01-01-2003, 08:10 AM
Yeah Yeah :B. Lets pretend you have joined a brand new MMORPG Take this quiz and we will see what kind of gamer you are :B

(Yeah it's a spoony quiz, just keep count of all the a, b, c, and d's you marked down for each question.)

1. Hey, this is your first time playing this game isn't it... um... shouldn't you read that instruction manual first?

a. I'm reading it right now!
b. I think I'll read it when I get stuck
c. What manual?
d. I don't need one!

2. Please enter your serial number.

a. Got it ready and going to enter it
b. $@#$@... where the hell is that manual?
c. ... I'll just go online for a sec... *runs*
d. Hah! I memorized it! *types it in quick*

3. A 3 minute opening scene appears... what do you do?

a. Shhh... I'm watching it...
b. Eh, skip.
c. ... what opening scene?
d. This is my 8th time through it... I know what's gonna happen next. XD

4. Okay, lets pick a class for your character...

a. Hmm... I guess I'll pick the first one and work my way through the other classes afterwards.
b. This guy looks tight... I'll pick him!
c. It's not loading.... WAIT, there it goes!
d. The sexy HUneweal wannabe XD

5. Okay, the game started... what to do?

a. Well... it says here in the guidebook to go get this first... then that... then that...
b. Erm... I dunno... I'll just hack and slash whatever that gets in my way!
c. I'll just use this here gameshark (game enhancer) and give me tons of rare stuff!
d. I know where everything is like the back of my hand!

6. The first boss, what is the first thing that comes out of your mouth?

a. *Pause and reads guide* Lets see here...
b. I'M A GONNA KILL YA!!!!!!
d. You're already dead...

7. Ooooooh, someone stole one of your weapons!

a. Well I can get another one because this message board tells me how. :B
b. YOU SON OF A *****!
c. *quickly goes up to the console and resets it!*
d. I have many more of those where that came from. ^_^

8. Aw crap... a n00b Raid!

a. Leave me alone! ;_;
b. SHUT THE **** UP!
c. *Use gameshark to PK his ass!*
d. *ignores em and move on*

9. What do you like to drink while playing?

a. I don't wanna my Guidebook wet while playing.
b. Some ice cold beer!
c. I rather eat a sandwich while causing terror, thanks.
d. I need Coffee to stay up all night!

10. What is your goodbye message?

a. Goodbye
b. j00 got OWNED liek WHUT!
c. BYE
d. You were the baddest cat around... Till I showed up.

Now lets see how well you did. See this chart down here?

Mostly = 8 or More
Partly = 4-7
Meekly = 3 or less

Just put your A, your B, your C, and your D answers into each of these 3 catagories and match them up to these down here.

Mostly A Answers = The Scout: You go by the book a lot but you also want to cover each and every detail about this game. Nothing wrong there but don't you think you would want to explore on your own more?

Mostly B Answers = The Impaler: You don't need no stinkin guide to help yourself. You got guts but sometimes it can lead to you leaping before looking.

Mostly C Answers = The Easy Way: You sir... are a cheater. No doubt about it, the strange feel from that keyboard, the use of erratic equipment... I mean a level 1 using a God like weapon?

Mostly D Answers = The Wise One: You seem to know what you are doing. I bet you memorized every single detail about this game, go on message boards and talk about it, heck, maybe even contributed an FAQ to Gamefaqs. You sir are the wise one... though you might want to get some sleep.

Partly A Answers = The Helped: You might refer to the book a few times just to figure where you are going but otherwise you're on your own.

Partly B Answers = The Adventurer: You are a tough cookie and you show it... you just don't go off the deep end and you are careful sometimes.

Partly C Answers = The Simple Way: You sir... are still a cheater... well maybe not but you could of burned that game off of some guy. :P

Partly D Answers = The Smart One: You played this game quite a bit but you still take your time figuring out what to do next.

Meekly A Answers = The Guideless: You are either a brave one... or a foolish one.

Meekly B Answers = The Weekling: I doubt you would rush in and attack. I'll just sit back while someone else does it for me... thanks. XD

Meekly C Answers = The Fool: You are still a cheater... but at least you don't make a HUGE deal about it. I think you're getting bored with this game. :P

Meekly D Answers = The Wannabe: You think you know what you're doing... but in reality, you don't.

01-01-2003, 08:31 AM
Do we have to choose three of them or just one. Anyway, I got the Impaler, the Smart one, and the Weekling. If I have to choose one, I prefer the impaler to the smart one and the weekling ^^

01-01-2003, 08:33 AM
doh, my results where...

A = 2

B = 4

C = 2

D = 2

Thanks alot moggy. I know feel 2X dumber than i did 1hour ago -_-

01-01-2003, 08:45 AM
Just say what Titles you got. :B

Setsuna Yuna
01-02-2003, 10:36 AM
Let's see...I got The Helped and The that good or bad? :confused:

Neo Xzhan
01-02-2003, 05:41 PM
Interesting test Mog :).
Lets see I got The Wise One and The Adventurer.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
01-02-2003, 08:34 PM
I got 'The Impaler' and 'The Smart One'.
That's alright, pretty cool, no probs here. :)

Nanaki XIII
01-03-2003, 01:28 AM
I got the Adventurer, huh...

Death Knight
01-03-2003, 04:31 AM an adventurer

01-03-2003, 07:53 PM
A - 1
B - 5
C - 3
D - 1

You work it out.

01-04-2003, 07:18 AM
A - 2

B - 6

C - 1

D - 1


01-04-2003, 05:00 PM
Im the Scout, the Smart One, and the Weakling...

01-05-2003, 03:02 AM
I have PSO so I recognized these questions but I do something different based on the game.

b b a d b
b (I chose b for #6 but I thought d but be a better choose because of my silliyness)
b d c c

So I'm the impaler, the smart one, and The guideless

a a a d d b c d c a
The scout, the smart one, and the weakling.

01-07-2003, 01:23 AM
Heh, here's my scores... XD

A - 3

B - 2

C - 2

D - 3