Catotonic Symbolism
01-03-2003, 04:35 AM
If the final fantasies were not a series, and each had their own individual name, what do YOU think they would be? (i.e. Legend of Cloud - FF7 blah blah)

socks are kiff
01-03-2003, 01:42 PM
i'd call ff7 "wounded earth".

Rabid Monkey
01-03-2003, 07:49 PM
FF8 is the only one I have anything to say about, and it would be "Hay, We Tried To Come Up With a Better Ending".

01-03-2003, 10:17 PM
Hmm...that's a good theory.

FF7 - 'The Lifestream'

FF8 - 'Fated Children' (Like the intro)

FFX - 'Sin'

If you're wondering why I haven't done one for 4, 5, 6 & 9. I haven't completed those yet.

01-06-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Riana
Hmm...that's a good theory.

FF7 - 'The Lifestream'

FF8 - 'Fated Children' (Like the intro)

FFX - 'Sin'

If you're wondering why I haven't done one for 4, 5, 6 & 9. I haven't completed those yet.

Yeah, I like those names you created Riana. Great job! So of course I won't create anymore cos you have already done it for me but I will do FF9 however.. ^_^

FF9- Fading Dream

What do you think? -_-

Neo Xzhan
01-06-2003, 04:31 PM
FF7 - The planet's cry for help
FF8 - Time Krisis
FF10 - Spira's Sorrow

I haven't played FF9 so I cant say anything about that, but I think these alternate names pretty much describe the games.

01-06-2003, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by Azure

FF9- Fading Dream

What do you think? -_-

Awwwwwwww, why do the "-_-" face after it. You know it works good.

Since Final Fantasy IX is my favorite, I'd rather come up with a name for it than any other. I'd think of something like "A Search for Hope" or "Identity Crisis" or something along those lines. XD

01-07-2003, 06:39 PM
I think that the names would all be simmiliar to each other because they are all made by the same person and they all basically are the same in a lot of ways

01-08-2003, 01:11 AM
Hmm I don't think a name should give things away, like Time Krisis for 8, people don't know that the game has anything to do with time until the very last disc. With Identity Crisis for 9 people also don't know anything about that until much later on.

01-09-2003, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by Black Rose
Awwwwwwww, why do the "-_-" face after it. You know it works good.

If it matters I only put that so it doesn't look like I'm up myself or anything cos I knew what I put was a great idea so yeah.. >=|

Nanaki XIII
01-09-2003, 06:54 AM
FF4-"You Spoony Bard"

FF6-"Good clowns gone bad"

sound like interesting games to me

Bahamut ZERO
01-09-2003, 01:20 PM
FF4-"You Spoony Bard"

FF6-"Good clowns gone bad"

sound like interesting games to me

Dude, that is too funny!

***SPOILERS(Possibly, maybe, who knows?)***

FF5:- "Check your body for thorns after "the final battle.""
FF6:- "Don't open the gate to that other world!"
FF7:- "Don't tell Sephiroth who his real mum was!"
FF8:- "... I can't even THINK of anything slightly amusing to put here."
FF9:- "Don't tell Kuja that he's going to die someday."

01-25-2003, 10:58 PM
FF7 - save the planet
FF8 - 'WhatEver'
FF9 - Tail of a Boy......with a Tail
Train up for Sin

naa they are crappy

01-25-2003, 11:06 PM
ff6-who's the main character
ff8-orphans through out time
ff9-freaks unite
ffx-aoens dream
ffx-2 hot pistol pance

01-29-2003, 06:40 PM
FF7- Sephiroth's Day Out
FF8- A Squall To The Past
FF9- Killer hips Kuju
FF10- Bad Voice Acting

01-30-2003, 02:06 AM
ff8- 'I can't express my feelings towards you cause i am with another man' -squall

ff10- Un-Final Fantasyish

ff10-2- girls just want to have fun

01-30-2003, 03:49 AM
FF7- Gaia's Fate
FF8- Destinys Intertwined
FF9- Truth Revealed ( i dunno )
FF10- Spira's Only Hope

There's mine.........pretty stupid don't ya think?

01-30-2003, 06:20 AM
ff6- The Game That Never Ends Until You Realize You've Actually Been Doing Side Quests The Whole Time (might just have to be me and my experience with the game to get that one)

ff7- Soldier-First Class

ff8- Romance and the Stone (<-- the stone being Squall)

ff9- Puppets and Tails

ff10- What Dreams May Come

01-30-2003, 11:34 AM
FF4= "clensing of the darkness"
FF5= " ..I have a "JOB" for you!"
FF6= " despair"

FF7= "Will of the Ancients"
FF8= "Interwoven romance"
FF9= "Illusioned mages"
FF10= "reality's dream "
FF10-2= "attitutde :taking P.M.T to a whole new level !"
FF11= "online stick beatings"

01-30-2003, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Draven
FF9 - Tail of a Boy......with a Tail
*giggle* *RIMSHOT* ;)

Final Fantasy 6 - "Give Me Back My Clothes, You Thief!"

Final Fantasy 7 - "Give me Back My Materia, You Thief!"

Final Fantasy 8 - "................"

Final Fantasy 9 - "Give Me Back My Daughter, You Thief!"

Final Fantasy 10 - "A Million and One Uses for Balls."

01-30-2003, 06:16 PM
Heh heh! Great names Kuro! Hilarious! (Particulary the FFIX and X ones!).

Although I'd call FFVIII 'Help me! I'm dating a sorceress!' (sounds like a bad Jerry Springer episode!) lol

Darth Revan
01-30-2003, 06:41 PM

New name for FF games eh? Well how about these...

FFIV - The Dark Knight redemption.
FFVI - The Mad Hatter's tea party. (Kefka)
FFVII - Long haired guy, weilded a big f***'n sword.
FFVIII - The Wall and the Raven (Wall = Squall, Raven = Rinoa)
FFIX - A boy and his tail, a princess minus her horn.
FFX - Auron's, excellent journey.

Those are my ideas anywayz.

01-30-2003, 10:10 PM
FF1: Legend of the Light Warriors
FF2: Chocobo's game
FF3: In a class of it's own
FF4: Against a kingdom
FF5: No Butz about it
FF6: Magicite's Plight
FF7: Materia Girl
FF8: SeeD's of the planet
FF9: A small tail
FFX-2: Yuna croft : Spria Raider
FFT: Aries is alive!!!!????!!!!
FFMQ: FF for dummies
FFL(all): Mutant hero's
FFA: Secret of mana really

Some serious some stupid!

01-31-2003, 02:10 PM
FF7=This is the story of a puppet......"
FF8= Love?
FF9=" This is the story of a tail......."
FF10= Blitzgame

03-12-2004, 02:14 PM
ff7 - the legdend of sephiroth

ff8 - ?

ff9 - finding the truth

ff10 - sin

ffx-2 - duno neva played it!