01-01-2011, 04:36 PM
The game has been out for a month, yet not even a game rip is out yet :(.
Thank you.

01-02-2011, 10:11 AM
I've actually been looking into this. Basically, there's no easy way to rip the music, for now at least. In terms of extracting the ATRAC3 files from the .iso, it doesn't seem to be possible at the moment due to the encryption on it. I've spent hours seeing if anyone's developed a way to extract the data, but nothing really seems to be possible right now. Not even dumping the data via hex editing due to the encryption. Everything's packed into a single file, instead of being sorted out individually on the .iso itself, you see.

In other words, the only real way to do this, right now, seems to be by recording with a 3.5mm male to male TRS cable from the PSP to the computer. Which is precisely what I've started doing. If anyone can think of a better way, though, by God speak up. Because even though this isn't the best way, in terms of both quality and efficiency, it's better than nothing until they release an OST, eh?

Here's an example of a song I've ripped:
Jinouga Battle - FLAC (
Jinouga Battle - MP3 (

However, something that could speed up this process a bit is the help of anyone currently playing Portable 3rd. If you could help me think of what songs I need to rip, that would be great. Basically anything that hasn't been in a Monster Hunter game yet (in other words, no Tri stuff). If you want to hear those, you can just listen to the Tri OST!

You'll have to give me some time, as well. My friends and I still haven't completely beaten the game (currently at the dual Jinouga urgent), and one of them is out of town for a few more days. In other words, I don't have access to some monsters at the moment, such as Amatsumagatsuchi.

Any help with thinking up which songs to rip is greatly appreciated.

01-04-2011, 06:22 AM
-Status update so you don't think I've given up already + bump so other people see the thread (omg doublepost)-

I've ripped most of what I listed originally (which I removed above so my post isn't huge). This is the current list:
Character Select
Character Selected
Yukumo Village
Yukumo Farm
Gathering Hall
Mountain Stream Area Intro
Mountain Stream Battle Theme
Aoashira's Theme
Jinouga's Theme
Arena Intro
Arena Theme
Quest Clear
Credits Theme (which, once again, I can't do anything about the sound effects in, sadly)
Save Theme
Download Menu

Once I'm done with all of this, I intend to release it in both MP3 and FLAC formats, as you noticed above. I re-recorded the Jinouga theme, as well (but didn't re-upload). The volume was a bit too loud overall, causing some distortion, specifically on the quest clear theme.

I'll keep my ears open, and try to find themes that haven't appeared in Tri, such as the Amatsumagatsuchi theme. Once again, if you can think of anything to rip, post it, as that would help me a lot.

01-04-2011, 07:07 PM
That's awesome! I can wait for it now :D

01-08-2011, 11:09 AM
I can't wait for this rip.


01-09-2011, 02:19 AM
Been a few days, friends and I have been playing Monster Hunter, doho, among other things. I've ripped (and am currently touching up) the following songs:
Summit Intro
Amatsumagatsuchi's themes
Final Quest Clear
Large Arena battle music
WARNING Intro/Area/Battle music

To be honest, I can't think of anything other than what I've got so far. Unless, that is, there are new songs for the Akantor/Ukanlos intro areas. Hopefully we'll have those unlocked soon enough! Although, I am going to throw Ukanlos' theme in as well, as the only rip I seem to have of it sounds kinda bad.

If anyone decides to check, I just finished ripping the last song. There are a total of 25 tracks. Hopefully I'll have it all uploaded sometime tomorrow, or at the latest, on Thursday.

01-11-2011, 05:53 PM
It's ready!

MHP3OSTflac.part1.rar (
MHP3OSTflac.part2.rar (
MHP3OSTflac.part3.rar (
MHP3OSTflac.part4.rar (

MHP3OSTmp3.part1.rar (
MHP3OSTmp3.part2.rar (

If any of the files are corrupted, don't hesitate to speak up. I have a pretty horrid upload rate, so there's always the chance that something went wrong in the process.

01-12-2011, 07:07 AM
Thank you sir!

01-15-2011, 04:04 AM
can you rip akantor theme men xD ?

01-15-2011, 10:02 PM
can you rip akantor theme men xD ?

18 The Surpreme Ruler of Hellfire - Akamutorum.mp3 (

Here you are, although I didn't rip this one myself, just got it from the album Monster Hunter Hunting Music Collection II ~Roar chapter~.

01-16-2011, 07:45 AM
thanks man!!! you are awesome ;D

01-17-2011, 03:47 AM
excuse me can you rip jinouga howl???

01-17-2011, 06:09 PM
That's awesome! I can wait for it now

04-13-2012, 09:52 AM
Sorry for digging up an old thread, but is it there any way to rip the SFX from MHP3? Been searching all over and the closest was this great rip.

04-24-2013, 04:45 AM
The MHP3OSTmp3.part1.rar the link is broken bro