01-15-2011, 03:51 AM
My friend seems to be under the impression that certain games will be made for the 3DS will not be compatible with the DS, DS lite, and so on. Is there any truth to this? because I'd HATE to have to spend another couple of hundred or so JUST to get the new KH game that I heard will be released for the 3DS.

Yeah, sorry if I sound stupid, but...

01-15-2011, 04:32 AM
You're not going to be able to play 3DS games on a regular DS. The 3DS is backwards compatible, though.

01-15-2011, 04:39 AM
Yeah, the 3DS is the DS's successor. It isn't just another DS revision like the DS Lite or DSi/XL.

01-15-2011, 05:10 AM
Lol I heard from a friend that a reviewer was trying to find the sweetspot for amount of 3d to set on the 3DS and the dude ended up finding out that setting the 3D to 0 was the best. IMO, the 3Ds is sorta not that a good deal since it puts strain on your eyes as well.

01-15-2011, 09:04 PM
^ Same. I mean, if you don't hold it just right and so on......
Thanks everyone! Looks like I'm getting a 3Ds.....Sometime. ._.

Jitan Toraibaru
01-16-2011, 07:16 AM
Lol I heard from a friend that a reviewer was trying to find the sweetspot for amount of 3d to set on the 3DS and the dude ended up finding out that setting the 3D to 0 was the best. IMO, the 3Ds is sorta not that a good deal since it puts strain on your eyes as well.

get it because of the Upgraded specs, not because of the gimmick! :P

01-17-2011, 11:54 PM
I plan on getting the 3DS. We're old enough to where the strain on our eyes won't do anything. Unless there's a few kids in here of course.

01-18-2011, 03:21 AM
I thought the 3DS won't be out in the US until April?

01-18-2011, 05:12 AM
It's out in March, I think.

01-18-2011, 04:30 PM
I'm going to get a 3DS on launch, drool over the awesome graphics of Kingdom Hearts 3D, Metal Gear Solid 3D and Ocarina of Time...THREE-D - all with 3D off, because being blind in one eye kinda kills the gimmick for me.

Shortly after, i'm going to get my PSP2, and laugh and how crappy the 3DS games look.

01-19-2011, 04:38 AM
once the 3ds comes out, sony announces the psp2 with 3d, calling it innovative, and getting shunned by everyone, everywhere.
its not like i wont get a psp2, if it even happens, but from what is rumored, it seems it will go the way the psp did: flooded with inferior ports of ps3 games and an (at launch) unimpressive library of original games.

01-19-2011, 06:16 AM
once the 3ds comes out, sony announces the psp2 with 3d, calling it innovative, and getting shunned by everyone, everywhere.
its not like i wont get a psp2, if it even happens, but from what is rumored, it seems it will go the way the psp did: flooded with inferior ports of ps3 games and an (at launch) unimpressive library of original games.

Can't disagree one bit. I'd only buy that if there were more than seven games for it that looked halfway appealing to me - unlike the first PSP could do :rolleyes:

01-19-2011, 08:32 AM
Can't disagree one bit. I'd only buy that if there were more than seven games for it that looked halfway appealing to me - unlike the first PSP could do :rolleyes:

Patapon 1/2
Loco Roco 1/2/Midnight Carnival
What Did I Do to Deserve this My Lord? 1/2/3
Lumines 1/2
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Final Fantasy I/II
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Metal Gear AC!D 1/2
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
Valkyria Chronicles II
Gran Turismo

....and that's just off the top of my head. The console isn't lacking in awesome exclusives.

01-19-2011, 09:22 AM
i did say AT LAUNCH.
also.. LOL at final fantasy 1-2. a port of origins? please.
charging 30 dlls for each game? WTF.
for 20 or less you can get the gba port, for 30 or less you can get origins.

01-19-2011, 10:14 AM
Patapon 1/2
Loco Roco 1/2/Midnight Carnival
What Did I Do to Deserve this My Lord? 1/2/3
Lumines 1/2
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Final Fantasy I/II
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Metal Gear AC!D 1/2
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
Valkyria Chronicles II
Gran Turismo

....and that's just off the top of my head. The console isn't lacking in awesome exclusives.
You forgot the Monster Hunter games, which are easily the best games on PSP. Easily.

But yeah, he did say at launch.

01-19-2011, 05:19 PM
And I did say appealing to me ;)

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Crisis Core: FFVII
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
God of War
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines
Resistance: Retribution
Coded Arms
Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker

OKAY, FINE, that's nine.

01-19-2011, 09:37 PM


Speaking of the 3DS, didn't that just get announced? That's it's coming out on March? Like 2 months from now? I intend to get it eventually, you know once Nin eventually releases the inevitable slim or lite or whatever smaller and cheaper version. Not that many launch games I care about anyway. Most of them look like they're just 3D remakes of N64 titles, so I'll pass for now.

01-19-2011, 10:07 PM
It was announced last March.

01-19-2011, 10:59 PM
Man, I think the 3DS has a pretty impressive selection of launch titles. Better than I remember for the DS, anyway!

01-20-2011, 03:35 AM
from memory, only star fox and OOT have enchanced ports.
resident evil revelations
resident evil mercenaries (yes, a whole game based on a minigame, think how much shit -in a good way- they can fit in there)
kingdom hearts
and lots more.

Chocolate Misu
01-20-2011, 04:50 AM
I heard March 27 as 3ds launch date.......

01-20-2011, 12:08 PM
It was announced last March.

I meant the release date and price. Oh, and it was a bit surprising that Europe will actually get it before the US (March 25th for Europe and 27th for the US).

01-21-2011, 01:27 PM
You forgot the Monster Hunter games, which are easily the best games on PSP. Easily.

But yeah, he did say at launch.

I missed the launch bit. My bad. Mind you, name one console that did have more than one or two good titles at launch - from memory, the only game I played on my 360 for like 6 months was Oblivion. I think my PSP was actually the console I had the most games for at launch - not all fantastic games, but they kept me entertained - Wipeout Pure, Metal Gear AC!D, and Ridge Racer.

Also, regarding Monster Hunter - I played a bit of Monster Hunter Unite, but I just couldn't get into it. Control for console-like experiences are tricky thanks to Sony's idiotic idea of one analog nub, and you usually sacrifice some sort of control. Kingdom Hearts pulls it off best (mainly because the PS2 games had the camera control on the L1/R1 buttons anyway, so using L/R feels natural for that game), Peace Walker does a decent job by blending auto-aim and allowing minutia control with the face buttons, but I kept getting frustrated by Monster Hunter.

01-21-2011, 02:04 PM
I never got used to the controls when I played Freedom Unite. When I went back to play Portable 3rd though, I didn't really have a problem.

01-21-2011, 08:43 PM
I find the touch screen for moving the camera is a bitch, myself. KH pulled it off okay, but other games I've played just....No.

How much is the price of the 3DS?

01-21-2011, 09:26 PM
$250 in the US, not sure on prices elsewhere!

I like the touchscreen best for point and click adventures and SRPGs.

01-21-2011, 09:38 PM
Point and click would be epic! (I have ONE game and borrowed another from my brother) Its freaking Metroid that killed my eyesight with the twirly, swirly, pointless turning with the stylus feature.

01-21-2011, 10:57 PM
$250 in the US, not sure on prices elsewhere!

I like the touchscreen best for point and click adventures and SRPGs.

$350 in Australia. And I can't even import, thanks to Nintendo's sudden douchebaggery regarding region locking. It's kinda ridiculous considering a) we're closer to the manufacturer and b) the Australian dollar is hovering around parity with the greenback.

01-22-2011, 12:24 AM
I don't think an official price for Australia has been announced yet.

01-22-2011, 09:24 AM
Not officially, but when EB chucks up a price and lets you pre-order, they've generally got inside info.

01-22-2011, 11:24 AM
Yeah, that seems pretty likely.

I'll probably just pick up a US 3DS and import all my games then. Alternatively, I'll wait until somebody releases a flashcart.