12-18-2010, 11:28 PM
Anyone following this? I've just done a nice, quick and easy article on My Top 10 favourite games from their 128 pool. You can read that here: Johnny Mercyside: My Top 10 Games Featured on the Game of the Decade List (

Also, what game do you think will win?

12-19-2010, 02:51 AM
GameFAQs polls are always terrible and I refuse to even look at them.

12-19-2010, 03:02 AM
I lol'd @ FF9.

Persona 4 > all 3D FFs

12-19-2010, 03:13 AM
You lol'd? Why? I applauded!

12-19-2010, 04:41 AM
You lol'd? Why? I applauded!
Because FF9 is good, but not THAT good...

12-19-2010, 04:53 AM

12-19-2010, 06:40 AM
I love FF9 a lot, but I agree with tanis. It's pretty great, but I don't even know if it'd be in my top 10 of the past decade. It might be in my list of top 10 JRPGs, but even then I don't think I'd put it at number 1.

This is probably obvious, but I think my favourite game of the decade is Monster Hunter Tri (or Portable 3rd).

12-19-2010, 06:53 AM
Compare P3:FES or P4 and FF9, hell, most FF's come up short.

12-19-2010, 07:10 AM
Compare P3:FES or P4 and FF9, hell, most FF's come up short.

Or any other FF, really.

12-19-2010, 08:08 AM
I thought P3 was pretty bad and I couldn't get into P4 (though I can understand why people would like it).

Nocturne is better than both of them, imo.

12-19-2010, 08:18 AM
Atlus > SE

12-19-2010, 02:21 PM
tanis_lionheart said: "Bla bla bla bla... I laugh at you cause my favorite game is better than yours....bla bla bla... My opinion is the only true one cause I'm just that kind of narcissist... -Put an other shallow comment here-."

Seriously, I thought you would have grown up a bit after all this time. Obviously, I thought wrong. �_�

12-19-2010, 04:46 PM
I totally agree with everyone here that Uncharted 2 should win.

12-19-2010, 05:21 PM
GameFAQs polls are always terrible and I refuse to even look at them.

Any video game poll is terrible.

12-19-2010, 08:08 PM
I can't believe you think Final Fantasy X and IX, along with Left 4 Dead, Pokemon, Resident Evil 4, and San Andreas were better than Silent Hill 2. And am very disappointed that there were no Kingdom Hearts games in there or racing games. And the lack of anything BROOTAL! Psh, all these games are girlyman games!

Except SH2 (obviously).

12-19-2010, 08:12 PM
Any video game poll is terrible.

It all just has to do with opinion, that's all. I'm appalled by tanis_lionheart and Chewey for such an atrocity toward one of the greatest games ever (How could you?! HOW COULD YOU?! *Crying*) but I don't respect them any less for it. It's part of the fun; everybody sees it differently and I'm still appalled, and heartbroken, and let down like a curtain out a window, but I'm gonna try to make it through this. I may need medication for the depression it makes me feel . . . but somehow, I will overcome it.

Jitan Toraibaru
12-19-2010, 11:24 PM
The top 2 choices I would personally select were eliminated {Ace Attorney 3 eliminated by FF9, which is then eliminated by FFX} - at this point, I couldn't care less how it ends!

FF9 and AA3 are my top 2 games of all time right now - s'just how I feel. X3

12-20-2010, 01:59 AM
I dislike your list... A LOT!

But I'll be nice... because, in the end, any lists sucks anyway, seriously.

I can't believe you think Final Fantasy X and IX, along with Left 4 Dead, Pokemon, Resident Evil 4, and San Andreas were better than Silent Hill 2. And am very disappointed that there were no Kingdom Hearts games in there or racing games. And the lack of anything BROOTAL! Psh, all these games are girlyman games!

Except SH2 (obviously).

IDX leaving away the Silent Hill issue, you hit the spot with something here & it's pretty damn right what you said...
Racing games, we're missing genres here. At least 1 should make to any Top 10.

4 RPG's in a list of 10 games, that kinda says something. 2 of them FF games, that's like 50% man.

12-20-2010, 02:25 AM
tanis_lionheart said: "Bla bla bla bla... I laugh at you cause my favorite game is better than yours....bla bla bla... My opinion is the only true one cause I'm just that kind of narcissist... -Put an other shallow comment here-."

Seriously, I thought you would have grown up a bit after all this time. Obviously, I thought wrong. �_�
Your post is stupid and your mother should have swallowed.

12-20-2010, 02:51 AM
I can't believe you think Final Fantasy X and IX, along with Left 4 Dead, Pokemon, Resident Evil 4, and San Andreas were better than Silent Hill 2. And am very disappointed that there were no Kingdom Hearts games in there or racing games. And the lack of anything BROOTAL! Psh, all these games are girlyman games!

Except SH2 (obviously).

Jitan Toraibaru
12-20-2010, 03:04 AM
Some people enjoy them...roll with it.

12-20-2010, 06:29 AM
The first Kingdom Hearts was a cool idea and I still wanna play it, but the series just seems to have become an overmilked cash cow now.

12-20-2010, 06:34 AM
As an action game, Kingdom Hearts is okay. It's not bad really and it doesn't get too repetitive (except for the constant dodging in Birth By Sleep). Its storyline, however, is pretty shit. It started taking itself way too seriously with KH2 and since then the story has become more convoluted and derpy. The game series is just fanservice, man!

12-20-2010, 06:44 AM
Sounds almost exactly like Dissidia from that description ;) Although Dissidia has become one of the most ADDICTIVE games I have EVER played!!!

And Dissidia made a little false-advertisement; "Fan favorite heroes and villains from the series come together in one game for the first time." Eh, nope, TEE-DUS and others got started alongside Disney characters in the same game with Kingdom hearts! I've seen and heard so much about the KH series I may as well have played it.

12-20-2010, 06:56 AM
I didn't mind Dissidia, really. It is fanservice still, but the gameplay is at least more fun than Kingdom Hearts' (it does get a little repetitive though).

12-20-2010, 02:07 PM
As an action game, Kingdom Hearts is okay. It's not bad really and it doesn't get too repetitive (except for the constant dodging in Birth By Sleep). Its storyline, however, is pretty shit. It started taking itself way too seriously with KH2 and since then the story has become more convoluted and derpy. The game series is just fanservice, man!


12-21-2010, 01:31 AM
The first Kingdom Hearts was pretty good, really. The Disney aspects were excellent, but I felt that the Final Fantasy aspects were a bit 'tacked on'.

I mean, you never visit any Final Fantasy worlds or locations, and none of the FF characters are what you would term main characters (or even villains - they're all Disney, as well). The best they get is 'Minor supporting character' style roles and cameos. It left me thinking that they'd put the FF stuff in just to draw FF fans to the game, as well as JRPG fans who might not have gone for it if it was just Disney.

But yeah, it was a good game. Not quite a great game, because it lacks those truly killer 'you've got to play it to experience *this* bit' kind of moments. Instead it's comfy and charming and enjoyable throughout. Good, but not as good as it could have been.

And I'm with Fight - the sequels are all awful, primarily because the story gets so nonsensical and inpenetrable. 'It's Organisation 13! They've... appeared and then vanished without doing anything... again'. KH2 also has one of the slowest, most soul crushingly numbingly slow starts to any game I've ever played. Nice idea, but when it reached about the fifth day of meandering around town doing odd jobs, I was about ready to throw in the towel. The River of Time is a superb level though, easily the best bit of that entire game.

As to Game of the Decade... are you kidding me? I can barely remember what was released in the last month, let alone know what came out in what decade!

12-21-2010, 02:15 AM
'It's Orgy 13! '

Fix'd! xD

12-21-2010, 02:18 AM
Only if they crossed it with Leisure Suit Larry.

12-21-2010, 02:21 AM
Only if they crossed it with Leisure Suit Larry.

Well that would have made it a much better game.

12-21-2010, 02:30 AM
I think the Star Ocean series or maybe Chrono Cross should be on the list. maybe they are, but I don't feel like going to GameFAQS right now...

01-16-2011, 02:05 PM
It was a fun contest