01-05-2003, 12:33 AM
So, think you can post coherent phrases, only in Al Bhed and preferable w/o the help of a translator but whatever.

Famm, lyh oui? Pad oui lyh'd tu ed vun suna dryh dfu ruinc pavuna ouin rayt cdyndc du rind!

01-05-2003, 02:33 PM
Ouin cek ecr duu pek! Bmayca muca uha uv dra esykac, yht syga cina dra uha oui gaab ec ihtan 100 beqamc eh raekrd!

Cunno vun dra ehluhjaheahla, vneaht!

01-05-2003, 09:46 PM
Hu bnupmas.... E teth'd sayh vun ed du pa cu pek.

E'mm clyma ed tufh yht na-bid ed ib... zicd kesaa y meddma ;)

Dra uhmo bnupmas ec, ev ed crnehg ed dra daqd palusac rynt du nayt... yho etayc uh ruf du cdub drec?

01-06-2003, 03:34 AM
E's hud cina ed lyh pa rambat, cunno ypuid dryd. Pid yc muhk yc oui lyh syhyka du veht cusadrehk fedreh dra mesedc 400 x 150, drah ed'c veha.