12-04-2010, 08:14 PM
DKC3: Double the Trouble ~ Final WAV Deadline: Feb. 11th! - OverClocked ReMix Forums (

How did i miss this?

anyway im hoping they don't butcher this one like they did dkc2, i mean it was alright but they overdid it with the lyrics and the horribly out of place songs.

By the sound of the preview it doesn't sound too bad, i hope they get nuts and bolts and big boss blues right. Hot pursuits tempo could of been a little faster but its good.

Double the Trouble - A DKC3 Remix Project - Extended Preview on Vimeo (


12-04-2010, 09:48 PM
I've strayed away from OC but this is sounding pretty promising. And I'm going to have to check out the original soundtrack now because I don't remember it being all that spectacular, but I after hearing remixes of some of the tracks..

01-19-2011, 01:48 PM
Hey, I hate to bump threads on forums I'm not too familiar with but, through a twist of fate, I'm co-directing Double the Trouble with Emunator and have heard all the finished tracks/WIPs thus far. I figured I'd be able to shine the light on some potential problems people may or may not have with the album. :)

Anyways, while I found a lot of the remixes to be satisfying musically, I too was disappointed with Serious Monkey Business in the long run and a good portion of my reasoning was because there were several cases in which we were confronted with odd stylistic choices and moods, as well as tracks that didn't have much source. Thankfully, there's hardly a problem with genre/atmospheric changes in Double the Trouble (although the 5 or so tracks that do fit that criteria have pretty clear, defined concepts, so I find the problem to be very minimalistic). In all, if your main concern with the album is tracks staying true to the originals, I doubt you have anything to worry about.

On another note, no need to worry about Nuts and Bolts/Big Boss Blues. N&B is being remixed primarily by Zircon, arguably the most well-known in the history of the site, and Big Boss Blues has been tackled by Blue Magic, a man who definitely knows how to make great music. Both tracks sound absolutely amazing and are true to the sources in every possible aspect -- I'm sure you won't be disappointed :D

01-19-2011, 02:07 PM
Thanks for the input, i Can't wait for this album to come out :D

01-19-2011, 02:35 PM
Hey, I hate to bump threads on forums I'm not too familiar with but, through a twist of fate, I'm co-directing Double the Trouble with Emunator and have heard all the finished tracks/WIPs thus far. I figured I'd be able to shine the light on some potential problems people may or may not have with the album. :)

Anyways, while I found a lot of the remixes to be satisfying musically, I too was disappointed with Serious Monkey Business in the long run and a good portion of my reasoning was because there were several cases in which we were confronted with odd stylistic choices and moods, as well as tracks that didn't have much source. Thankfully, there's hardly a problem with genre/atmospheric changes in Double the Trouble (although the 5 or so tracks that do fit that criteria have pretty clear, defined concepts, so I find the problem to be very minimalistic). In all, if your main concern with the album is tracks staying true to the originals, I doubt you have anything to worry about.

On another note, no need to worry about Nuts and Bolts/Big Boss Blues. N&B is being remixed primarily by Zircon, arguably the most well-known in the history of the site, and Big Boss Blues has been tackled by Blue Magic, a man who definitely knows how to make great music. Both tracks sound absolutely amazing and are true to the sources in every possible aspect -- I'm sure you won't be disappointed :D

Just as long as there are no vocals in these remixes, I think I'll be satisfied overall. :)

01-19-2011, 06:13 PM
This one looks to be a lot less pretentious than the first one. That's a good thing.

01-23-2011, 09:37 AM
I'll occasionally check back here, so if anyone has any concerns or questions at all about the project, I'll be glad to answer them to the best of my ability :D

Just as long as there are no vocals in these remixes, I think I'll be satisfied overall. :)
I can't say there's 'no' vocals but the only tracks that'll have lyrics are Enchanted Riverbank SNES and Brothers Bear GBA. I'm not sure what the motif is in regards to Enchanted, but Brothers Bear has a specific concept behind it (I came up with it!) that will utilize vocals really well (expect some big-namers on that track).

This one looks to be a lot less pretentious than the first one. That's a good thing.
There are many odd choices for their respective source tunes (Chekan Winter, Funky Monkey Love, Echoes, Faunaphonic and Machina Anesthesia) though there's a whole slew of brilliantly-executed tracks (Water, Cave, Cranky, Jungle, Ruins, Mine Carts and Credits). How exactly do you find it pretentious? I'm not saying I disagree; I'd just like another's opinion in depth.

Also, what'd you think of Serious Monkey Business, if you've listened to it?

01-23-2011, 10:04 AM
that enchanted riverbank remix really sounds terrible and so do a few techno-sounding songs I heard there. The atmosphere in the songs is lacking in many of these remixes. Just hoping the tracks not shown get some proper treatment like Water World, Rockface Rumble and Nuts & Bolts.

01-23-2011, 11:12 AM
hm, I feel like taking up the cudgels for the DKC2 album. for my part, i considered SMB brilliant, especially since it chose to stray from the music that david wise had already composed and brilliantly arranged himself. I was never one to care for album consistency, as i meticulously nitpick the tracks i like on any oc album, anyway, so maybe the experience wasn't streamlined for those who cared, what with the borderline-cheesy intro song by lloyd (pretzl).
As someone who knows the sources as well as I did (and I did spend my time on DKC2), I appreciate an approach that takes them for granted and works with them, say, like Shore can do in the 5.-9. hours of the lord of the rings (before becoming all mainstreamy-cuddly at the end).
As such, I also appreciated things like the animal counterpoint from the latest Zelda OCR album, though I think Reich, and also prophetik, can do better. I just love to see the community reaching beyond the jukeboxes of the typical concert series (VGLive, PLAY!, I even daresay OGC). Whether this will bring longevity to that music we probably all have grown up with, I cannot tell; it deserves respect in any case.
I prepare listening in turn to FinalFanTim's FFVII re-synthy-ing (like so, methinks: [HTML] [HTML]) and the F1N4LF4NT4S7Z3R0 album - that I cannot get a hold on right now, a mashup of ff7 tracks with the whole of nine inch nail's year zero - to explore the music of that game over the actual Voices of the Lifestream Album, which just tried too hard at times, despite having some very good tracks. Which leads to pretentious: Black Wing Metamorphosis. I don't think this needs commenting. Just to say, I could hardly get past Godiva in the Desert the last few times I tried to listen to KiC, a couple of years ago, for the sheer drop in awesomeness. I think SMB was the actual follow up to that track.

As for lyrics, I do not know why people complain, though oc remix has had some weak tracks (think: Everclear Hangover) in that area, and is simply low on good singers (but Dream Theater has always been, as well :-), so singing isn't their strong point, similar to -- video game music in general (Kiss me Goodbye, 3rd Birthday you name it). I need to stop digressing, though...

There are always people arguing either way, obviously, and I'm on the side of those that push towards progress. In the end, it is probably a gut feeling and like epends on what will attract the mixers that defines what will be heard on album. Novelty always has to fight its way into the brains of adults/adolescents, and I guess my comfort zone is quite large at the brainsy end by now (Gnomes Exotiques, hurray). That's why it is good to have a panel of judges rather than a single blabbermouth :-)

Best of luck on the release to the DTT team.

01-23-2011, 05:37 PM
There are many odd choices for their respective source tunes (Chekan Winter, Funky Monkey Love, Echoes, Faunaphonic and Machina Anesthesia) though there's a whole slew of brilliantly-executed tracks (Water, Cave, Cranky, Jungle, Ruins, Mine Carts and Credits). How exactly do you find it pretentious? I'm not saying I disagree; I'd just like another's opinion in depth.

Also, what'd you think of Serious Monkey Business, if you've listened to it?
By "first one," I was referring to the Serious Monkey Business album itself. I was saying, by comparison, that Double the Trouble sounds more readily enjoyable than that. Sorry, I hadn't actually realized there were staged releases for your album that my comment could have been interpreted that way. I'm not prepared to write a complete dissertation on why I feel that way about Serious Monkey Business, so perhaps I shouldn't go hurling around words like "pretentious" (though the album's name sort of conveys that anyway).

There were just a few tracks on Serious Monkey Business that I felt completely stripped away the spirit of the originals for no obvious artistic reason other than to be different. Like that progressive rock ordeal that did us the favor of turning Hot-Head Bop into a "real" song by overlaying lyrics that had only a fleeting connection to the original. Or the Mandarin song that I've been told sounded "unnatural" from the point of view of an actual Chinese speaker; I'm not sure writing a set of lyrics in another language just to impress your peers is a solid foundation for writing a song, particularly when doing so has no relation to either the source material nor the prevailing pop music of any East Asian country. The result is something that is inherently meaningful to the creator and more or less unlistenable to the audience, which is unfortunate given the level of effort these artists poured into creating their songs. I've always been a proponent of the "less is more" philosophy and too much of Serious Monkey Business comes off as overcooked.

01-23-2011, 05:46 PM
I think the instrumental version of crocodile cacaphony saved the entire serious monkey business album. But anyway it kind of grew on me serious monkey business. Lets not forget the track arranged by wise and beanland themselves. a perfect way to end an album.

01-24-2011, 04:51 AM
that enchanted riverbank remix really sounds terrible and so do a few techno-sounding songs I heard there. The atmosphere in the songs is lacking in many of these remixes.
About Enchanted Riverbank, yeah, I don't even know why it was in the preview (especially considering the WIP was only like 10% done at the time). It's about 50% done now and I honestly have no doubt in my mind that the finished track will be absolutely awesome. If you want assurance regarding AkumajoBelmont's remixing abilties, he's pretty damn good, if you'd check out one of his other vocal remixes:

YouTube - OCR02121: Mega Man 2 For You OC ReMix [Dr. Wily Stage 1] (

I'm sad to hear about you not liking many of the other tracks, though I totally understand why. Although it isn't that apparent in the preview (I usually don't find previews to work in the creator's favor all that much) many of the remixes match the mood of its source tune to a T while expanding musically and creatively to create a memorable experience. Regarding the ones you don't like though, can you elaborate?

12-06-2012, 02:41 PM
Looks like the album has finally been released after a long time coming (I assumed the project had been canceled!): Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! | OC ReMix (

Just started listening to it so I'll defer opinions for now.

I do have one nagging question though: why are remixers so in love with the Aquatic Ambiance theme? (Almost a third of OCR's DKC remixes are based on it.) I've heard it at least three times on this album so far and, although it was technically present in the GBA version of DKC3, that was a remix of the original DKC underwater theme. So these songs are either based on the first DKC or they're remixes of a remix.

Granted, the melody is not unpleasant by any means, but its sheer pervasiveness will eventually result in my undoing.

12-06-2012, 02:51 PM
Thanks for the bump on this. Had no idea it was released and quite frankly, I forgot about it. I'll check this out soon.