12-04-2010, 04:07 PM
Using pietastegood's rip (, I have created an "Original Soundtrack" for Marvel Ultimate Alliance in mp3. I don't consider it perfect, so if anyone wants to bring anything to my attention regarding track names or missing tracks, feel free. I'll retain the source .oggs for a while so that I can make any corrections.

Also, I encourage others to upload and re-upload this soundtrack for others, as I do not know if I will be able to do so in a timely fashion. I will take a look at doing something similar with the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 rip.

1. Menu
2. SHIELD Helicarrier (Flight Deck)
3. SHIELD Helicarrier (Command Deck)
4. SHIELD Helicarrier (Barracks)
5. SHIELD Helicarrier (Main Batteries)
6. SHIELD Helicarrier (Fin Fang Foom Battle)
7. Stark Tower
8. Omega Base (Wrench Works)
9. Omega Base (Project Labs)
10. Omega Base (Primary Lift)
11. Omega Base (Top Deck)
12. Omega Base (M.O.D.O.K. Battle)
13. Stark Tower 2
14. Atlantis (SHIELD Outpost)
15. Atlantis (Ambient)
16. Atlantis (Temple of Negrete)
17. Atlantis (Atlantean Trench)
18. Atlantis (Tiger Shark & Attuma Battle)
19. Atlantis (Defender's Crypt)
20. Atlantis (Kraken Battle)
21. Valley of Spirits (Ancients' Hall)
22. Valley of Spirits (Golden Court)
23. Valley of Spirits (Grey Gargoyle Battle)
24. Valley of Spirits (Celestial Hall)
25. Valley of Spirits (Forbidden Passage)
26. Murderworld (Castle Doom)
27. Murderworld (Big Top)
28. Murderworld (Pinball)
29. Murderworld (Fairgrounds)
30. Murderworld (Fun House)
31. Murderworld (Arcade Battle)
32. Mephisto's Realm (The Gates of Hell)
33. Mephisto's Realm (Ambient)
34. Mephisto's Realm (Inferno)
35. Mephisto's Realm (Sepulcher)
36. Mephisto's Realm (Mephisto Battle)
37. Valhalla (Courtyard of the Gods)
38. Valhalla (Bifrost Bridge)
39. Vahalla (Midgard Gate)
40. Valhalla (Asgard)
41. Vahalla (Odin's Courtyard)
42. Valhalla (Odin's Courtyard Ambience)
43. Valhalla (The Great Forge)
44. Valhalla (Enchantress & Executioner Battle)
45. Niffleheim (Shore of Corpses)
46. Niffleheim (Ymir Fight 1)
47. Niffleheim (Ymir Fight 2)
48. Niffleheim (Spire's Ascent)
49. Shi'ar Empire (Fighter Bay)
50. Shi'ar Empire (Shi'ar Power Core)
51. Shi'ar Empire (Gladiator Battle)
52. Shi'ar Empire (Outer Hull)
53. Shi'ar Empire (Post Battle)
54. Shi'ar Empire (Deathbird Battle)
55. Shi'ar Empire (Science Section)
56. Shi'ar Empire (Countdown)
57. Skrull Throneworld (Sky Towers)
58. Skrull Throneworld (Aeronautics)
59. Skrull Throneworld (Titannus Battle)
60. Skrull Throneworld (Cityscape)
61. Skrull Throneworld (Galactus Chase)
62. Skrull Throneworld (Galactus Battle)
63. Castle Doom (Castle 1)
64. Castle Doom (Ambience)
65. Castle Doom (Doom's Lair)
66. Castle Doom (Doom's Dimension)
67. Castle Doom (Doom's Lab)
68. Doom's Throne (Boss Battle)
69. End Credits

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Password: marvel

12-04-2010, 09:10 PM
OrangeC ripped Ultimate Alliance 2 this saying pietastegood's rip had un-necessary remixes. So I strongly recommend/urge u use his. It is on this page. Get it while it still works. I just finished it.

---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

And thanks for 1. I have this game so I will let you know of any corrections or whatnot. But I must bring to your attention - missing cinematics. That's a gem for me in this game. Especially the Galactus ones. Can you add the cut scene cinematics to this to really make it complete?

I will not download this now. I'm waiting for an mp3 version.

12-04-2010, 09:32 PM
thanks dude :P

12-04-2010, 09:34 PM
Not downloading now. Waiting for mp3. So purely going by name now.

Missing (if anyone sees I missed anything too, please add what I left out. It'll be tough to play through the entire game just to type the missing stuff down here. I have it saved on my old 360 but do not yet have a Flash drive to transfer data from there into my newly arrived Slim) -

1. all cut scene cinematics.

2. other HQs: Doom Stark (unless that is Stark Tower 2?), The Watcher's base (don't remember name. But descriptions is: The Dog, Lockjaw teleports you to the mission, you can talk to a group called The Inhumans)

3. Boss Battles - ohhhh boy. I'm sure I'm gonna be missing some names lol. But here it goes: Scorpion, Bullseye, Crimson Dynamo, Mysterio, MODOK, Black Heart, Frost Giant, Winter Soldier/Radioactive Man (who's a comic book hero in the The Simpsons, but different guy with same name), Frost Giant, Baran Modo/Loki, Loki 2 (when he's in that machine armor thing (after he is defeated Doom kills the heroes, who are then saved by The Watcher), Ultimo 1 & 2, Dragon Man, Mandarin, there are 3 boss battles in Atlantis (Attuma/Tiger ???), a pair before both 2 (where the sonic transmitters are or before that), a green dragon (he pounds 4 walkks & there are 4 mini-games to beat him. I think his name's Krakus or Kraken or something). That's all I remember. I'm sure I'm leaving some out. There's 4 bosses or sub bosses somewhere in the Asgard mission (don't know where or remember their names. But there's def 4 in Asgard that you fight at once at the same time)

4. Main/Opening Theme (unless that is the Main Menu track)

5. A musical tune plays when you achieve like a goal or sub mission or something or get an upgrade. I believe it is heard mostly in the Atlantis mission

6. Character voices & introductions would be nice - character dialogues/lines, Fury announcing the chosen heroes' names). GREAT if all lines/every sinngle line in the game could be done. Too many though I'd imagine.

I'll add if anything else comes to me.

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

once u finish Ultimate Alliances, can u do the same for Arkham Asylum? Here's the link to it:

Really appreciate if you could. One thing at a time though as I know even without attempting it it's very time consuming.

12-05-2010, 02:01 AM
1. The entire soundtrack is in mp3. I'm not sure what you're waiting for.

2. A lot of the boss battles utilize the exact same battle theme. From what I could tell, the following boss battles used the same music: Mandarin, Loki, Loki + Destroyer, Galactus, and Dr. Doom. Some of the minor boss battles use the same battle music for the area in which their fought. In short, I didn't leave out a single battle track from the rip; I just couldn't identify which boss battle some of the boss battle tracks were associated with. For example, the Galactus battle seems to use the generic boss battle theme, but I had a boss battle theme that I could not identify. For the sake of flow of the soundtrack, I named the track I couldn't identify "Galactus Battle."

3. I believe that a lot of the area HQs are in the category (at least as far as the naming convention of the rip is concerned) of ambient tracks. Because those ambient tracks have sound effects, I did not include them. I generally don't like sound effects in a music track (unless the music and sound effects blend really well). It is for the same reason that I did not include the cinematics.

4. I'm not certain if character introductions were included in the rip. The bulk of the rip consists of "stingers," very short musical cues, so there are/were a large number to go through. I'll look for the character introductions, but I make no promises I'll do anything with them. After all, the rip is freely available if you want the stingers.

5. Someone already did a customized soundtrack for Arkham Asylum. I believe I gave you the link for that in your thread in the requests forum. I won't do one that someone else has already done.

12-05-2010, 02:04 AM
it be great if you can make a custom mua2 custom eost, why i left all layers in so people can edit how they choose.

12-05-2010, 02:13 AM
I will probably take a look at it soon. Thanks for doing the rip.

12-06-2010, 12:23 AM
1. You said "I'll retain the source .oggs for a while so that I can make any corrections." So I thought that meant this SOT is OGG & will be converted to mp3 was corrections were made. Sorry I got confused. You maybe should have clarified that this is mp3 on top there so others don't get confused.

2. Understood. But like I said, I was going purely by name & since there were no Boss Battle names, I didn't think those were included.

3. Wish cinematics were included so the soundtrack would actually feel complete. But out of appreciation for what you have done & understanding your reason for them not being there, although I don't like it, I'm not gonna cry about it missing.

4. Understand about character intros.

5. Did you? I'll check again to make sure. The only Arkham I personally remember seeing/downloading was an OGG rip.

12-06-2010, 02:25 AM
"I generally don't like sound effects in a music track (unless the music and sound effects blend really well). It is for the same reason that I did not include the cinematics."

I feel this way sometimes. But other/often times, I feel they blend really well. I can't remember ever feeling they blend really well more so than the Ultimate Alliance Cinematic entitled "The Watcher". The music fit perfectly & blended in with what little sound effects in hand. Most of that was dialogue, which blended too I must say.

12-06-2010, 02:31 AM
1. You said "I'll retain the source .oggs for a while so that I can make any corrections." So I thought that meant this SOT is OGG & will be converted to mp3 was corrections were made. Sorry I got confused. You maybe should have clarified that this is mp3 on top there so others don't get confused.

I added a line to clarify ;)

5. Did you? I'll check again to make sure. The only Arkham I personally remember seeing/downloading was an OGG rip.

Yeah, I think you said the links were broken. It's a good arrangement of the rip.

And I'll take a look at your other requests, but I make no promises ... depends in part upon what's included in the rip.

12-06-2010, 02:36 AM
hey gaze how do the mau2 layers mix in the game? i want to know if in my rips the layers were mixed accordingly but i am not sure how the dynamic system works, i know each track is up to 8 streams. i have not played the game.

12-07-2010, 06:14 AM
I want 2 versions of the cinematics. One without SFX. The other - just music, no SFX or dialogue. I don't think you'll do this nor do I expect you to. I actually got the cinematics already. I just want to know if you or anyone else reading this know any programs/software for Windows XP that will allow me to have the 2 versions of the cinematics that I wish to have. One that a beginner that very easily get used & adapt to.

01-26-2011, 08:52 AM
hey gaze how do the mau2 layers mix in the game? i want to know if in my rips the layers were mixed accordingly but i am not sure how the dynamic system works, i know each track is up to 8 streams. i have not played the game.

I wasn't able to answer this question in December, and I am not certain how well I can answer it now ... even after having gone through the process of identfying all of the tracks. From what I can tell, it seems that the majority of the tracks did not require me to mix them. I started noticing later in the process that some tracks were mixed from two or three tracks, but there were only a few that I had to mix myself. The various "FMX" tracks were completed mixes that saved me quite a bit of work.

I didn't realize that some tracks needed to be mixed until later, so I may have missed some needed mixes early in the soundtrack/rip that needed to be completed. The overall process was difficult because I used a Youtube playthrough in order to identify tracks, which means that the sound effects got in the way frequently (I used headphones to mitigate this as much as possible). (Playing through the game to identify tracks is not an option as I don't have the time to do that right now.)

I guess the short answer is that, yes, in your rip, the layers were mixed accordingly. I suspect if they were not, I would have had to mix more than I had to.

08-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Thanks for sharing!

08-13-2011, 11:16 PM
Thanks for all your hard work on making this rip more accessible as a soundtrack listen, can't wait to hear the work from such a great group of composers!

Also, I recently found "Beowulf - The Game" score by Cris Velasco and Sasha Dikiciyan, but its 158 tracks with no titles, and as I have not played the game, have no context for it. That's one that I would love for someone to soundtrack-ize, streamline into a labeled and perhaps shortened presentation.

08-15-2011, 04:48 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to share a cover I made up rather quickly, using the basic cover above. Not too fancy, but better than nothing. Uploaded at full-size.

08-15-2011, 06:22 PM
Good job. Thanks a lot for making that.

12-07-2011, 01:14 PM
Doom Battle has sound effects in it, i['m not sure why it does. :I

12-07-2011, 09:30 PM
Yeah. I don't like it anymore than you do. From what I could tell, that's how the track is in-game (it's used for other battles as well as Doom's), so that's probably the only way that it could be ripped. For reference:

12-09-2011, 02:45 AM
@TypeO: U could try using Audacity or some other type of SFX remover to see if it works though I doubt any software will remove it completely.

@Gazel: Not that it bothers me or anything but it seems that the Ultimate Alliance soundtrack has more SFX than your Ultimate Alliance 2 soundtrack. But since that's the way they can be ripped, what can you do right? I'm sure you did your very best. :)

12-09-2011, 03:58 AM
Yes, exactly. I have since made some alterations to this soundtrack, but I can't change the way that they were ripped. Unfortunately, that means that there are some sound effects, and the tracks can't be as easily looped as MUA2's.

12-09-2011, 10:39 AM
Well, there is this Dark choir sting in Mephisto's realm.

04-05-2012, 05:16 PM

---------- Post added at 10:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

Sorry for the previous post. My browser doesn�t work right. Anyway could somebody please reupload this OST. I want it so much! I�ve been looking for it for like 3 years. Please.

04-20-2012, 06:55 PM
You're gonna have to put that soundtrack on another site since MegaUpload was shut down.

05-19-2012, 06:08 AM
You can upload the soundtrack in other site

05-23-2012, 10:23 AM
I really do hope you reupload this to another site, I've been looking for it forever.

06-02-2012, 03:05 PM
+1 really want this soundtrack

06-04-2012, 06:41 AM
Blargh. Damn you old posts for soundtracks I want using megaupload!

06-07-2012, 10:19 AM
Please re-upload somewhere else!

08-26-2012, 03:07 PM
Any chance of reupload.

08-26-2012, 07:18 PM
Agreed. Hope this OST gets a reupload too. I doubt it though considering he hasn't responded. Takes a lot of time to post things so maybe he is working on it. Who knows for sure besides Gazel himself?

04-26-2015, 07:02 PM
DUDE! Uhm... megaupload no longer exists, can you put it somewhere else?

04-26-2015, 08:30 PM
I have an okay quality rip of all the tracks of this game (taken from Gazel's youtube account), but i have no idea how to upload.