12-31-2002, 08:58 PM
well here's one of my poems, i think it's one of my better ones, enjoy, :D

... i hope yer happy now tim tim, ;p, :|

Dead Lock

At times all I see is you,
But then the constant shadows counter.
I am lost,
Parted in two.

I am unable to think nor care,
Just wishing to feel you warm me once more.
But that voice,
The voice that never dies�

It cries out to me,
And pushes me into shadows.
The voice that will never trust,
The voice that make terror imaginable life.

I cannot ignore it,
It has taken my will, engraved itself.
The evil, the pain, it makes it gnaw.

Recoiling to something I created,
But my efforts are denied,
I am broken,
And I am twisted.

Desensitized to reality,
And wandering between imaginary and truth.
I wish to defy,
For me and for you.

I am blinded,
Paranoia mounting.
Self defeat,
Tell me none of this is true


12-31-2002, 10:38 PM
*claps* well done, thats a deep poem. *wipes away a tear* jus got something in my eye...wahhhhhhh! but seriously thats an amazing poem you wrote there, deserves a hug. *huggles*

love you all