12-09-2010, 12:36 AM
Well, after months of announcements, excitement, surprises, and out-right disappointments. It's finally down the final ten unannounced characters for the Marvel vs Capcom 3 base roster.

I say base, because they're already starting the DLC train. Capcom's pretty good about listening to fans (or otherwise completely bewildering them), so any extremely requested character that doesn't make the initial cut will probably included down the line.

So, assuming they're splitting it half and half between these are the 10 that I think should make/should not make the cut:

Ones that should make it:

1. Nightcrawler - He's my personal #1 pick
2. Green Goblin - We need a Spidey villian and he would work great. They said they didn't include Silver surfer because of his surf board tho, so i don't know how likely he is.
4. Storm and Pheonix are confirmed
5. Iron Fist - My wild card. Hey, a guy can dream can't he.

1. C.Viper and Haggar are Confirmed
2. Megaman X - Deconfirmed
3. Edward Falcon - DECONFRMED
4. Strider - DECONFIRMED
5. Any Rival Schools character - I think this series may have already been deconfirmed, but I'm still hopeful. Kyosuke's my personal fav, but any would be good.

Ones that shouldn't make the cut:

1. Mastermind: If they do decide to include a Hulk villain the obvious pick would be Abomination, but after M.O.D.O.K, I can't be sure what's obvious anymore. They'd probably figure out some way to make him work, but pleas don't.
2. Venom: I'm as big a venom fan as the next person, but his appearances in recent years have been overdone. Besides, he probably wouldn't change much if he does make a return, and his moveset in previous vs. titles were just meh.
3. Punisher: The capcom side already has enough firearms users. We don't need anymore.
4. Dr. Strange: Sure, he's Dormammu's main rival, but I'm not sure he would work well. If he is included and works well, I won't complain though.
5. The Red Skull - I've never liked the Red Skull. He's Captain America's main enemy and yet I feel like there's nothing really special about him aside from his head.

Capcom: (I had a hard time with this one. Capcom really doesn't have too many other original series to pull from outside of what they already have. More SF/DS/RE characters would just bog down their roster)

1. Ken/Akuma: Ken's my favorite SF character, but I think Ryu is enough for this game. Especially since he can fire his special hadouken in multiple directions.
2. Roll - Please no.
3. Zack - I really don't think he would work well even if they tried.
4. Regina/Saki - Regina would be cool, but like I said before, between the DMC and RE characters, Capcom has enough gunslingers.
5. Hayato/Ruby Heart - Both are Deconfirmed

So who do you think should or should not make the final cut?

12-17-2010, 07:50 AM
I just saw a whole lot of M vs. C 3 goodness! Zero has been confirmed! If i had a dick i think it would be hard right now!

12-17-2010, 02:45 PM
X or Axl, but mostly X.

12-17-2010, 04:23 PM
Zero is confirmed, that's kinda enough for me... but...

War Machine(He's just so badass)
Strider (he should Stay, they would totally kill the character if he doesn't appear anymore, I don't see any Strider game in development, do ya?)
Venom or Carnage(this would be pretty interesting)
Punisher(I just love the character)
Megaman X(Fuck the original Megaman series... xD)
Green Goblin (this is an awesome Choice)

12-18-2010, 03:04 AM

Ms Marvel - she's been getting a bit of attention lately in the story arcs, and she'd be a workable counter to Storm and Sentinel(if he's truly in...I keep hearing hints)

Strider - Nostalgia-gasmic joy...'nuff said.

Megaman X - I've been sick of classic MM for a while, and Trigger...maybe he worked out in TvC, but I don't want him here.

Sigma (MMX) - He would be a GREAT alternative to MMX. The only question is...which incarnation?

Vergil - I'd bet serious money he's gonna be DLC, but he should be on the base roster. He's just that badass!

Miss(only one so far):

Sentinel - Please no! I'm sick of facing him in every team.

12-18-2010, 05:20 AM
Sigma (MMX) - He would be a GREAT alternative to MMX. The only question is...which incarnation?

I would vote for his Mega Man X7 incarnation.

execrable gumwrapper
12-18-2010, 09:01 PM
Gene from God Hand. Seriously, how did he not make it in?!

12-19-2010, 05:26 AM
Sigma, his first Jedi Knight Incarnation, from the very first Mega Man X. xD