01-01-2003, 02:42 AM

Read the page and express your opinions.

I have to pretty much disagree with the article. Although, yes, some killings have been inspired from video games, that is not the game's fault, but the person's. It is of their own will and right that they're allowed the privilage to play a video game. Besides, this is why they have ESRB ratings, isn't it? o.O;

01-01-2003, 03:44 AM
If you go to Penny Arcade (www.pennyarcade.com) you'll find that they've discovered this as a sort of hoax. The site was all just someones school project. Theres another link (http://a.parsons.edu/~dyoo/2002-3/interactivity/mavav/) at the bottom of Penny Arcade that tells you the reasons behind it in detail.

And regardless, I would disagree with it anyways. Its a lot of scapegoating by the media and such. Like Koenma said, people don't kill people just because they play violent video games, there has to be something wrong with them in the first place. And impressionable little children shouldnt be playing those sorta games.

Still, tis interesting. He pulled off a good hoax.

01-01-2003, 04:19 AM
Well hell, they did a good job of fooling me. My friened showed me this article and said it was a hoax, but because of the amount of times he's sarcastic or joking, I didn't believe him. Blegh, bash Enma for being fooled..

But still, people do tend to think these things, so try to respond to the article as if it were real. =P