01-03-2003, 09:15 PM
I've been working on this for about two weeks, and finished the last tonight. It's a serie of 4 pictures -- Aeris, Scarlet, Tifa and Elena.

..What about Yuffie? Uh.. she's hard to draw. -_-

Holy & Lifestream (Aeris) (http://www.seguchi.net/rosiel/art/angelaeris.jpg" target="_blank)
Scarlet of ShinRa (http://www.seguchi.net/rosiel/art/scarlet2.jpg" target="_blank)
Tifa Lockheart (http://www.seguchi.net/rosiel/art/tifa.jpg" target="_blank)
Elena of the Turks (http://www.seguchi.net/rosiel/art/elena.jpg" target="_blank)

Comments/critics? ^_^

Anima Relic
01-03-2003, 10:38 PM
Goddamn Marielle. Quite amazing... Just two things... One, maybe a litle more detail in Elena's hair... More lines... More clarity... And i don't like the length or color of Tifa's. It looks more purple than it should be. Other than that... The Aeris and Scarlet pics are absolutely incredible. 9/10 overall :)

01-04-2003, 01:51 AM
wow that's great work :) I love the pic of Tifa and Aeris, their incredable. I like the added backrounds, as well - it gives the pics a very good touch ^-^ congrats gurl~

01-04-2003, 03:46 AM
They're all really good. The Aeris and Scarlet could be a bit more porportional, though. Your cg skills are excellent, IMO, but you can practice drawing the characters a bit more. That way your pics would look truly professional. I think the Tifa pic is the best one(or maybe I'm just biased). xP

01-04-2003, 01:00 PM
Damn, Iunno what's up with all this "maybe you could tweak this..." Or "Maybe you should do this.." Not that I don't like reccomendations, but I find nothing wrong with these. CG and hand drawn, all beautiful. Shoot, I envy Nymphy ;_;

Also, drawing Yuffie is quite...um..easy. =P But whatever floats your boat. i find Tifa and Aeris (especially Aeris) much harder to draw than Yuffie.

God of HellFIRE
01-04-2003, 02:44 PM
sheeesh!! That's really good!!!
Awesome drawings!! I wish I could draw like that...
That's crazy good...
I liked the Tifa and Aeris drawings best...

01-05-2003, 05:22 AM
I know I've already commented on them all, but they still amaze me ^_^ My favourite is Aeris, that's a good job!! *Gives Nymphie a nod of approval*

Neo Xzhan
01-05-2003, 02:25 PM
I totally loved the Aeirs and Tifa ones. They are simply beautifull.

01-07-2003, 06:11 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">Someone actually took the time to do something for Scarlett. ^^

Um, yeah. Wow. I can't comment much else, lacking any sort of artistic talent myself.

01-07-2003, 06:33 AM
Heh, prettiful drawings Nymphy. The backgrounds you use are amazing and your drawings actually enchance the characters IMO. Enough said there..

Keep it up! ^_^

wTf:Ed | Great Warrior ^ RoG
01-07-2003, 08:44 AM
Pld they are some drawings you produced there >_<

Heavens Cloud
01-07-2003, 10:17 PM
Wow Nymph those are VERY good i liked all of them... if i had to pick a least favorite one out of them it would have to be th Elena one even tho its still great!
I also find Yuffie the hardest to draw i dunno why.
I think to me Aeris is the easiest to draw

Good Job! :)

01-11-2003, 12:31 PM
Gah, I'm sorry it took me so long to get back at this. ._.

Goddamn Marielle. Quite amazing... Just two things... One, maybe a litle more detail in Elena's hair... More lines... More clarity... And i don't like the length or color of Tifa's. It looks more purple than it should be. Other than that... The Aeris and Scarlet pics are absolutely incredible. 9/10 overall :)

Thanks, Chris. ^_^ I drew Elena last, and I guess I was kinda used to drawing longer hair.. When you draw long hair, it's not good to add too much detail. XD
I copied Tifa's hair color from an other fanart. Thought it looked okay..

wow that's great work :) I love the pic of Tifa and Aeris, their incredable. I like the added backrounds, as well - it gives the pics a very good touch ^-^ congrats gurl~

Thanks, Amara Ciel! ^_^

They're all really good. The Aeris and Scarlet could be a bit more porportional, though. Your cg skills are excellent, IMO, but you can practice drawing the characters a bit more. That way your pics would look truly professional. I think the Tifa pic is the best one(or maybe I'm just biased). xP

Aeris looks proportioned, doesn't she..? Scarlet could use a few changes here and there, though. XD

Damn, Iunno what's up with all this "maybe you could tweak this..." Or "Maybe you should do this.." Not that I don't like reccomendations, but I find nothing wrong with these. CG and hand drawn, all beautiful. Shoot, I envy Nymphy ;_;

Also, drawing Yuffie is quite...um..easy. =P But whatever floats your boat. i find Tifa and Aeris (especially Aeris) much harder to draw than Yuffie.

Awww, thanks Enma! ^_^
Hm, I don't know.. Maybe I find Yuffie hard to draw because I never really drew her seriously. I've drawn Aeris much more often. ^^;

sheeesh!! That's really good!!!
Awesome drawings!! I wish I could draw like that...
That's crazy good...
I liked the Tifa and Aeris drawings best...

Thanks, God of HellFIRE!

I know I've already commented on them all, but they still amaze me ^_^ My favourite is Aeris, that's a good job!! *Gives Nymphie a nod of approval*

Thankyou~, Ed. ^_^

I totally loved the Aeirs and Tifa ones. They are simply beautifull.

Thanks, Sander! =D

Someone actually took the time to do something for Scarlett. ^^

Um, yeah. Wow. I can't comment much else, lacking any sort of artistic talent myself.

lol, Scarlet is one of my favourite FF characters. She's well.. a wrench, but I like her anyway. XD Thanks, Susan. ^_^

Heh, prettiful drawings Nymphy. The backgrounds you use are amazing and your drawings actually enchance the characters IMO. Enough said there..

Keep it up! ^_^

Thankies, Amelia! =D The backgrounds are actually official FF7 images, except the one from Aeris, that's a combination of CG and FMV shots. ^_^

Pld they are some drawings you produced there >_<

Thanks, wTf:Ed~

Wow Nymph those are VERY good i liked all of them... if i had to pick a least favorite one out of them it would have to be th Elena one even tho its still great!
I also find Yuffie the hardest to draw i dunno why.
I think to me Aeris is the easiest to draw

Good Job! :)

Heehee, thanks Heavens! I personally like the Aeris and Elena pictures the most. ^_^

Whew, so much feedback. *happyness* *glomps everyone*

01-11-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Nymph

Whew, so much feedback. *happyness* *glomps everyone*

Heh, and thankies for commenting on my feedback. Makes me feel like my feedback is actually appreciated for once. Good to see that you're happy Nymph.

waii~ *Flies away* Now, could you possibly do Yuffie for me? XD

01-11-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Nymph

Aeris looks proportioned, doesn't she..?

Her forehead looks too big, and her eyes too. I know it's a typical anime style to draw big eyes, but those are just a bit oversized. Her hair looks a bit too big near the top. You know, the two big strands of hair that come out of the top of her forehead. Those seem a bit too... tall, and they make the forehead look even bigger. And while the whole body is pretty proportional by itself, I think its a bit too small compared to the size of her head.

Just some suggestions. If it is your style to draw big eyes and big heads, then I guess you don't have to change anything...

01-11-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Azure
Heh, and thankies for commenting on my feedback. Makes me feel like my feedback is actually appreciated for once. Good to see that you're happy Nymph.

waii~ *Flies away* Now, could you possibly do Yuffie for me? XD

I'm working on it, working on it! Just gotta.. adjust it here and there.. o_o

Mega > You're right, I guess. I thought you meant the body, not the head. XD The eyes *are* a wee bit too big.. I like the hair though, I think it makes her look cuter. :D

01-12-2003, 08:32 AM

01-12-2003, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Nymph
I'm working on it, working on it! Just gotta.. adjust it here and there.. o_o

You don't have to draw her Nymph as she does look rather hard to draw but it's good to see that you're giving her a good as she's actually one of my fave FF characters even if she is really annoying but oh well.. Good luck~! ^_^

01-12-2003, 12:49 PM
Umm, just out of interest, what does Glomp mean?

01-12-2003, 10:40 PM
faramir : 'glomp' ~ to hug with enthusiasm :D :D

nymph : your artwork is beautiful ... and your cg-ing is enviable, gorgeouslly smooth ^^

aerith : I love the background and the expression on her face ... and her hair is lovely ... I think that the bangles could use a bit of shading though if I was being really picky.

scarlet : again the background compliments the image well, the arms and hands really caught my eye, they're perfect and in difficult to draw positions ... something about her breasts bothers me (that sounds kinda naughty X_x;; ) i think it's the black lines ...

tifa : this is my favourite, i love her pose and the movement in the picture, especially in her hair ... the cg-ing on this one is the best of the four ... really smooth on her skin and her hair looks really glossy ... one little thing, the left eye looks a little odd but it's barely visible so i'm just nit-picking !

elena : elena is so overlooked, she's one of my favourite characters ... I must have written a million cloud x elena 'ship fanfics ... anywhoo i'm glad you drew her she rocks ! her expression is great and the cg-ing on her suit it lovely ... overall it's a bit dark and this kinda makes it harder to see how well you've coloured her ...

gj@nymph XD!!!

01-19-2003, 09:53 AM
OMG, Nymph, those are just 1337 fanstastic!

01-19-2003, 08:20 PM
Wow Nymph I like those, I like them a lot. ^_^
I especially liked Aeris & Elena. Their detail is just beeyateefal!

01-28-2003, 03:33 AM
that tifa one is fuggin amazing, i love the eyes too.
*sigh* i REALLY need to learn how to colour on photoshop *makes mental note to learn tomorrow.