12-30-2002, 11:31 PM
Would Square be as a well known company if they hadn't hit it big with FF7? Or for that matter would FF be a well known series is FF7 hadn't happened? Did it have a big or little impact? Would other FF's still made Square and the series well known?

12-31-2002, 02:01 AM
You know that's a very good question, I never really thought of that to this day. Hmm...well, square were first heard of because of their first game 'Teguzar' in 1985 (Blimey! That's the year I was born!) which was a shoot-em-up for NES. Uh according to my resources...:erm:

They really made themselves heard when FFIV was released that raised their ratings just a little. FFVI was popular too. In fact, very popular, in Japan that is.

But yes you're so right Joeshie, FFVII was a big boost in popularity. There's no doubt about it. I think if there was no FFVII then Square wouldn't be as big as they are today.

David F
12-31-2002, 04:31 AM
Prolly not, and I doubt that FFX for PS2 would�ve changed that either if the 3d rpg�s made its debut in that system.

12-31-2002, 07:50 AM
I still don't see the big hype about Final Fantasy VII. It's still not that great of a Final Fantasy game in my opinoin.

I think Square would have eventually found someone to make their name big if supposibly FFVII didn't do it.

People come up with new ideas for games everyday. They would have came up with something.

12-31-2002, 09:49 AM
I think FF7 made the name for Square back then, but if FF7 some other FF game would have if not just a completly different series.
FF7 just reached a milestone since it was one of the first RPG's in 3D and the first one Square on the ps1. So what do you expect? :E

Bahamut ZERO
12-31-2002, 01:26 PM
Well, the UK was a bit of a barren wasteland until Final Fantasy VII appeared. Heck, it was THE game that everyone who had a Playstation owned when I was at school, and the one most talked about during Science lessons when the teacher wasn't in the room.

It paved the way for more RPGs to be released in the country that otherwise may have not seen the light of day. I hadn't heard of Square or Final Fantasy before the game was released, because we hadn't had any other previous version released here. Now we've got IV - IX, and I've got them all, and it's partly down to VII's success.

So yeah, it had a huge impact in places where RPGs weren't that common.

12-31-2002, 03:04 PM
As others have said, they would have came up with a different idea or game. I believe they still are scoring big on FF7, at school, I hear kids talk about it...

Bus Driver
01-02-2003, 08:43 PM
I think FFVII did make a big impact for Square. Not only because it introduced 3d rpg's, but because it had one of the best storylines ever. I know many people who didn't even care for Final Fantasy until they played FFVII. FFVII was the game that broke the barrier and made rpg's popular. At least where I live it did.

Nanaki XIII
01-03-2003, 12:26 AM
Umm Final Fantasy VII was the game that made the series popular for most people. Although I consider FFIV to be the game that made FF popular most of the people I know love the series because of number 7.

01-11-2003, 08:01 PM
Well, I only knew about Square cos I played FF7 so without FF7 I probably wouldn't like the FF game series at all even though I thought the future FF games were much more better myself ^_~

01-12-2003, 06:53 PM
Even though FF7 is great, i'm a old school FFer and to me, it was just another FF being released. It shocked me with what the psx can do and I knew it was gonna be an instant classic. FF7 brought on newcomer's mostly, if you ask most ppl, I bet they will say FF7 was there first and only RPG.

I will say they got sucess but no matter how sucessful they are I would have loved them anyway.