01-04-2003, 12:46 AM
To the left!
That side of Beggards street
A Dave is crossing towards
and spies
A footzul (fit for fanding)
A curious find, certainly
and he wrests it from the ground.

"What's this!?"
asks Dave, a Dave, to Ken
a Ken what chance left passing by (on that same left side of Beggards street! my flow is ruined! Continue please!)
"A footzul, fit for fanding
by the fanders."
And he was thanked for his reply

"a footzul? fit for fanding?"
unfamiliar still, was Dave
a Dave(unfamiliar with the tool, though he understood fanding vaguely)
and wont for a good wotting,
he set out quick as
time wouldn't warrant
intentional ignorance
on his part, anyway

This Dave found a Sue at the information centre
information centre- a useful thing I think
Thankfully, she was plug chumming away
and his inquiries were responded to promptly
"The fanders guild," she said with charm
"fit for operators of footzuls and fanbengles(and in these words she is charming still!)
is on the east of Benders,northwest of Lenders, past the Millard factory.
You can gain the knowledge of
fanding with your footzul there, now excuse me"
still with charm she ended the discourse
and set upon some pressing matter
But Dave, a Dave, was quite unsure
and said, "can't I get that info here?"
"No", retorted Sue, quite urgently, though chummingly( and so , we'll not look at her begrudgingly. Certainly if she was allowed to help, she would, and do so charmingly!)

later now! A mountain!
due just east . . . of northwestly
Continue more and later still, Past the factory for Millardry!
We arrive at the guild for fanders (sages of footzuls and fanbengles)
More time to pass, and then we meet
The guild chief Barney
A Barney that Dave has already propositioned(don't forget how much time has passed!)
Recorded here,is his response:

" You step into our place, head full of ignorance, and you have no shame. You dare to ask of our noble work and tools, when clearly, any sensible man knows how to use the footzul, and of those that fander! We need not explain our practice to any fool that meanders in. You represent the failing of our society, when a full grown man will show us such stupidity! Do you wish to us to tell you up from down, or how to walk! Surely not, you base buffoon. We fanders have a proud tradition. . .a tradition fit to be a proper noun. A Fander, I dare say with no perdition, we keep the whole of society from crumbling down. With our footzuls and fanbengles, I dare say we do the lord's work true! And yet I find such lack of respect, such utter disdain. . .not disdain at all, you are too ignorant to form such an opinion, and act as if we do not exist at all! To you , am I to answer to? You fool, my patience has been tried. A noble Fander such as I should not have to deal with the likes of you. The likes of you. . .the likes of you. . . you have clearly shown that you are incapable of learning the likes of fanding! Be on your way leading society to ruin!"

Dave, a Dave, was set aback
but courage welled(he must have a strong character!)
and he set to respond
fitting with my current practice,
his response is recorded here:

" You condemn me for my ignorance, and that I admit quite easily. It is the reason I have found myself here, at the guild of fanders, to learn how the functions of my newfound footzul. You will mention your own nobility, and decry my role in society, and why? Am I unfamiliar with the footzul, and you, those that fander? But what am I doing here but to correct my own flaws, and you, you are content to merely deride me for it! You do not care about the well being of society! You do not lament my ignorance and the ignorance of those that are like me! You are far more concerned with your own pride than any higher notion you claim to recognize! If the role of the fander was so great, and the knowledge of your practice was so necessary, you would not dismiss me so easily! You would welcome my showing up here, as a welcome chance to better things! You would teach me of your footzul, and explain the role of the fander! You would set out unto the world, and make your value known to all that would hear it! But you are content with the world's ignorance! It allows for your inflated comparative importance! I do not think the faults of society are in me, who seeks to better himself, but in you, who sees flaws and does nothing, but pat himself on the back, as if that were something! If you truly cared you would teach me of fanding, I repeat myself here, but the point must be stressed! If those that are in the know will not teach, how can we count on the ignorant to progress! How can you expect me to know how to fander, when clearly you are unwilling to tell me, and how am I to understand the operation of your footzul, when all sources of information are left dead to me! If I am not to learn how to use the footzul from those that know it, then how am I to learn it , please tell me, this I ask of you."

This rant set off a stir (well, a stir of giggling)
among guild members , all around
and in the back corner, a hand was raised
Barney nodded, and the man proceeded to speak
"You ass," said the man, to Dave, a Dave
"We all learned how to operate the footzul ourselves."

01-04-2003, 06:28 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">Rather amusing... I dunno if there's a name to describe the way you wrote this or the way it all flows, but its interesting. Seems like it took some time to write.

Good work. ^^