12-20-2010, 04:51 AM

MOTHER3i - VGMdb (

It's actual lossless, ripped by somebody else from a very rare non-iTunes source and sent to me by a close friend. - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (

12-20-2010, 10:34 AM
I'll trust you that it is lossless, but it's hard to verify given the sound quality of the thing in the first place. Normally with arranged albums you're supposed to upgrade the synth! I guess he intended it to still sound like a Game Boy Advance.

In any case, thank you.

12-20-2010, 09:54 PM
I'll trust you that it is lossless, but it's hard to verify given the sound quality of the thing in the first place. Normally with arranged albums you're supposed to upgrade the synth! I guess he intended it to still sound like a Game Boy Advance.

In any case, thank you.

Crap. Somebody who actually has the skills with those... things that check if it has lines in it that confirm that it's lossless or not lossless... confirmed that it's not lossless. The .log in it says that it is, but I guess somebody just burnt it to a CD and ripped it.

12-22-2010, 04:11 AM
Thank you. This is as lossless as it gets. Nothing better is available, so the album is preserved. Where exactly did it come from, and what was the original source format?

05-05-2012, 03:50 AM
Does anyone have this anymore because i would love it!

05-05-2012, 01:53 PM
I would also like this one plz

05-06-2012, 02:34 AM
Unfortunately, this was one of the many things I lost in the First Great Hard-Drive Wipe (as I've "fondly" named it). My apologies.

05-06-2012, 03:40 AM
As long as Fluttershy is here to cheer me up I will make it through the pain.

Nocturnal Risk
05-06-2012, 04:32 AM
Mother3i in FLAC
pass =


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Nocturnal Risk
05-06-2012, 05:19 AM
MOTHER 1+2 midi Piano Version in VBR Mp3:

king crimson
01-14-2013, 04:21 AM
Anyone still have this anywhere? Mother3i in a flac format has become insanely hard to find.

01-14-2013, 07:27 AM
Anyone still have this anywhere? Mother3i in a flac format has become insanely hard to find.

Thread 113586

king crimson
01-17-2013, 10:31 AM
I love you man.