12-29-2002, 05:28 PM
Have you ever had a time when you did something no else you knew couldn't? Like friends or siblings?

I always get dissed by my big brother a lot for not clocking games quick enough. Or when he beats me at Tekken Tag/4, Unreal Tournament, Quake 3, Dynasty Warriors 3. I admit he doesn't beat me all the time. He clocked FF7 before me too.

But the other day, he was playing Two Towers and was at Balin's Tomb. He played as Aragorn and the part when you have to beat the Cave Troll by shooting arrows at him, hee hee, it took him 6 attempts! Yes, I was counting.
Then when I played my own file and played as Legolas it only took me one! I'm serious! He really shut up that day.

Then there was another time when he was playing Kingdom Hearts, (I'm the bigger RPG fan so I was way ahead) he was on the Destiny Islands and couldn't find 3 fish for Kairi! He even told me to play it for him. Now he has stopped dissing me. Cuz he admitted that I was the better RPG gamer.

Have any of you been in a similar situation?

Evad D'Aragon
12-29-2002, 07:21 PM

I wouldn't know about that...I'm by far the better gamer home lol Yeah, mainly because I'm by far the most avid gamer in general at home, but I do suck at racing games...but whenever you throw me a RPG or fighting game, you better be ready ;)

Bahamut ZERO
12-29-2002, 09:43 PM
I'm one of the only people in my circle of friends who plays RPGs, and I don't really play any other game. That's why when I'm playing over the LAN we have, I inevitably come last in Colin McRae 2 and Quake III and Return to Castle Wolfenstein...

Meh. I always used to beat other people with information on Final Fantasy VII though, which was rather cool.

David F
12-30-2002, 01:05 AM
Everyone excels better in certain things; gaming is no exception to this rule, like you just proved with that happened with you and your bro playing KH. No one should feel bad about anything when it comes to games cuz when it all boils down to it; it�s all in good fun.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-30-2002, 11:51 PM
Yes, all the god damn time. My Sister, is always tellingme to do something on a game for her, go easy on her when I'm beating the shit out of her on Tekken 4.

She knows I'm the better player, and will happily admit it, but I'm sick and tired doing all the hard parts in the games for her.

David F
12-31-2002, 04:35 AM
Then tell her that she�s gotta learn to do it herself ya know, she�s not gonna improve if she doesn�t practice more, �sides there�s always GameFAQs.

Safer Sephiroth
12-31-2002, 07:38 AM
Heh *looks down and grins*

People always like to challenge me in Quake 3. They say they are the best, they can get so many frags, then they play me and I put them all to shame. I turn out to be the one telling them what they are doing wrong in the game ^_^

Darth Revan
01-29-2003, 06:26 PM

Better gamer? Well, I remember back when I got Vandal Hearts on the PSX, I finished it, completed with getting Ash Lambert transformed into the "Vandalier" The Ultimate character, can use ALL the spells in the game, at a MP cost of 1 mp per spell (I think). At the time, only two other people I knew were playing (One a friend, the other a guy at the game shop.), and they couldn't find where the special items were, for you to use to get the 'other' special items to transform Ash.

Another time was with the Suikoden games. I finished the first in under nine hours, with all 108 stars of destiny, the second took a little longer, around 15 hours, with all but ONE DAMN STAR OF DESTINY!!! My friend finished it with all of the stars but didn't tell me where to get the one I missed. Found out from GameFAQs which one was missing, then I played it again, got them all and finished the game a couple of minutes after the last time.

Two more incidents, one was with FF Tactis. I was watching my friend, Enkidoh, play it and he was about to fight the final Boss, and I noticed he had Ramza masted Knight and Ninja classes, and I said to him why not use the Ninja's 'Two Swords' ability with Ramza as a Knight? He said you couldn't do it, but he tried it anyway. Low and behold, it worked! He said he didn't know you could do that, and here's the thing - At the time, I had NEVER PLAYED FF Tactics before that! HAH!

Last but not least, involves a game called Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast (In my mind the BEST console ever, but that's my personal opinion.), managing to track down the most annoying discovery of all, those damned flying insects! You can only just see the damn things, and they're only just above the cloud cover, so you have to look carefully for them. The guy at the game store, called me all the names under the sun when I showed him I had all discoveries.

I won't say I'm a great gamer, as there are games I suck at, namely a lot of racing games, sport sims and such, but give me an RPG or space combat sim, and I'll show my worth.