01-03-2011, 09:21 PM
Does anyone have this?

01-03-2011, 09:36 PM
Er, HAD it....I will look around. Must be around, right?

01-03-2011, 10:10 PM
Er, HAD it....I will look around. Must be around, right?
I've accidentally found the CD cover of the soundtrack when I was looking for DVD's cover of the series on google, so I guess the album does exists somewhere, but unfortunately my brief search was unsuccessful and I decided to try here. Frankly, this is the best web resource I've seen and I found here what I couldn't anywhere else, for example Gary Chang - Storm of the Century (Complete Score) and The X-Files (Three Unreleased Scores). So this site is my biggest hope!

01-03-2011, 10:22 PM
I second this...forgot how good this one was...especially "Battleground"!

01-03-2011, 10:27 PM
:) Yeah, the episode is very fun, my favorite is "The End of The Whole Mess". The entire series is also worth watching for every Stephen King's fan.

01-03-2011, 10:38 PM
Which was the one with Ron Livngston in it? Is it that one?

01-03-2011, 10:42 PM
Which was the one with Ron Livngston in it? Is it that one?

01-03-2011, 11:05 PM
I've got it, somewhere.

01-04-2011, 01:33 AM
I've got it, somewhere.
Can you share, please? The CD truly exists: (

Warner Bros. Promo
United States
Release Date
Jeff Beal

Track listing
1. "Nightmares And Dreamscapes" Main Theme (01:00)
2. Battleground: The Pool Attack (02:17)
3. Battleground: Last Chance (01:07)
4. Battleground: Renshaw's Demise (08:12)
5. Battleground: Toy Coda (00:55)
6. Umney's Last Case: Shootout At Blondies (03:36)
7. Umney's Last Case: Meeting Sam (02:53)
8. Umney's Last Case: Losing A Son (03:03)
9. Umney's Last Case: Linda Overs The Edge (01:25)
10. Umney's Last Case: I'm Coming For You, Sam (02:59)
11. The End Of The Whole Mess: I've Got One Chance (01:46)
12. The End Of The Whole Mess: 911 (02:50)
13. The End Of The Whole Mess: Bobby's Epiphany (01:53)
14. The End Of The Whole Mess: Two Brothers (04:17)
15. Crouch End: Lonnie Crosses Over (02:32)
16. Crouch End: Love Theme (00:49)
17. Crouch End: The Hand (01:04)
18. Crouch End: Where's Lonnie (04:06)
19. They've Got A Hell Of A Band: Rock & Roll Heaven (02:03)
20. They've Got A Hell Of A Band: The Escape (04:59)
21. They've Got A Hell Of A Band: Night Of The Concert (01:30)
22. The Fifth Quarter: Barney Dies (03:20)
23. The Fifth Quarter: Jagger (02:56)
24. The Fifth Quarter: Finding The Treasure (02:03)
25. The Road Virus Heads North: Listen Carefully (02:30)
26. The Road Virus Heads North: The Real Nightmare (04:14)
27. The Road Virus Heads North: I'm Going Outsite (02:13)
28. Autopsy Room 4: I'll Walk Back (01:46)
29. Autopsy Room 4: Resurrection (05:08)
Total Duration: 01:19:26

01-04-2011, 01:49 AM
If I can find it, I'll do the best I can.

01-04-2011, 01:49 AM
It exists. I have seen it. Pretty sure I had it at some point...

01-05-2011, 12:05 AM
I'd love this one as well! Cheers!

01-05-2011, 12:20 AM
Moebius posted it back in the old film hunt thread. link is dead and we cannot pm him.


01-05-2011, 12:55 AM
Moebius posted it back in the old film hunt thread. link is dead and we cannot pm him.
I've also found 2 links on (MP3 320 kb/s ; 183 MB), but archives have been deleted. My search was futile... The album is unbelievably difficult to locate.

01-05-2011, 03:07 AM
I found this post (by codyap09):

Nightmares & Dreamscapes ( (Post#25620)

It is described as a "promo" score. I don't know if the link was an original post or a "re-post"...but..I downloaded it and all 29 tracks are there (in MP3 format 128kbps). They are organized in several folders. I don't know if it is "the official" soundtrack (or a video rip).

Please give credit to codyap09 (and/or whoever was the "original" poster). Cheers!

01-05-2011, 03:30 PM
I found this post (by codyap09):

Nightmares & Dreamscapes (Post#25620)

It is described as a "promo" score. I don't know if the link was an original post or a "re-post"...but..I downloaded it and all 29 tracks are there (in MP3 format 128kbps). They are organized in several folders. I don't know if it is "the official" soundtrack (or a video rip).

Please give credit to codyap09 (and/or whoever was the "original" poster). Cheers!
thank you. At least we got in 128, I'm already downloading. I wish it were in better quality, but maybe we'll find in 320 someday. I'll keep looking...

01-05-2011, 04:17 PM
You can actually get a pretty solid collection (in better quality) of music from this mini series on Jeff Beal's official website. You have to use a certain program to get them but it works. That's also the source of the so-called "promo" someone mentioned above.

01-05-2011, 04:28 PM
You can actually get a pretty solid collection (in better quality) of music from this mini series on Jeff Beal's official website. You have to use a certain program to get them but it works. That's also the source of the so-called "promo" someone mentioned above.
how to download it?

01-05-2011, 05:03 PM
You can actually get a pretty solid collection (in better quality) of music from this mini series on Jeff Beal's official website. You have to use a certain program to get them but it works. That's also the source of the so-called "promo" someone mentioned above.

I saw that as well. The tracks appear to be only HTML files, however.

01-05-2011, 07:01 PM
As I said you need a little program to get them.
You could either use Replay Media Catcher (Download Web Videos with Replay Media Catcher ( which is a commercial solution
or you could use Orbit Downloader (Orbit Downloader: the ultra file & social media (YouTube etc..) download manager ( which is freeware.

01-05-2011, 07:18 PM
As I said you need a little program to get them.
You could either use Replay Media Catcher (Download Web Videos with Replay Media Catcher ( which is a commercial solution
or you could use Orbit Downloader (Orbit Downloader: the ultra file & social media (YouTube etc..) download manager ( which is freeware.

I don't doubt that, boogiepop. It's just that when I go that website there are no mp3's there (even though it says "MP3s" at the top of that list of tracks). There are no media files of any kind (that I can see). If I could get them to play I can "snag them" with my own programs. Each of those files/tracks seems to have the same URL ("") which is the same URL as the page itself. Maybe I'm overlooking something totally obvious. Oh well. Cheers!

01-05-2011, 07:34 PM
Hah, you're right :) Those don't work. All the other scores on the left side do work btw. Lots of scores to get there.
Seems like he took those down.
I have the files. Should be 320 kbps if I remember correctly. I could post them this weekend.

01-05-2011, 07:42 PM
Hah, you're right :) Those don't work. All the other scores on the left side do work btw. Lots of scores to get there.
Seems like he took those down.
I have the files. Should be 320 kbps if I remember correctly. I could post them this weekend.

Good! I mean,...not "good cos' they won't play" but "good,...I'm not losing my mind":)! And, are correct,...all the other soundtracks do open in their own "player window" without issue (and great stuff to be had there for sure). Anyway,..if you could post the tracks in 320 kbps that would be sweet. I've listened to some in the 128 kbps version and like what I've heard so far. Thanks for your help, boogiepop.phantom! Cheers!

01-05-2011, 09:39 PM
I have the files. Should be 320 kbps if I remember correctly. I could post them this weekend.
please, do:)

01-10-2011, 07:11 AM
Well, this took a bit longer than expected :)
But it turned out great: A friend of mine gave me a rip of his own CD which is even better than the files ripped from the website.
So here you go: in glorious 320 kbps CBR.

09-20-2011, 05:38 AM
Thanks a plenty boogiepop!

11-18-2012, 01:01 AM
Thanks Boogiepop! Got it at your linked page