mad:

01-11-2003, 10:02 AM
Fujin... :notgood: Tsk, Tsk, Tsk... Now tell me you haven't been running away on the world map battles... HAVE YOU!? ::Evil Glare:: Hehehe... Hmm well no, do you think it'd be a Final Fantasy game if you could just skip boss fights... seriously... Oh well... Ya can't skip it, ya can't win... so I hope you haven't been overwriting your saves... 'cause you're gonna have to go back and train, train, train boy! ...Otherwise just get into your Junctioning screen and try and get more stats on defense etc. Then pummel your opposition into the ground... and man if you have trouble with these guys... I don't wanna see you later on...:rolleyes: :confused: :eek: ...hehehe...

01-11-2003, 06:44 PM
hmmm, if you havent beaten them all i can say is level up. are diablos shiva and ifrit the only GFs you use? Anyways, draw pandemonium, the guy, Raijin, absorbs lightning and the girl ,fujin, absorbs wind. So dont use those, you'll just heal them. Aslo try and use blind and poison on Raijin because he uses physical attacks. And make sure you're all junctiond. The more magic you junction (for example 99 Blizzaga under Deffence) the better that stat is. So put you largest amount of magic under attack it should raise you attack power, and then just hack away.

01-11-2003, 08:49 PM
Well I lvled upand junctioned and I got past it! :) I'm alomost doen with Disk Two now, but that darn Cerberus thing, any tips on killing him?

Nanaki XIII
01-11-2003, 09:01 PM
Well he is optional so at least your life dont depend on beating him. Ya this guy is tough. Well he has double, maybe triple so you can use that to cure everyone or use it to use demi on him which works good. Using the GFs work wonders except for quezacotl and pandamonium cuz he wind and thunder do nothing. And you might wanna junction quake to elemental defense because he uses it a lot. Tough cookie but well worth it.

01-12-2003, 01:30 AM
I'd offer tips, except by the time I get to Cerberus. I'm usually overpowered. I have Lionheart and all sorts of over junk I can use on him. But I don't know if you have that. If not, I can at least offer a couple of tips: If you have Meltdown magic: use it! Meltdown will nullify his and just about any other bosses physical defense. Get into the habit of always casting Meltdown right at the beginning of a tough battle. It works wonders. If he casts Triple on himself, immediately cast Dispel on him to get him out of it. Oh, and this is a great opportunity to draw 100 Triples for each of your characters, which will be great junctioning magic for your characters, so if you can do it, do it. And, as Nanaki suggested, you can draw Triple from him and cast it, so try that too. And Haste all your characters. Regen too if you have it.

01-14-2003, 12:39 AM
Wait, Cerberus is an optional boss?!?! Are you sure?

01-14-2003, 12:41 AM

Nanaki XIII
01-14-2003, 01:59 AM
He is optional but its good to beat him because hes one of the best GFs in the game.

01-14-2003, 04:10 AM
It looks like he's blocking the path, but it's just like this one boss, who I won't name, in Final Fantasy X. Even though he's huge, he's not blocking any area you have to get to and it's totally possible to avoid him. I always fight him though, like Nanaki XIII says, no point in missing out on a great GF.

01-14-2003, 12:30 PM
yeah i would get Cerberus, the first time i played FF8 i died on him, but that was because i didnt know how to work my magic and stuff, beat him easy the next time, but never use him for battle, didnt see the point, used him about 10 times maybe

01-15-2003, 12:08 AM
What element is he? I might get him, but I'll most likely skip it.

01-15-2003, 12:11 AM
He's not an element as far as I know... He comes into battle and casts Triple or something [It's like Haste] on your whole party... He's useful, the first time I had no trouble beating him :eek: I'd say you need to level up *alot* more...

01-15-2003, 03:15 AM
Well, I have decided to skip him, now, Edea=hard. I've beaten Seifer, but Edea, Maelstorm knocks my guys dead. And Squall is only lvl 21, should I walk around to try to lvl up?

01-15-2003, 03:18 AM
-.- You should be well past lv.21 by know... you have some serious training to do...

01-15-2003, 05:01 AM
Whoa, yeah. You need to be way higher than Level 21. I think I'm usually at least 50 by the time I get there.

Oh - and Cerberus - casts Double and Triple on your entire party. Not too useful, but remember, each GF you get gives you ablities as well.

01-15-2003, 08:23 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">In a way, lower levels is better. Enemies level up with you in FF8, which means that they also get more HP and also much stronger. It shouldn't really matter what level you are, as long as you have good junctions. I could usually do well enough against Cerberus as long as everyone had an HP-J and their HP is at least 2000 or above. If you haven't learnt HP-J's for everyone, then you can just figth regular battles for a while until you do (or rearranging which characters have which GF's may help aswell). After that, you just go into battle, use Dispel on him whenever he casts Triple, and just use Shell and Protect on yourself; he's not too hard after that. :)

But if you've gone on to fight Seifer, then you might not be able to get back to Cerberus. It won't be possible after you beat Edea, but you might be able to go back before the battle with Seifer and Edea.

In that battle, you can draw Haste form Seifer. You may want to draw this early on and cast it on your charcaters. Edea will always start with Maelstrom, which lowers every character's HP by 1/2, and causes Curse (so that they can't use limit breaks). As I said for Cerberus, just get your junctions as good as possible (you may want to draw from enemies and use GF refining abilities to get good magic). After that, the only problem Edea should give you is by using the Death spell; unless you have 100 Deaths to junction to status defence by this point (which is very unlikely) you'll die to this. Just revive people as they are killed, and heal them straight away. Draw GF Alexander from her, then start drawing and casting her Demi spells directly against her. GF Diablos also comes in useful. Apart fro that, just use limit breaks or GF's; whichever seem more powerful. :)

01-15-2003, 10:03 PM
IF I use Demi, she always has Reflect, like, it's the first thing that she does.

01-15-2003, 11:26 PM
Yeah, I was thinking earlier about the fact that the enemies level up with you in this game. What I'd recommend is battling until the enemies you fight are around Level 30. This lets you draw most of the better magic spells. Oh, and I can't emphasize Meltdown enough. Draw this magic or refine it if at all possible. Not only is it great junctioning for Vitality, but it's also great to nullify the enemy's defense.

01-16-2003, 12:12 AM
The enemies do level up but I don't think the bosses do, they all have fixed stats...:eek:

01-16-2003, 08:09 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Nope, bosses can level up too; however, most bosses do have a maximum level that they can't go above. There are actually very few bosses that can reach level 100.

And if Edea uses Reflect, just use Dispel on her. If you don't have that, you can refine it from Wizard Stones or Magic Stones using Supt Mag-RF I think. Or, if you have Reflect, cast it on yourself and reflect the Demi spells off of yourself onto her, that works also. :)

01-16-2003, 08:12 PM
That works? It's been my experience in past FF games that if a monster casts a Reflect spell on itself to bounce spells off of it onto you, it won't help if you have Reflect set up. Like it can only be reflected one time or something. Not true for FFVIII?

01-17-2003, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by 404-Mage
IF I use Demi, she always has Reflect, like, it's the first thing that she does.
if you cast relfect on yourself you can cast magic on yourself and then it will reflect off of you and go through her reflect. confusing? yes.

01-17-2003, 02:08 AM
When I played, I was also at around lvl 20. My highest leveled character at the end of disc 3 was lvl 38, which was Squall. From my experience, it is possible to defeat Edea at level 20. Have one character cure and two others summon GFs. I don't remember if she uses magic spells, if she does, cast reflect on yourself (just summon carbuncle). Edea will also use death once in a while, so prepare for that.

01-17-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
That works? It's been my experience in past FF games that if a monster casts a Reflect spell on itself to bounce spells off of it onto you, it won't help if you have Reflect set up. Like it can only be reflected one time or something. Not true for FFVIII? <font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yeah, magic can only be reflected one time. What I was saying is, if Edea casts Reflect on herself, you will need to cast Reflect on one of your characters in order to use magic on her. However, she will also cast magic spells off of herself if you both have Reflect on, so it doesn't protect you against her magical attacks. It's just for attacking her with Demi really. ;)

01-31-2003, 12:54 AM
Well, it helped adn I went to disc 3, are Fuijin and Raijin the final bosses for this disc? Casue they are real hard. And for some reason, when I cast reflect on everyone, and Fuijin casts Meteor, how come it isn't reflected???:confused:

01-31-2003, 02:05 AM
some spells cant be reflected like ultima,meteor, earthquake (i think),and flare, there is probobly more...anyways it all the really nasty spells it dosnt reflect

01-31-2003, 05:15 AM
You should really try to get Lionheart, or the better GFs or anything like that which will help out. Anything like that will make mincemeat out of them. Also, I believe you can draw Full-Life from one of them and maybe Regen and other good stuff. Use draw and just cast magic when you need it. And don't forget about Meltdown.

01-31-2003, 07:14 AM
If you have Eden and it is around lvl 50-60, summon it once and they both should be dead. I suggest doing all the sidequest possible before fighting them.

02-01-2003, 07:31 AM
Where do you get Eden? I went to that place in the far corner of the world map to try to get him, but when I got in there, no matter where I moved, I fight a battle, and get pushed back and back.

Nanaki XIII
02-01-2003, 08:10 AM
you can only move when the lights not flashing, or something like that.

02-01-2003, 08:40 AM
Yep. "The Blue Light signals death to all. Turn back." Or something like that. You have to wait until it's off and move and be very careful to stop before it turns on again. When you get to the end, you'll have to fight Bahamut. But you'll have to fight two Ruby Dragons first. After fighting the second Ruby Dragon, make sure to choose the hidden third option when asked for a choice, to gain entrance to the battle with Bahamut.

02-02-2003, 12:59 AM
after you fight Bahamut, do you get him? And two ruby dragons!?!?!? I'm only lvl 30 right now still!

02-02-2003, 04:55 AM
after you fight Bahamut, do you get him?
Absolutely. Once you beat him, he's your GF to summon. And then you get access to go in further to get Eden.

And two ruby dragons!?!?!?
Yep, and the second one's either a back attack or some other battle formation that's not advantageous to your characters. I don't remember which exactly.

I'm only lvl 30 right now still!
Whoa, okay, I really think you have some work to do leveling up. First, if Quistis doesn't have her Degenerator Blue Magic, teach it to her now. Then, visit either the Island Closest To Heaven or The Island Closest To Hell. Have some Aura magic stocked or put Quistis in critical HP to give her a better chance of getting a limit. Then, run into some battles and have at them with Quistis's Degenrator. Make sure to save often if something goes wrong. With this method, you should be able to gain a bunch of levels very quickly. If you don't have Degenerator, then you need the item "Black Hole" to teach it to her. Check to see if you have it. If not, then you should be able to Card Mod some Gesper cards for it. Gesper cards are very easy to get, just check around various card players and you should find one that carries them rather quickly.

Edited to add: Don't worry too much about either the Ruby Dragons or Bahamut. They're pushovers. If you get Degenerator, use it on the Ruby Dragons to take care of them instantly. And Meltdown should work on Bahamut and then just have at him with Haste and then powerful limit breaks or powerful GFs.

Nanaki XIII
02-02-2003, 07:52 AM
Actually level doesnt matter much in this game. I beat the Omega Weapon at level 40. The secret is in having 100 of the strongest magics junctioned. Then they are easy picking.

02-02-2003, 07:07 PM
Yeah, that helps a lot too. I'd recommend getting a lot of the following magic: Meltdown, Aura, Full-Life, Ultima, Triple, Protect, Shell, Dispel, Regen, Tornado and anything else that's decent. Then find the stats it works best with for you and junction it.

02-03-2003, 06:49 PM
Thoe ruby dragons give a lot of exp, and how the heck do yuo get 100 of magic?!??!?

02-03-2003, 07:31 PM
Thoe ruby dragons give a lot of exp
Yep, so that'll help some.

and how the heck do yuo get 100 of magic?!??!?
You sit and you draw it or you refine it from something. Really though, you need to junction something that gives you a high magic stat and then draw 9 at a time until you have 100 of the magic you want. (Yeah, boring as hell, I know, but hey, so is a lot of stuff in Final Fantasy.) Oh, BTW, you also want to try to get Meteor and Flare. I forgot about those before, but both of those are great for junctioning too.

Nanaki XIII
02-04-2003, 02:36 AM
Refining is the fastest and bestest way to get 100 magic. Play lots of card games too. Get the good cards for the good magics. After beating the card queen and refining the best magic I was unbeatable.

02-04-2003, 02:08 PM
you seriously need to get your GF's skills up and get some decent magic refined...then junction it to get your stats up.

im on about 4000with Squall and about 3000 with the rest a the mo, and im only just out of the missile base!!

good junctioning is the key to this game

06-08-2004, 05:45 AM
Nah it's pretty easy to defeat the bosses no matter what level you are it just sometimes takes time. I've recently rebought FF8 i'm only level 22 on disc 3 and i've defeated every boss so far and have not died.
After i've played the other FF it's so easy you know?

06-08-2004, 09:34 AM
Well.......for me...........everything go as smooth as silk..........nothing stands in my way! EdeA's style.......doin' things smoothly:whatever:

06-10-2004, 12:06 AM
yea level up and get some good magic to junction and meltdown is very important especially in tough battles like jumbo cactuar or ultima/omega weapon. for the record i was at like lvl 50 before i even went into the fire cavern...i just noticed...i have too much free time...

06-13-2004, 12:03 PM
Its easy 2 level up, you need 1000 exp. each time to gain a level, go to the jungle bit on the ice continent, fight stuff and you level up.
Also you can refine dark matter into 100 ultimas which will easy put HP up to 9999.
Thats what i found helped my stats most