12-29-2002, 06:07 AM
Just got done reading all of the manga and watching all of the anime. The anime is great but the manga is even betta! I like the story and the artstyle in the manga better than the anime. It sure comes close to beating my favorite anime (Trigun). I really liked the development of the relationship between Naru and Keitaro. Not to mention that Tamago has to be the FUNNIEST ANIME CREATURE EVER!!!! That turtle needs to seriously have its own manga. XD

12-30-2002, 11:07 PM
Umm...i havent gotten that far into the anime series (ive only seen the first four episodes~sad isnt it?) but i think its all right ^_^ my favorite characters would probably be Naru, since she KICKS ASS!!! (literally), Mitoko is a close second, and Sue is just TOO funny ^-^

...but i do have a question. how many episodes are there and where can i find the Love Hina Manga series. ive looked EVERYWHERE possible and no one seems to have them in stock

12-31-2002, 12:12 AM
Try Suncoast at your mall or other malls, they normally carry them, sionce I live in Connecticut it is harder to find good places, but Suncoasts as far as Maine has them from my knowledge. Or you can try Ebay or Amazon if you want to find some. AnimeNation always has cool stuff, but it is expensive so that should be a last resort for you.

BTW, I literally have hundreds of new Naru and Group pictures and in some poor Keitaro is being attacked by robots and lethal blows by Naru. Plus I love Shinobu rather then Naru, she's more my age!:D

To answer Kari-chan's first question there are 26 episodes in the Love Hina series, but beware of two special longer episodes The Christmas Special and the Spring Special which take place around episodes 22-24. Then there is Love Hina Again which should be quite promising for already fans of the show.

12-31-2002, 12:20 AM
Alright I d/l all the manga off the internet. You can find all of the manga off of here

I took the freedom to remove the link. Get the manga legally, buy it. It�s one of the few mangas with an American release and you still want to download it?? Geez... ~ Misao

Took me a long ass time to find that site too. Beware, it takes a while to d/l. And I do suggest you get the program "GetRight" like it suggests. It helps out alot.

12-31-2002, 07:59 AM
I've watched the entire series of Love hina and I enjoyed it. I will probably won't get the manga tho. The show is a so damn hilarous! Poor Keitaro ;_;.

Is the manga that damn good? I might look into it...if I get some opinions about it. So what's the deal?

12-31-2002, 08:56 AM
Oi.. I've heard that from the manga, the TV series was cut down a *LOT* from.. perversion?

12-31-2002, 05:14 PM
Hey Corazon, I thought you weren't around anymore. Good to know you still hang around the site.

Sir Jecht the manga adds too the story plot, which is pretty simple, but also it doesn't have to become a show that runs within the 30 minute period. However the Love Hina manga one is for mature readers and Keitaro seems way more perverted. It is very well done too. If you've seen the series this is just like a great add-on.

12-31-2002, 05:31 PM
More perverted? I�ve read four volumes so far, and unless he does some character change in the future volumes, I have to disagree. I find he is just some unlucky, nice boy whose author makes him stumble in a lot of questionary situations. To the readers�joy.

Ah~ anyway, the manga is really well drawn, with a clear beautiful drawing style... I recommend it!

And there is no need for crying, or downloading scans (baaad!). I don�t think it is too hard to find them somewhere... Be it a shop where you live, or a website like

12-31-2002, 08:20 PM
Keitaro is not more perverted in the manga. I actually like the manga Keitaro a lot better. He's actually just a nice, down to earth, mature type of guy in the manga, instead of the geeky looking man in the anime.

I don't know about perverted... but I'll say that the manga shows a lot more skin and cleavage. If anything is more perverted in the manga, it's the artist. :P

I personally like the manga a lot more... but the last few volumes were kinda ridiculous. Keitaro finally confessed to Naru, but it took her forever to finally respond. o_0 I really hated Naru for a while.

12-31-2002, 10:29 PM
The manga is better for a few reasons.

1) IMO, the characters are much more well drawn in the manga. I'm not saying that the character designs for the anime were bad, its just that I like how the characters look in the manga more than the anime.

2) The plot is much better in the manga. In the anime, it kinda leaves you hanging in some spots. The manga fills in these voids and leaves you with a very satisfied feeling.

3) The story is also much longer in the manga. Alot of events happened in the manga that you never get to see in the anime.

4) I also find the manga funnier than the anime. Some people would disagree with me, but that's just my opinion.

Darth Revan
01-30-2003, 05:07 PM

A thread about an anime I have well and truly become hooked on, all thanks to an "acquaintence" of mine (glares at Enkidoh). My obsessions with Love Hina sprang from watching a Love Hina AMV, done to the song "That's your horoscope for today" by "Weird" Al Yankovic. (A very good song too.)

Anyway, after I saw the clip, the following week when I went into the city, I stopped in a comic shop, and saw the Manga there. Suffice to say, I grabbed it and... fell in love with the series. When the DVD was released, I basically went out and grabbed it and preordered all the other DVD's. I even went on eBay and got a copy of Love Hina Again.

At the moment, I have 7 volumes of the manga, 4 soundtracks, will be getting the figures when they're released (Hell, I've already pre-ordered two Naru figures!). I've got nearly a gig of my hard drive, full of Love Hina pics, info and such. But here's where it gets a little weird....

I have written a fanfic of Love Hina and posted it on a fanfiction site, the link to the story is :

I admit, I have become obsessed with Love Hina, but as I always say, "In life, you to be obsessive at least about one thing in your whole life time." Hmmm, that's true. WHat with my Love Hina obsession and FFVIII obsession, and, well, I'm also starting to get that obsessive glint in my eyes whenever I watch Ah! My goddess and Vandread! Guess I'll have to add those two to the list as well, neh?

01-30-2003, 08:46 PM
Love Hina, I liked it, but not overly excited about it :\. There has been a lot of other anime's I've prefered. I'm not too big on anime's where the woman is so violent like that and the whole time you just feel sorry for the guy :\

01-31-2003, 07:35 PM
Firstly, DH... Nelson Muntz on The Simpsons summed it up best for your 'obsession'.. HA HA! As for blaming me for it, well, I take NO responsibility for it... Oh, My Goddess! maybe, but not Love Hina...

Secondly, one of the main reasons I like Love Hina is for all the little (and quite clever) Final Fantasy references that are hidden throughout both the manga and anime series (aparrently Ken Akematasu started out in the manga industry by making FFVII and IX doujinshis - i.e. fan-comics - and the FF references in Love Hina are a kind of a nostalgic 'tip-of-the-hat' to his roots.) I still don't think Haruka made a very good 'White Mage' though! lol

P.S. DH, you just HAD to mention that fan-fic, didn't you?

Darth Revan
01-31-2003, 08:36 PM

And why not Enkidoh? True, I blame you for Oh! My goddess, but if you hadn't of shown me that damn AMV, I wouldn't of liked it, as I wouldn't of heard of it!!! **sigh** Still all things considered, I'm glad you showed me those AMV's, otherwise I wouldn't of discovered the series.

And in regards to my story... Why not? Just you wait, I'm gonna have something BAD happen in it, to a certain character (Not one of the regular characters folks, but one I created and put in.).