12-31-2002, 05:25 AM
Ah, Final Fantasy X is such a great game. No, seriously! I haven't played it for maybe over half a year, and when I went back to play it after so long, I was having the time of my life.
FF X is, in my opinion, the most fun of all the FFs. I found new secrets that I didn't find before and weren't mentioned in the Strategy Guide, such as taking the boat from Kilika to Luca and counting the seagulls to get the Ace Wizard.
And Blitzball! I wondered how this game could ever get old.
So, for those of you considering buying FF X, don't hesitate! This is a must-have game. Also, if anyone has found any new secrets in the game, please do tell!

12-31-2002, 05:59 AM
amen. i got this game on boxing day last year, i've had it for over a year and i'm still playing it

no i do not suck, i'm trying to do a no sphere grid nemsis game.

12-31-2002, 07:16 AM
OMIGOD! Nobody told you? Well...... have to get everyone in all of the Blitzball teams to level 99, and manage a team level of 100, with about 495 wins. Then, you need to go to the Remiem Temple and race the Chocobo and get 6 chests. Once you do this, then you have to go to Guadosalam with Tidus, Lulu, and Kimarhi in your party. Go to the other realm thing and talk to the people with their kid first. Next, go talk to the other person, and then go talk to the kid again. Go back out, talk to everyone in Guadosalam, and then go back into the other realm thingy again. Going clockwise, run around the entire thing without stopping 20 times. When you do this, you'll see a special scene where Cloud appears and talks to Tidus! Answer his riddles, and then pay him. He'll join your Blitzball party! He has all max attributes and all skills, including two very special skills; the Climhazzard and the Omnislash. They can't be stopped!

Really? No, not really. Don't be so gullible.

12-31-2002, 07:22 AM
if you were talking to me, i knew you were bullshitting. i'm not a dumbass. once i read the 6 chests at remiem temple i stopped reading. its impossible. you can only get 5. oh, but you porlby can't anyway.....

12-31-2002, 07:26 AM
I was actually talking to the guy who made this thread.

Vivi, you really like insulting me, don't you? I'll beat you like a black Eminem impersonator in a room full of drunken rednecks.

12-31-2002, 07:28 AM
hah! thats actually a good one.

anyway, i thought you were saying that to me, so i was sticking up for myself. my bad

01-06-2003, 03:33 AM
Eh...gullible? No, I'm serious - if you count the seagulls you can get the Ace Wizard. At least it was that way on MY game. Or maybe I'm just hallucinating? Hmmm. ^^

Vivi FF
01-06-2003, 11:52 PM
I don't even know what "gullible" means...

Yeah, I noticed the seagull thing too I my second time around... It seems everyone rushes by the first time then takes their extreme time the second...

01-07-2003, 01:00 AM
I never did the monster quest until my second time around and it was fun, never did the seagulls though, played blitzball a lot more andthe game was like completely new, and since I imported the al bhed dictionary it was super-cool. Definately better 2nd time around for me.

01-08-2003, 05:38 AM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
I don't even know what "gullible" means...

Yeah, I noticed the seagull thing too I my second time around... It seems everyone rushes by the first time then takes their extreme time the second...

ALMOST everyone. There are some people that play games once, and only once, because they remember exactly what happened the first time. People like us do all the stuff the first time around, because that's the only time we're willing to play it.

Or, it could be I'm just a RPGuppie and not a RPGod like you guys are.


ADJECTIVE: Easily deceived or duped.

ETYMOLOGY: From gull.

OTHER FORMS: gulli�bili�ty �NOUN; gulli�bly �ADVERB

01-08-2003, 06:26 AM
Eh...gullible? No, I'm serious - if you count the seagulls you can get the Ace Wizard. At least it was that way on MY game. Or maybe I'm just hallucinating? Hmmm. ^^
No, you're right. I counted the seagulls and got Ace Wizard too. It's nothing particularly exciting though, just a blitzball for Wakka with a whole bunch of Magic +% auto-abilities.

01-09-2003, 05:30 AM
Your right about Final Fantasy X it is the best out of all the Final Fantasies but the other ones were awesome as well. Also Blitz ball is a very unique and fun game the simmulation at the beginning of the game on Blitz ball was so awesome. OH yeah as you know i've played this game a little well not yet but i've seen my cousin play it a little.

lone wolf
01-10-2003, 01:58 AM
ya, i would agree, this game kicks ass, when i first heard of it, i was so excoted, theni saw the cover and it didn't really excite me because it didn't look right, to different from the est, but then i played it and ican't stop, even once i've beat it, i am starting over and doing everything again, but i really should start talking to my friends and family again :D


lone wolf