01-11-2011, 03:22 AM
Sonic Mayhem
Prototype (Expanded Score)

320 MP3



Prototype Suites 1-10

TRT: 3:02:26

Normally I don't post releases like this since most video game music doesn't really appeal to me but there are the few rare exceptions I feel that everyone has to hear. This release is definitely high up on the list. It has a sound that seems more fitting for a movie and it slightly resembles Media Ventures' output but has an energy contained within that I feel Media Ventures hasn't quite been able to nail yet. This release was ripped directly from the Xbox 360 files (those files were not ripped by me) and contains no SFX and has been mixed into 11 suites. There have been many different releases in this forum for this score but most of them are over 100 tracks, sound quite terrible, and loop. I did my best to keep the score sounding clean and consistent. This is not a complete release solely for the fact that the only missing music is from the various cut scenes throughout the game and the source for those were riddled with SFX and didn't really add or take anything from the whole experience overall. I hope you all enjoy!

01-11-2011, 09:58 AM
358 posts and yet you don't know that this is a wrong section...

01-11-2011, 10:21 AM
358 posts and yet you don't know that this is a wrong section...
I lol'd at this, but thank you for the upload!

01-11-2011, 08:31 PM
I was in a rush to re-post all of my releases that I felt were worth re-posting that had gotten lost in the forums so I wasn't really thinking about posting this is the video game music forum.

01-11-2011, 08:47 PM
358 posts and yet you don't know that this is a wrong section...

haha and look at picar

thanks for the up !!

02-09-2011, 04:30 PM
Thanks for this one. It's outstanding.

11-17-2011, 08:12 PM
Thanks, Sonic is Great. ;-)

03-03-2012, 06:06 AM
Mediafire mirror please? Multiupload doesn't load for me....

03-03-2012, 07:49 AM
Mediafire mirror please? Multiupload doesn't load for me....

New link up! I couldn't use Mediafire because it had a 200MB limit.

03-03-2012, 08:51 AM
New link up! I couldn't use Mediafire because it had a 200MB limit.

I can't see the link... Or maybe you are still uploading it?

03-04-2012, 03:13 AM
I can't see the link... Or maybe you are still uploading it?

The link is now up! Sorry for that, guys and gals.

05-09-2012, 05:04 PM
Looking forward to giving this a listen. Thanks for sharing!

Leon Scott Kennedy
05-09-2012, 09:20 PM
Pretty nice job with this. Too bad the official "release" is only 47:57.

02-18-2013, 05:01 PM
Good grief, I hate being that person that keeps nagging with this, but I'm not lying when I say I'm having problems with RapidShare, as it keeps giving me a "Download permission denied by uploader" whenever I try to download anything stored there.

Would there be any chance for a re-upload?

Thanks in advance.

Leon Scott Kennedy
02-19-2013, 01:05 PM
Good grief, I hate being that person that keeps nagging with this, but I'm not lying when I say I'm having problems with RapidShare, as it keeps giving me a "Download permission denied by uploader" whenever I try to download anything stored there.

Would there be any chance for a re-upload?

Thanks in advance.

Dead links.

02-20-2013, 01:06 AM
Why did I knew you would be the one to come to my aid?

You handsome hunk of meat, I'll be your Ada from now on. =P

Leon Scott Kennedy
02-20-2013, 01:15 AM
Haha! Well, that's not surprising... You've always been one step ahead of me, Miss Wong =D

Glad to help.

04-19-2013, 02:29 AM
Thanks for the re-up man!

04-20-2013, 10:38 AM

04-20-2013, 11:49 AM
Mirror please

Leon Scott Kennedy
05-17-2013, 12:58 PM
Mirror please
Dead links.

06-04-2013, 05:58 AM
OMG! dude what a life saver.
p.s. (Praise the Sun)

11-13-2013, 04:28 AM
Thanks for the mirrors. I was just checking to see if this needed re-upping. This is a pretty thrilling score and as the group title suggests is pure sonic mayhem. I never finished the game, I couldn't kill the final boss. I wasn't very great with combos in that game. The controls were also kinda trick; add to that, I don't have the keystroke wit and finesse that true gamers do. I went through my gamer phase but sadly grew out of it. Those truly were some good ol' days then adulthood hit and all my priorities got very askew so gaming is usually the thing I do when I'm bored beyond belief. Admittedly I'm slow burning Arkham Origins. I rushed through Arkham City but I'm gonna take my time on Origins. New developers and all that jazz. I like how it sticks closely to the first two games while amping up the intensity of the fighting scenes a bit more. It's not what I expected but then again I'm only a little over 15% in so I've got a ways to go.

Enjoy the Prototype score nonetheless. The Origins score is pretty sweet too. Check that out if you can find it.