Chronos X
01-04-2011, 05:38 AM
Hi; I'd like to know whether somebody here has the complete background musics to these two documentaries, both released in '94, I believe. The second one is not to be confused with the crappy animated "movie" from '97 by Camilo Teti; y'know, the one with the Mexican mice and the infamous rapping dog...

To whoever picks up on this: I already have both halves of the documentary on DVD, so I don't need voice overs. Also, it wouldn't hurt to rip the score to the third disc in the DVD, "Titanic in Popular Culture", if you have it. I know it's an extremely tall order, but I've found some pretty amazing stuff in these forums, some of which I never expected to come across in a whole lifetime, so in the spirit of things, my anticipated thanks to whoever helps me out.