01-07-2011, 05:59 PM
I've done an article on my site, ranting about the double standards of GameFAQs. I believe GameFAQs is a great website, but it's the users that make it great, and the people behind the scenes don't treat the users with enough respect. Read more here: Johnny Mercyside: The Mercy Side: A GameFAQs Rant (

01-07-2011, 08:08 PM
"TheManThatYouFe"? That is insane. Good article, Johnny. I support you, bro!

01-08-2011, 05:29 AM
so, i got banned there for saying the swastika was originaly (and, still is in some obscure places) a sym,bol of hope/good luck/etc.
it wasnt its fault that the germans used it as their logo.

next thing i know, BAM! that message got modded and i got banned.

01-08-2011, 06:24 AM
Never mind the fact that you were right, huh Will?

I do know what you're talking about, too...I used to think the swastika had NO good traits for it, but after learning its history, it was just (dumb)bad luck that it was selected as the Nazi party's symbol.

But hey, why should we let FACTS get in the way of things, right?

Haven't had any bad experiences be honest, I don't post there that often, nor do I submit. But this is something that needs to be addressed. Too bad they'll(GameFAQs mods) never see it until it's too late.

01-08-2011, 07:16 AM
I've never posted on GameFAQs, as this is my first and only forum, but I knew a chick who told me she tried signing up to GameFAQs using like three different emails but kept getting a message every time telling her that email had been banned by the administrator. It was on her own computer that only she used, and she'd never used the site before. I'll have to run it past her to try this place :D

01-11-2011, 05:31 AM
GameFAQs are where people with way too much time on their hands help me when i get stuck on a puzzle in Professor Layton.

01-11-2011, 10:57 AM
GameFAQs is a great place for help with games but it's ironically Nazi in it's approach to moderation. I got a response in the end, not that anything came of it. Nay'mind, the rant let off steam :D

01-12-2011, 01:19 AM
GameFAQs is a great place for help with games but it's ironically Nazi in it's approach to moderation. I got a response in the end, not that anything came of it. Nay'mind, the rant let off steam :D

Which is a good thing in and of itself, friend.:)