12-30-2010, 04:29 PM
Hello everyone!

If anybody else has seen the Black Rock Shooter OVA that released back in the summer, the OST apparently was released yesterday or so. Honestly, I wanted the OST before I was even done with watching the OVA itself XD. Does anyone think they could post it? =)



12-30-2010, 06:05 PM
NyaaTorrents >> Torrent Info >> [#Comiket][C79] Black (

12-30-2010, 06:50 PM
Thanks, but is there any chance of a torrent/download with .mp3 format instead?

12-30-2010, 07:58 PM
hwy don't yo donwlaod it and then conver it to mp3?
it's not that difficult.......

12-30-2010, 11:30 PM
I'll try I guess

EDIT: It seems a few of the files aren't working in the torrent above. Tracks 5, 10 and 25. Are there any other resources for getting the OST?

01-01-2011, 08:36 AM
Since all sites get the OST from the same source it doesn't matter where you download it. All are incomplete/corrupt. I tried.
I found the source this came from in the first place but since it's a Chinese anime/manga forum I'm pretty helpless.
Anyone here who speaks Chinese and who might could help out?

P.S.: Happy New Year :)

I'll try I guess

EDIT: It seems a few of the files aren't working in the torrent above. Tracks 5, 10 and 25. Are there any other resources for getting the OST?

Solis Luna
01-02-2011, 11:21 AM
So glad there are people on top of this. I've searched for the OST nearly every day since I watched the OVA, and I was starting to worry that it had already been released and just went unnoticed by the majority of the Internet.

If anyone can find the physical OST for sale, let me know. I might be willing to shell out a pretty penny for it... it would definitely be worth it.

01-02-2011, 11:28 AM
If anyone can find the physical OST for sale, let me know. I might be willing to shell out a pretty penny for it... it would definitely be worth it.

From what I understood this is some sort of independent release which was sold at the Comiket convention. So finding a place to buy it from should be pretty hard.

Too bad the rip is incomplete/corrupt :-(

01-02-2011, 07:20 PM
Well I did some additional hunting and found an mp3 format rip of it from someone named "smart boy" on the nihonomaru forums. This one is nearly complete only its missing track 25. I suppose its a step up from the FLAC one that had 3 corrupted tracks. I can link to it if anyone wants.

Solis Luna
01-02-2011, 07:25 PM
Well I did some additional hunting and found an mp3 format rip of it from someone named "smart boy" on the nihonomaru forums. This one is nearly complete only its missing track 25. I suppose its a step up from the FLAC one that had 3 corrupted tracks. I can link to it if anyone wants.
I would really appreciate it, thanks! Guess I just finished converting the first disc for no reason... xD

01-02-2011, 08:06 PM
I would really appreciate it, thanks! Guess I just finished converting the first disc for no reason... xD

Black★Rock Shooter Animation; Original Soundtrack & Remixes ( MP3) - Welcome to (

There ya go! You'll need an account and all that. Be sure to drop him a thanks. I asked him about fixing the track 25 thing but haven't gotten a reply yet so I guess keep an eye on that thread.

01-05-2011, 09:13 PM
If anyone doesn't mind could you put tracks 5 and 10 on mediafire or something? I'd really appreciate it.

I have the whole OST from a torrent and I tried getting the CD from Nihonomaru above to get those two tracks but every time I download it, it comes out as a document file for me :[

01-07-2011, 11:44 PM
If anyone doesn't mind could you put tracks 5 and 10 on mediafire or something? I'd really appreciate it.

I have the whole OST from a torrent and I tried getting the CD from Nihonomaru above to get those two tracks but every time I download it, it comes out as a document file for me :[

It did that for me too, but if you open it with a program like winrar it gives you the tracks. Its kinda weird since its not in a .rar or .zip format, but it works. Hope that helps! =)

01-19-2011, 12:16 PM
So glad there are people on top of this. I've searched for the OST nearly every day since I watched the OVA, and I was starting to worry that it had already been released and just went unnoticed by the majority of the Internet.

If anyone can find the physical OST for sale, let me know. I might be willing to shell out a pretty penny for it... it would definitely be worth it.

It's actually available now at CDJapan. It's not even that expensive ;)