01-02-2003, 04:19 AM
I feel like a wishbone
torn between two halves
One I would do anything for
And one that stole my heart

One side I love dearly
yet all i do is back away
Maybe if I let her go
My feelings for her won't stay

Its getting really hard now
my brain is upside down
upon my distorted face
Is a tear and a frown

Everythings gone now
One of the sides let go
It turns out that side I love the most
Is the one I won't see anymore

My Past is catching up with me
It seems like a repeat
Is it the same as last time?
Or will my present save me

I love the way my present loves me
so much she let me go
She let me wonder back in time
But i realise I love her more

I don't what i should do
She knows how I feel about her
I really want to make it work
But I think we both know we'll not end up together

I am still a Wishbone
One side has let go
but thats the side I want to crawl to
Because thats where I want to go

The wishbones been broken
Only one person pulled it apart
its weird how it worked out
Because the one I want, got the bigger half