12-30-2002, 01:34 PM
Has anyone seen the movie? I just bought the first episode and I think is quite addictive

12-31-2002, 12:29 AM
Nope, I haven't 'seen' the film but I've heard of it. Could you please explain more about it? My friend told me about it but we assumed it was a rumour.
*Sigh* We English are so behind...

01-01-2003, 07:28 AM
The series is directed by the acclaimed Mitsuo Fukuda, who has worked on many previous Sunrise projects in the past. The leading protagonist of the series is a young man named Kira Yamato, along with laundry list of other characters including Kira's rival, Asuran Zara, and many others.

The Newtype "race", which is referred to and utilized often throughout the universal century saga, will be making a sort of re-appearance, in the form of a gifted human neo-race known as the Coordinator. They are the colony dwellers and have an organization called ZAFT, similar to Zeon.

Regular non-Coordinators will be called 'Naturals'. They are of the Earth Alliance, and are similar to UC's Federation.

Once again the current tradition of Alternate Universe series' is undertaken by G-Seed, as the saga takes place in the Cosmic Century Era year 70. (CE 70)

Main characters will be around ages 15 to 16. The series is to be aimed at the teen audience genre, so could western otaku possibly see this series soon in the US/Europe after it airs in Japan? It would make the most sense for Bandai to have something like this over there, too ^^

Colonies are called PLANTs in SEED. PLANT stands for Productive Location Ally on Nexus Technology. 92 of them exist in the series.
Judging by the looks of the uniforms that the characters wear, as well as a vehicle similar in looks to White Base and other Pegasus Class ships of previous Gundam shows, this may be very like a UC show... but not quite -_-

Since it takes place in CE instead, it will be interesting to see what kind of twists Gundam SEED has. Judging by what is known of the main storyline, the series is basically the original Gundam redone. If that is so, will they be building a whole new world on the CE timeline that almost mirrors the original?Who knows ^_^ Sunrise could produce this more kid friendly Gundam and still go on with regular Gundam. The best of both worlds, right?

There are five mainstay Gundams in the series with various special attacks and features. They are:

-Strike Gundam
-Duel Gundam
-Buster Gundam
-Blitz Gundam
-Aegis Gundam.

Kira Yamato pilots the Strike Gundam and his rival Asuran Zara pilots the Aegis Gundam.

I'll share you some story from the first episode. The confrontation between the Earth Alliance (Naturals) and Zaft (Coordinators), which originated in economic friction, reached a stalemate. Ultimately, the two sides opted for the last resort of diplomacy - in other words, they went to war. The story begins roughly a year later. Heliopolis, a resource satellite belonging to a neutral nation, is suddenly attacked by a Zaft mobile suit force. Their goal is to seize the Atlantic Alliance's newest Gundam mobile suits, which the Alliance has produced here amid total secrecy. The raid is successful, and Zaft captures four of the Gundams. Kira Yamato, a student at an industrial college, is drawn into the conflict when he is reunited with his old friend Asuran Zara. Tragically, Kira finds that his comrade Asuran and the other Coordinators are now his enemies. For patriotism's sake, Asuran sets out to defeat Kira. One against four... its conflict is totally different than Gundam Wings which all the gundams fight against OZ together. Different but variatif isn't it?

Bandai, being the conglomerate bigwigs that they are, are making plans for numerous new merchandise deals, including the release of the first SEED model, the Gundam "Astray". The Gundam War card game has already seen the release of a few limited edition SEED cards, including the G Strike Gundam, the main Mobile Suit of the show. Video Games on various platforms will be released in December, and a PS2 game is confirmed (Yush, you can count on it ^^)

I watch the second episode and the story became much deeper and addictive. The perfomance of the gundam are also become much better than the previous one. I think I'm gonna store this anime as one of my fav anime :D

The Ricky
01-01-2003, 09:41 AM
Good god, this makes the 14th Gundam show. IMO it was better when there were only one or two Gundams fighting. Because it makes the meaning of Gundam so much better. And they need to quit with the 15-year-old kids piloting them, unless they're newtypes, most teens can't find thier own ass with both hands. I know this because I am one. lol