01-06-2011, 09:05 PM
:smrt:This is not related to any of the Marc Silvestry universe The Darkness.

:laugh:"The Darkness" is a story, or novel, I have been writing since 2003, and it is suposed to be my thesis to my Arqueology course. In this story, Humans are the villains and the demons are fluffy ones. Why?
Take a look at the american movie of Godzilla. He was not wanting to kill anyone, and yet, he was threat to what? Mankind? That is a joking word. In this story divided in 3 "Episodes"; Past, Present, Future, I show and put all my theories of the past world, like the explanation of mythologies and some other things among human history, which it streches to the Present and Future. In here I destroy a lot of religions, since most of them are very MANLY and the symbol of "Woman" is catagorized as Unpure, Bitch, Slut, Lies, Deceive, and all bad things that can occur to you. By the way, I am a man, but I'm a Feminist. Nowadays, women are being targets of exploration of a lot at all degrees. The image of "Woman" is used for us to buy something just because some want to look like her or some want see the girl if is in the shopping too... Even sexually explored to hardest and disgusting levels. So now, who is the symbol of "Unpure, Bitch, Slut, Lies, Deceive"??
As you can see, my novel, although it is very fictional, the story settles on how ugly the human race is.
Have been writing this storie with music, lot's of it, and I have imaging it with TV episodes of 45 minutes, which has making it easy for me to imagine in a more wide vision. I have choosed the Opening and Ending songs and which they appear and some other soundtrack tracks for specific places. If this was to be a series, I would call (or try too X( ) all those who inspired me for the soundtrack of my novel. Till then, flash movie is just fine and with tracks I chose. :)

I have the LAST episode written and I had already chosed some tracks, that fit perfectly for what I wanted. :)
Although almost all tracks are Juno Reactor, the idea I have for the soundtrack of my novel is:
- PAST "Episode I - Dark Lies, Evil Truth" - > Symphonic (lots of it. PURE)
- PRESENT "Episode II - Dead Memories" - > Symphonic, Heavy Guitar & Techno (nowadays)
- FUTURE "Episode III - Future Evil - Future Ends" - > Electronic (all kinds and experimental stuff)
These musical genres also have some work on the story because all of these are symbolic for the novel.:angel:

Enough Chat.

This is my chosen soundtrack for the for the final battle. :)

Episode III "Future Ends" - LAST Battles Soundtrack (http://uptobox.com/oo8rbvs3amtf)

Artists: D'espairsRay, Paradise Lost, Masami Ueda, Juno Reactor, Don Davis, Susumu Hirasawa, Hideyuki Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi Sekito

Tracks Collected in: 2008.02.16


01 Grudge [LAST Battles: OPENING]
02 Tetsujin [ARCANJO: Battle Part 1]
03 MASTERS of the UNIVERSE [ARCANJO: Battle Part 2]
04 Burly Brawl [ARCANJO: Battle Part 3]
05 Materia [''Injection of S.P.I.R.A.L.'']
06 In My Head [ARCANJO-LUCIFER: Battle Part 1]
07 Neodammerung [ARCANJO-LUCIFER: Battle Part 2]
08 The Journey Kontinues [ARCANJO-LUCIFER: Battle Part 3]
09 solemn voice [ARCANJO-LUCIFER: Final Battle]
10 solemn voice -legion mode- [ARCANJO-LUCIFER: End]
11 Murder [LUCIFER: Final Battle ''The Head of Lucifer'']
12 Permanent Solution [Last Episode: ENDING]
13 Divinity Statue [''The Character to be Known'']


I'm sharing this and hope some feedback from you guys. :)
Hope you enjoy it.

01-07-2011, 12:31 AM
You must be kidding. Would you ever believe if I have told you that I am also writing story about nightmare. I have also planned to write three chapters. Nightmare, which is the main plot, The past chapters and the lost chapter. The one which is ready now is the main plot. I will have to send it to you.

Currently I am downloading the music set that you prepared. Perhaps it will add some inspiration in writing the next parts.

01-07-2011, 12:45 AM
The inspiration all came while listening music. at least for me. :)
I got inspired by a lot of music, and brushing my head for senses in the whole role for characters too. it is not so easy to write it.

03-13-2011, 02:53 PM
I'm goign to upload another "kind of" soundtrack I collected and choosed for my novel. :)
Soon, HCL.

It seems you are the only one interested in this. :)

03-13-2011, 05:21 PM
Yes sure. Any step toward this is certainly welcomed. Darkness theory has a lot to say about. And in my own opinion it could also be described as growth theory. Only if you were able to get that to your side. For example, and as you may know. One of the most spectacular roses ,which is the Tulip, will be able to better grow if it was exposed to dark and cold weather. The valid conclusion that can be drawn upon this fact is that if you apply this to your learning curve. As in the case of the tulip. Although it was in darkness almost all of its life cycle. No body has prevented it from blooming in the end. You just have to be sure about that. Another great example that we touch and see in our human body is the naked eye. Moreover, if you sit in a dark room for a while. Your eye will start to adapt to this situation. And it will activate a certain cells that will, in one way or another, make the dark visible. At least in a clearer way than it was from the first case. So if some one entered a darkroom and you were there before him. You are in an advantageous position. Because you can see him, including the room's surrounding, while he is not.

03-14-2011, 09:34 PM
I know very well that of our eyes. I do that a lot. Some people call me vampire or bat. :P
My theory is very simple. Humans are hipocrite in judging hem as the ultimate lifeform on the universe, and that gives the right to hunt down weird creatures (demons in my story.) Because everything that is diferent from the rules of mankind, ut must be destroyed. Remember the American Godzilla movie. Godzilla is not a villain, he or she, was looking for a place to feed her sons, and she was not that dangerous. The humans made her look dangerous and hunted her for destruction. So how come can you really see dragons as demonic lifeform from the hands of the devil? I see more that us, Humans came from the hands of the devil. Our basic needs are destruction, and for our own asses and fuckt up the ones close to us. Just few people like you and me, renounce that Hand of the Devil and life our live the most away from Karma and create a new definition of what it really is to be human.

03-14-2011, 10:08 PM
Perhaps if you were stuck in the middle of a sophisticated story. You should go back to principles and the basic definitions in order to grasp the real meanings and wordings. For example some times the ordinary dictionary will help us a lot. The same thing will help more in what you have fantastically described as "what it really is to be human". By the way, it can be a quote that you can taught to students at schools and universities :)

12-24-2012, 05:40 PM

Im curious of this thing Orie, �Do you have it? Im CURIOUS till say stop xD.

12-24-2012, 08:27 PM
In fact I have it in my 3ds. I let my Novel works in the external HD. XD
No HD at moment now. XD

I will do it after XMas ;P

12-27-2012, 10:44 PM
Re-upload and made a cover for it. ;)

12-28-2012, 01:00 AM
This sounds very interesting Orie, my curiosity is blooming (^ω^)

12-29-2012, 02:02 AM
I agree with you sakon. I like Masters of the Universe :)

12-29-2012, 02:04 AM
Juno Reactor is Juno Reactor. :p nothing more to say. XD

in fact, that is my favorite song of him of all he has composed. :)
Except Navras

12-29-2012, 11:40 PM
Well fuck it, I see this thread for the very first time, thanks to someone special :D
Have almost all tracks too...
mmmmmm Juno Reactor mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yesssssss

So are you finishing the novel or better to ask how much is finished maybe? A half? Two thirds? Or something? I really wouldn't mind to read it you know...

12-30-2012, 12:33 AM
The novel is not finished at all.
All the basis and plot of "episode 1" are done. "Episode 2" is incredibly larger compared to the rest. I divided the story like tv shows of 45 ~60 minutes.
"Episode 1" 3 seasons
"Episode 2" 7 seasons (more or less) + 2 mini seasons (counting in 4 episodes)
"Episode 3" 3 seasons

I started some years ago a side story gaiden "Another Story of The Darkness". Which will have a lot of stuff I wanted to put on the main plot, but, they would not make any sense, if this all a thesis of mine for Arqueology.
For example, I wanted Mechas, so we have them in the side story. But this side story will also be very important to some dots of the main plot. So it is not something made just by chance.

Not anytime soon you will read or anyone else. I still have a lot in my mind. Recorded there. in 2005 I stopped writting, because of other personal issues. And to be honest I would most likely finish when I am old. Like 70 or something. :/

My novel has a LOT of characters, and a lot of psychological build up for each one. "Episode 2" is very larger in plot because there is a lot to be explained.
For example. In my novel we Have 3 Deaths. the second choosen Death called "The Testament", was pretty much the fact of the Black Plague (also know as Black Death (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Death)) in the european dark ages. He went insane for kiling and blood. Was then known has "The Bloodsained". He must not be forgotten so other chosen Deaths be aware of not falling for the same as he did. A lot pictures showing that "Black Death " events are always presented with the characters sinonim of Death. It was never a Plague. Death just went nuts, and because of that, he disturbed a lot of the Time and Destiny Lines. He was then called off of his duties and the new death was chosen, "Dizzy, The Black Wing".
This is just a taste of a LOT that the novel has in it. :)