01-03-2003, 04:18 PM
back in the poetry game, so enjoy. . .

My Event Horizon

I'm not what I seem
Deep within theres another universe
Boiling inside of me

My soul can be an eclipse
With a few small glimpses
Through out the Bailey Beads
Enjoy the light when you can

So welcome to my Event Horizon
Dare not come to close
I'll pull you in

There is no escape from the darkness
It is another space
You could never hear my screams
Pushing one step closer to the brink

A million parsecs between body and mind
Breaking down and traveling
Where distance no longer exists

Surrounding my thoughts
In another proplyd of questions
Reaching the Roche Limit around me
Tears in another deep black bastion

Welcome to my Event Horizon
Pull back before its to late
Not another second to breathe

This is still just another space
You never heard my screams
Slip away into the wormhole
No more white dwarf to stay

Blink twice and pray
For tomorrow is another day
It's only my Event Horizon

01-03-2003, 04:39 PM
Wow, after posting that, this one came to me. . . feels almost like old times and I don't even know where these are coming from. . .

enjoy. . .
. . .

I never let you see me cry
I never let you taste my tears
I believed that to burden you was selfish
You told me to hold back was selfish

So what do you ask now?
Where do we go now?
I opend a little
Now I want to burst

I want to laugh
I want to cry
I want to smile
Than I want to sigh

Metal around my neck
A collar dragging me down
Sweet smells in the midnight air
I dreamt of you again

Pain is a beautiful thing
It releases so much angst
Mutilation turns the sheets red
Mutilation turns the soul white

Temporary answers to immortal problems
Cry for me now that you've tasted my tears
Sin for me as I have sinned for you
Touch the heart that is no longer mine

The Heavens look so inviting
Hell seems more like life
The gates are the same
The trip still remains

Life lies ahead
An ever winding road
I'll travel til the end
Dry eyes til the end

01-03-2003, 04:47 PM
Holy Fuck.. . .another one. . .
Three by Three

Soldiers marching three by three
Into dreams - into sleep
Nothing around them but the weeping sands
Creeping slowly through their soul
Draining what they had left to live for
Keeping away the memories of life

Soldiers marching three by three
Can you see what this means?
Will you cry when these men die?
Or is this your soul marching by?
Would you be willing to traverse this trail?
All that is - all thats been
These men are the hope

Soldiers marching three by three
You will give into Fate
You will give into your dreams
They will continue on
We all have Destinys
So see waht this place takes ye

Soldiers marching three by three
Can't you see?
You will believe
The sands are coming through the winds
Time will take us all
Or do you not concieve the thought?

. . .soldiers. . .
. . .marching. . .
. . .three. . .
. . .by. . .
. . . . . . .
. . .three. . .

taKi aFiRm
01-03-2003, 11:15 PM
All i can say is WOW. Your talent to make poems is amazing, your poems are so deep, emotional, striking. Your work is so unique and you have your own style. Keep up the good work!

taKi aFiRm

01-04-2003, 06:54 AM
Merl, you know that anything you write, I love.

Out of the three, I enjoyed the first one best though.

Keep it up, I'm glad to see you're writing again.

01-05-2003, 05:17 PM

I want to cry
Call out to Heaven
Ask so many questions
Tell my fears to the world

But I hold back
I can never cry
My questions will always go unanswered
My fears. . .I will always fear

I don't want to hold back
But I kow I'm not the only one
I want the answers
I want the truth

I wish I knew what I could do
I fall into the arms of a brother
Take on the weight of the world once more
Lose myself in the problems of others

Its always been my answer
Will always be my escape
Because I can hold it back
While never letting another do so

So wake sweet children
Cry out to the sky above
Seek your answers
Than lean on me

I am the Father
I am the Brother
I am the friend you always wanted
I'm nothing. . .nothing

01-06-2003, 06:14 PM
I found it odd how the last line in this current poem is the same last line I used in one of mine. Lovely work. Reminds me of a current situation you were talking to me about. Maybe that's what it's all about anyways.

Bravo, fantastic.