12-19-2010, 03:20 AM
This is the unofficial Dynamite Headdy soundtrack recorded directly from a Megadrive, all songs looped twice and just fits onto one CD (76 minutes!). Apparently several composers worked on this one including Kazuo Hanzawa, Nazo Nazo Suzuki and Aki Hata. As always, I must apologize but there are no labels and no jingles.

Interestingly, I've been saying 'Kazuo' Hanzawa because that's what everyone knows him as, but after finding his website about a month ago, it shows his name to be read 'Ichio' Hanzawa. Of course, it could be yet another artist name like Norio, and I've never seen anyone in real life with those characters in a name read that way. Just some trivia for game music otaku.

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