12-11-2010, 07:15 PM
Hello everyone!

I'm dedicated on getting the soundtrack of this nostalgic cartoon, Super Mario Bros. Super Show! The arrangements of the Super Mario songs were beyond awesome in this show! I've been doing alot of searching for this and now I have two options:

1) I can rip the songs from this show and post them here. Somebody who is an expert on making soundtracks could do some cleaning on the audio files, reduce all unwanted noise etc.

2) Disney owns the original tapes of this show's music. I've been trying to contact Disney via email about this matter, asking if I could buy the original tapes, since they won't be published anyway, but they haven't awnsered yet! Somebody who lives in the America could contact Disney via phone (I would too, but I live in the other side of the world, so my phone-bill would be reaching the skies).

I know many Mario fans who want this soundtrack very badly (there are few of those in here too). I would be VERY thankful if somebody could help me!

12-13-2010, 01:31 AM
I too would appreciate this, a LOT.

02-16-2011, 09:23 PM

02-16-2011, 09:58 PM
Okay, I've sended emails for multiple employees at Disney. I asked if it's possible for me to buy the original soundtrack scores from them, since they don't have any use for them anymore. Of course I'll put it into share immediately if they'll give a green light for my request. I hope I'll get a response soon! :)

02-16-2011, 10:20 PM
Shukumarsu, I contacted you via youtube with this message:

BubblemanNsider (1 month ago)
Could you do the song that plays at the beggining of "The Great BMX Race" (and other episodes) that is a remix of the Super Mario Bros. 2 theme from the Super Mario Bros. Super Show? I've been looking everywhere for it... :(

It's the only song I want the most...

02-17-2011, 07:14 AM
Shukumarsu, I contacted you via youtube with this message:
It's the only song I want the most...

Haha, I haven't been very active in music-making for a while, but sure, I'll start working on this. I'll let you know when this is ready. :)

02-19-2011, 04:18 PM
Shukumarsu if you could also do the Super Mario Bros. 2 theme that appears in the episode Stars in Their Eyes it would be greatly appreciated my many attempts to remove the dialogue from it have failed misribley

02-19-2011, 09:57 PM
You know, I was thinking about this for a moment...

Some of the tracks are really short, for example, the one that Bonewood is asking for, could be done on a Music Creating program. Since the 'originals" are lost, we could ask remixers to do replicas of them. Anyone have an account or "convincing" powers? would be a good stop.

02-20-2011, 05:18 PM
I edited some scores from this show. They are not perfect, there's still some backround noises in there. Also, there's the music that Bubbleman requested earlier. :)

02-21-2011, 08:24 PM
I've been sending more emails to Disney, expressing my interests about buying the original tapes. I even sent one to Robert A. Iger himself. If I don't get any awnsers, I'll take out my next card: Faxing!

02-25-2011, 03:59 PM
I've been waiting eagerly for this, any news??

02-25-2011, 05:12 PM
I edited some scores from this show. They are not perfect, there's still some backround noises in there. Also, there's the music that Bubbleman requested earlier. :)

YouTube - Super Mario Bros. Super Show! - Score Compilation (
thanks good job,i hope you edited more

02-26-2011, 07:03 AM
I've been waiting eagerly for this, any news??

No replies yet. What's wrong with Disney? When I wanted to contact Bug Music Corporation, they emailed me back in less than 10 minutes! I'll still be waiting few more days, then I have to start sending faxes to Disney (or maybe even a letter to Robert Iger).

02-27-2011, 07:54 PM
Who here has a fax and would be willing to contribute to this little project? Since I don't think Disney is gonna reply for my emails, we should start faxing to Disney.

03-01-2011, 07:45 AM
From what I understand, a LOT of the music from the show, (Which a lot of it is excellent) in the actual cartoon portions was scored by the enormously talented composers Haim Saban and Shuki Levy. They scored a lot of the stuff from the cartoon portions of the Super Mario Super Show and if I'm not mistaken they also did a lot of the composing for "The New Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3" and "Super Mario World" cartoons as well among many many other series they composed for. Because of that I'm scratching my head as to how Disney could possibly have the current rights to the music from the series. DIC produced it..the original Super Show was syndicated..NBC ran Mario 3 and Mario World in the US so that doesn't make sense or add up to Disney being involved with any of the 3 Mario cartoons series. I would look more in the direction of trying to contact Mr. Saban and Mr. Levy if you truly want to find the music used. They'd be a better place to turn to and should be able to provide much more in the way of help or answers than Disney is going to. There was a thread here a while ago, like a few years back, where a few people started to try to put the soundtrack together..but as Shukumarsu said, a lot of the pieces are shorter so it's going to be tougher. I can try to pull as much of the audio out of the DVD's for all 3 series using Audacity and do the best I can with it, but we're talking major project here but I'd be willing to try to help chip in if anyone wants.

03-01-2011, 02:16 PM
From what I understand, a LOT of the music from the show, (Which a lot of it is excellent) in the actual cartoon portions was scored by the enormously talented composers Haim Saban and Shuki Levy. They scored a lot of the stuff from the cartoon portions of the Super Mario Super Show and if I'm not mistaken they also did a lot of the composing for "The New Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3" and "Super Mario World" cartoons as well among many many other series they composed for. Because of that I'm scratching my head as to how Disney could possibly have the current rights to the music from the series. DIC produced it..the original Super Show was syndicated..NBC ran Mario 3 and Mario World in the US so that doesn't make sense or add up to Disney being involved with any of the 3 Mario cartoons series. I would look more in the direction of trying to contact Mr. Saban and Mr. Levy if you truly want to find the music used. They'd be a better place to turn to and should be able to provide much more in the way of help or answers than Disney is going to. There was a thread here a while ago, like a few years back, where a few people started to try to put the soundtrack together..but as Shukumarsu said, a lot of the pieces are shorter so it's going to be tougher. I can try to pull as much of the audio out of the DVD's for all 3 series using Audacity and do the best I can with it, but we're talking major project here but I'd be willing to try to help chip in if anyone wants.

Actually, this was the only Super Mario cartoon where Shuki Levy, Haim Saban and Eric Allaman composed the scores. Adventures Of Super Mario Bros. 3 was composed by Michael Tavera. And it is true that Disney owns the original tapes of the soundtracks, it was confirmed by Ron Kenan, he was The Executive In Charge Of Music for The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. Also Bug Music Co. confirmed this recently. I don't think contacting Shuki Levy or Saban would help in this situation. I've already contacted Eric Allaman, one of the composers for this show, and he said he doesn't have any of the show's music himself.

I don't quite understand how Disney owns the tapes, to be honest. First I thought that Bug Music Corporation would have them, since they got the rights for Saban's music library, but this was wrong. What annoys me, is that Disney is a fucking huge company, known worldwide, but still it seems to be impossible to contact them...

03-02-2011, 05:39 AM
Actually, this was the only Super Mario cartoon where Shuki Levy, Haim Saban and Eric Allaman composed the scores. Adventures Of Super Mario Bros. 3 was composed by Michael Tavera. And it is true that Disney owns the original tapes of the soundtracks, it was confirmed by Ron Kenan, he was The Executive In Charge Of Music for The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. Also Bug Music Co. confirmed this recently. I don't think contacting Shuki Levy or Saban would help in this situation. I've already contacted Eric Allaman, one of the composers for this show, and he said he doesn't have any of the show's music himself.

I don't quite understand how Disney owns the tapes, to be honest. First I thought that Bug Music Corporation would have them, since they got the rights for Saban's music library, but this was wrong. What annoys me, is that Disney is a fucking huge company, known worldwide, but still it seems to be impossible to contact them...

WOW..I guess Disney really DOES own the music from the original Super Show series now. I really didn't think that was possible but thank you for explaining how it happened at least from what you know :) I also apologize for getting Haim Saban and Shuki Levy wrong as the composers of the music in Mario 3. I had assumed all these years they had done all 3 cartoon series, ya learn something new every day!

Disney is very very VERY protective over all their music and the music they own. They'll reply to just about every letter or e-mail that doesn't have to do with their music library. The second their music library gets brought up, forget it. I cannot think of many other companies as protective over their music as Disney is. I love Disney but that's still surprising.

Anyway, I have all 3 cartoon series on DVD (The official releases) so I will start trying to pull as much of the music out of them as I can get and then post them to my Mediafire account. I'll do my best but that way, anyone that can get the sound effects and dialog out as possible can do that :) This will take considerable time I imagine though so give me say a few weeks and I'll see what I can do :) I want to help since those 3 cartoons are some of the very few here that doesn't really have a complete or close to it soundtrack posted up.

03-02-2011, 05:46 AM
I'll do my best but that way, anyone that can get the sound effects and dialog out as possible can do that :)

This helps, but still, taking out dialogue and sound effects is a real pain, which is why I insist...

...we could ask remixers to do replicas of them. Anyone have an account or "convincing" powers? would be a good stop.

It "could" be much easier. If remixers or composers could hear the samples and recreate them with similar instruments, we'd have some kind of "HD" soundtrack, even though I'd prefer the original instruments.

03-02-2011, 12:52 PM
Disney is very very VERY protective over all their music and the music they own. They'll reply to just about every letter or e-mail that doesn't have to do with their music library. The second their music library gets brought up, forget it. I cannot think of many other companies as protective over their music as Disney is. I love Disney but that's still surprising.

Well, that explains alot. I guess it's impossible to get the original tapes then, how disappointing! However, it might be possible if we make an address/petition, but then again, we wouldn't get much names into it. I'm still not giving up haha, this has become an obsession to me on some level now. :D


we could ask remixers to do replicas of them. Anyone have an account or "convincing" powers? would be a good stop.

This sounds like a good idea too. There are many remixers that enjoy remaking nostalgic music, so I think this could be a considerable choise too.

03-07-2011, 02:22 AM
This sounds like a good idea too. There are many remixers that enjoy remaking nostalgic music, so I think this could be a considerable choise too.

Tried, but results aren't all good... Check it for yourselves.

Super Mario Bros. Super Show! - OverClocked ReMix Forums (

03-07-2011, 02:08 PM
Whoa, nicely done Bubbleman! I hope there's someone who might be interested. Of course it would be too much to remake the WHOLE soundtrack, but some of those best scores would be nice. I'm still going to try contact Disney via email, then I'm gonna send a letter (or a fax). This can't be impossible, it just can't! :D

03-07-2011, 11:16 PM
Whoa, nicely done Bubbleman! I hope there's someone who might be interested. Of course it would be too much to remake the WHOLE soundtrack, but some of those best scores would be nice.

Wait... Plan B: Ask on Newgrounds. There are remixers there too! I'll later on see what I can do/get. I really, really want some tracks...

03-11-2011, 04:29 AM
I would edit my post, but if someone is subscribed to this thread, there wouldn't be a notification.

Tried Newgrounds, but nothing. (so far... the thread has been up for a day or two)

Any news, Shukumarsu?

03-11-2011, 11:27 PM
Any news, Shukumarsu?

Nope, I really think that Disney is not going to respond, no matter what I write to them! We are running out of options now... :S

03-11-2011, 11:43 PM
Nope, I really think that Disney is not going to respond, no matter what I write to them! We are running out of options now... :S

I don't want to give up hope now, but something tells me that we'll have to stick with the "mixes" you've done. :/

03-11-2011, 11:48 PM
I don't want to give up hope now, but something tells me that we'll have to stick with the "mixes" you've done. :/

Well, I shall make them better then! I could also try to make some replicas out of some scores. I'm already working on a music that starts at 1:25 in my "Score Compilation" video.

03-11-2011, 11:51 PM
Well, I shall make them better then! I could also try to make some replicas out of some scores. I'm already working on a music that starts at 1:25 in my "Score Compilation" video.

That's the Character Select Theme. Will be looking forward to it. :D

As a suggestion, please go ahead and take the Overworld Theme next, it's the first one in your compilation (and my favorite).

03-11-2011, 11:53 PM
That's the Character Select Theme. Will be looking forward to it. :D

As a suggestion, please go ahead and take the Overworld Theme next, it's the first one in your compilation (and my favorite).

Okay, I'll try to do that too, it's simple enough. Just have to learn the notes at the start of that score, the rest is easy. :)

03-12-2011, 03:46 AM
I'll help with you with what I can. I believe there's a lot of that 'song' in a chase segment in Hooded Robin's episode.


Nop, it's another song. :/

03-19-2011, 02:46 AM
Need any help "finding" some of the main songs, Shukumarsu?

I've got both Volumes.

03-20-2011, 06:18 PM
Need any help "finding" some of the main songs, Shukumarsu?

I've got both Volumes.

I got both of them too, I've just had so much to do lately that I haven't got time editing the songs. I'll get back to them soon. :)

03-29-2011, 12:59 AM
Hey everybody, I'm Back XD
sorry to hear Disney haven't Contacted yet or ever
I've tried some more "noise" Removing techniques on the stars in their eyes Rendition (Each one as disastrous as the last)
Any one got any ideas as i'm becoming desperate

-Bonewood aka The Man From October

03-29-2011, 01:06 AM
Any one got any ideas as i'm becoming desperate

Not really... except for working on replicas or keep ripping parts from several episodes. Shukumarsu is working on some songs, but hasn't uploaded anything (yet). I'm sure he'll upload at least a track or two sometime.

As for being desperate, I was desperate myself, but I learned to wait, considering I've been looking forward for something like this for MANY, many months.

03-29-2011, 08:25 AM
As for being desperate, I was desperate myself, but I learned to wait, considering I've been looking forward for something like this for MANY, many months.
LMFAO...Yeah bad terminology XDDD
Im going to try a different source file, Mabye that'll iimprove Results

04-29-2011, 05:31 AM
No news in a month?

05-01-2011, 01:35 AM
Dosn't look like it

05-18-2011, 06:07 AM
Dosn't look like it

literally, 2 months.

08-18-2012, 07:16 AM
Hey people, just stumbled across this thread. I have been looking for the original music to the SMB Super Show as well. I believe I have a majority of the episodes on VHS when I recorded them everyday as a kid. I was hoping to have DIC release them over the years on DVD, which they have, but unfortunately they left out the original score and songs in a lot of the episodes. I will do my best to help with anything I can if anyone here needs help with this project, please contact me either by twitter (best) or DM.

Kudos to all who want to have this show put back together in its original form, it will take lots of work but I think its possible. I will need to shuffle through my old storage containers and dig up the old VHS tapes and see what episodes I have, then convert them to my computer for archival reasons + editing reasons.

10-08-2012, 08:11 AM
Man it would be so epic if there was some way to rip the soundtrack and get all the songs from the show without vocals or sound effects. :-(

11-22-2014, 01:58 PM
good news dj4uk6cjm and everyone who is requesting the music I have a friend on youtube is trying his best to get the soundtrack as quickly as possible, I'll try my best to get it so everyone can enjoy it :)

11-22-2014, 03:40 PM
good news dj4uk6cjm and everyone who is requesting the music I have a friend on youtube is trying his best to get the soundtrack as quickly as possible, I'll try my best to get it so everyone can enjoy it :)

Yay! :) I never thought anyone would bring this topic up again and attempting it but that is some great news!!! As I would love an OST rip for the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, is it possible he can get the soundtrack for the 1989 Legend Of Zelda tv series? Would very much appreciate it if you could ask your friend about that as well because we desperately need a rip for that too :p can you link us to his youtube channel so we can support him? Thanks so much!!

11-22-2014, 03:43 PM
Yay! :) I never thought anyone would bring this topic up again and attempting it but that is some great news!!! As I would love an OST rip for the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, is it possible he can get the soundtrack for the 1989 Legend Of Zelda tv series? Would very much appreciate it if you could ask your friend about that as well because we desperately need a rip for that too :p can you link us to his youtube channel so we can support him? Thanks so much!!


and about the other cartoon, I may ask him after he gets done with the SMB3 cartoon soon, cross your fingers lad!