12-29-2010, 05:21 PM
Requesting both the soundtrack to the N64 Smash Bros game and the orchestrated arranged album from Melee.

TECD-35446~7 | Nintendo Allstar! Dairantou Smash Bros. Original Soundtrack - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/1541)
Q+AD02012 | Dairantou Smash Brothers DX Orchestra Concert - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/2975)

01-01-2011, 04:08 AM
I know you can get Smash Bros. from the ********* site. That's how I got Melee.

03-01-2011, 12:35 PM
I was JUST going through the VGMR today. I happen to own the US version of the Melee arrangement CD. It's the same thing BTW. If you stlil want it. Message me.

03-01-2011, 08:59 PM
Oh, holy crap, I forgot I requested this. @_@

In any case, I've found it since then. I appreciate you remembering it, though. Thank you! :P