Vivi FF
12-26-2002, 06:31 PM
What are your opinions on the next Playstation? Or the Sony�s next console/system if that�s what you want to call it?

I was reading the latest issue of PSM (Jan 2003, #67) and it said they want to see news of a PS3 sometime in 2003 in their Expected 2003 Announcements (or whatever it�s called; in the Monitor section. Although they said Sony might reveal (or even launch) the PS3 in 2004.

Now that gets me thinking... I got my PS2 last year. I didn�t get a PS2 game until Christmas 2001 (yeah yesterday was my first game anniversary). Why would I want a PS3 to come out in the next 2 years? I honestly say that I don�t. I mean I just got my PS2 and I only have 10 games so far. I can�t afford a PS3 now or anytime soon. I don�t want a PS3 out. PS2 still has a lot of life still in it. It shouldn�t be snuffed out just for the next, better one.

Basically what I am saying is that it�s WAY too early for a PS3. Even in 2004 it�s too early. Maybe it�s not in 2005, but there�s still a possibility that it still could be! I think that Sony is rushing the release and making of the PS3 because they think that the Gamecube and XBox could threaten them. I would really like them to take their time on the PS3 and really make it the best console, or at least a very, very good one. They shouldn�t be threatened in any way at all. The PS2 is still running and many people are still buying �em and playing �em. The PS2 can take care of Sony until they release the PS3. In fact, I think that releasing the PS3 at a later time might be more beneficial to Sony financially cause it can build up a lot more hype. If it comes out now, people would say, �Oh, I just got my PS2 awhile ago. I�ll just wait out until the PS3 gets cheaper and I may get it then.� But if it comes out in 2005 or 2006, people would say, �I had my PS2 for AGES! It�s about time they released a PS3,� and that person would go out and buy it. See? I know that many things can change over the years about the PS2 and PS3 but this is my opinion right now.

So what�s you opinion on the PS3? Opinions in general, currently, or any other type. Hey if you�re a psychic and could predict your opinion in the years to come, you can share that too... :)

David F
12-26-2002, 09:09 PM
It�s all speculation till Sony officially announces the launch date, which IMO is going to be pushed back a year or two. Last I heard from PSM that Sony was planning to launch peripherals for the PS2 not a whole nother system.

Kool Ranch
12-27-2002, 12:54 AM
That's just the way it is with game systems. Hardware companies usually only go four or five years before they release their next products. And althought it is a pain in the ass to have to fork over 300 or so dollars when you're young like me and don't have a consistent source of income, I think it's for the better. Putting new technology out for the game developers to work with results in new game experiences that weren't possible with the old hardware. And that's what I like to see.

David F
12-27-2002, 03:04 AM
Well Kool it�s not like you�re being forced to pay for the new system but you make it sound like it is though. Look if you really can�t splurge on a new system just don�t wait till it gets cheaper or go to a friends house and bam play it there.

Bahamut ZERO
12-27-2002, 02:23 PM
I always tend to wait two or three years after a system has been released before I buy one anyway, because it drops so much in price over that initial period. Look now at the PS2 (in UK monetary terms) it was �300 at release, and is now �169. Heck, the PS itself was close to �300 when it was first released, and is now �50!

When the PS3 (or whatever they end up calling it) is announced, the price will further drop, and there will be more life in the PS2 as more people think "I can afford that now."

12-29-2002, 12:56 PM
So they're actually calling it XD. It shall be good when it comes out. I may get it.

Kool Ranch
12-30-2002, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by David F
Well Kool it�s not like you�re being forced to pay for the new system but you make it sound like it is though. Look if you really can�t splurge on a new system just don�t wait till it gets cheaper or go to a friends house and bam play it there.

If you're as big a gamer as me you might as well say I'm being forced to buy the new systems, because I want to play the new games. But I usually wait about a year before I buy a new system, actually. I'm not complaining about new systems coming out at the rate they do; I'm glad they do for the reasons I sad in my first post.

Safer Sephiroth
12-31-2002, 07:33 AM
I was wanting a PS2 so badly this year... after I heard rumors of the release of the PS3 already I became unsure and had a change of mind on getting a $200 console that may be dead in just 2 years or so. This is why I got a X-Box for Christmas and a GameCube, I am getting a used PS2 for $119, somthing I can afford in just about a week.

Sony is rushing themselves to quickly, they are fearful of Microsoft and Nintendo indeed. They dont want the other gaming companies to show that they are a threat to them, and at the announcment of the PS3 there then became a rumor of the X-Box 2 coming out right before or at the same time of the PS3. This is going to cause huge problems in the gaming industry, since the X--Box is way to young to be thinking of a next console already, and the PS2 is doing great in sales! They dont even need to consider that either.

Nintendo has announced they are not making any new gaming consoles after the Gamecube. They said that they were tired of always having to make new products just to compete with the other companies and they've had enough of it. This I like since I dont have to worry about buying the next Nintendo Hardware that comes out, they will either go bankrupt or this will make them alot of money, either way this was a great idea.

The Ricky
01-01-2003, 10:19 AM
Sony is rushing their new PS3 relese. I just bought a PS2 awhile ago. But hell, I ain't getting one after I heard it's an online system only. (Correct me if the rumor I heard is not true.)

01-01-2003, 10:59 AM
I think the PS3 should come out tomorrow.

(And with the flow of how stuff is being released now, it's not the system owners that are rushing it, it's your age.)

Skye Vrbas
01-01-2003, 07:34 PM
PS3, huh ...

I'm sorry but all I do is saving money so that I can buy 1 game every 2-3 months . (I'm not spending ALL my money on it so it takes a while) And now they're already talking about PS3 ?
What 's going to be better at a PS3 the a PS2 ? And I think Vivi is right about the financial thing , why not release it later ?

But 1 thing is sure for me , I hate x-box . All they do is copying games of other consoles and the x-box makes a lot of noise plus the rumour that it's faster is a simple lie ...
Bill gates F*** -up the whole game industry , god I want to kick his puny ass ! Thanks to him Sony wants to push the whole thing , and for some not-rich ppl that's a pity ...

01-01-2003, 08:11 PM
"Bill gates F*** -up the whole game industry... I want to kick his puny ass ! Thanks to him Sony wants to push the whole thing , and for some not-rich ppl that's a pity ..."
Don't bother, microsoft didnt make it, they got a separate company to make one for them, them put their stamp on it, and it probably was not Bill Gates anyway.
And don't blaspheme please, 'tis not good for yer afterlife

Nintendo quitting is a rumor that was started before the gamecubes release, as they did not think it would be anywhere near the "success" it has been in the market ( this is also the reason why it's games aren't very numerous ). They just don't like to rush into things, and they were near to bankrupcy, so it'll be quite a while before a new console is developed. and the PS 2 was rumoured about 5 years ago, and so was the gamecube (dolphin project or summat), so y'all will probably have to wait a while B4 the PS3 comes out.

hmm, X-Box 2... I wonder whether that will be able to fit through the door

Skye Vrbas
01-02-2003, 09:44 PM
And don't blaspheme please, 'tis not good for yer afterlife

hmm, X-Box 2... I wonder whether that will be able to fit through the door
Nope, probably not ...

The Ricky
01-05-2003, 08:47 PM
So is it true that PS3 is an online system only. I hope not, but telll me if it's true, PLEASE TELL MEEEEE!!!!

iconoclastic pastry
01-05-2003, 09:51 PM
and they were near to bankrupcy

When? Nintendo is one of the most profitable companys in the world. The Gameboy alone keeps them more than comfortable.

Nintendo recently announced that development of the next system is under way. However, they are in no hurry to release it and say that they would like to fully support the Gamecube until 2009, wich I think would be great.

Nanaki XIII
01-06-2003, 03:29 AM
I wouldnt care if Playstation 3 came out tomorrow, as long as I can trade it my PS2 for PS3. of course that will never happen so its just another way to seperate my money from my wallet. they probably have PS4 with 256 bit graphiz already finished but we cant buy that until 3 years after PS3 is released.

Vivi FF
01-07-2003, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Morbid Angel
So is it true that PS3 is an online system only. I hope not, but telll me if it's true, PLEASE TELL MEEEEE!!!!

Actually, there isn't much info. on PS3. Heck we're not 100% it'd be called PS3...

01-07-2003, 12:35 AM
I think they need to stop trying to coming out with new systems every year and start making more games for the ones they already have.

If they took about a 3-4 year gap between every system and just made games all the times for the ones they had, I'd be more interested in upcoming systems.

Safer Sephiroth
01-07-2003, 01:21 AM
I read in one of my gaming mags that Nintendo has announced that they are not making any new Consoles after the Gamecube released. They said they are tired of always trying to make new hardware to compete with the other companies and to please consumers on new powerful technology. I've also seen a game release chart for games coming out on the GameCube until 2015, so I think they arent lying? I'll copy it and paste exactly what it said soon.

01-07-2003, 02:40 AM
Heh, I will be happy about it ~if~ PS3 comes out as I haven't got a PS2 ~yet~ but the name is pretty unoriginal and it will come out early so the wonder that the PS2 used to be will now be gone. Oh well.. At least I'm not a PS2 owner who goes down with the PS2 =P

01-07-2003, 09:37 PM
I thought I remembered reading somewhere that the PS3 or whatever was having its main thing being develpoved(like its CPU or something) and that isn't supposed to get finished until like 2005 or 2006, you know, the thing about the next PS being 1000x faster thatn the PS2, "cell". And the system has to be made after that, so I wouldn't expect it's release until a year or two after that. It actually stinks because by then I will be most of the way through college and will have to drop video games to pay for food and such. So I would rather the system come out soon since I have a job, unlike most of you bums :D and scrounging up 2-300 dollars isn't that big of a deal to me. This is the time of my life, until I am out of college, when I will have enough time to play video games, so I don't really concern myself with the next line-up of consoles.:(

01-09-2003, 03:58 AM
I agree with you on the playstation three completely I would have it just as you said. Me I just got my playstation 2 two years ago and I still play it a lot there is still a lot of life in them for. A matter of fact almost everyone of my friends got a ps2 for christmas this year and I live in kind of a small town so playstation should still be good or my friends wouldn't buy them.

Darth Revan
02-02-2003, 08:41 PM

I heard about the so-called PS3 about a year or so ago, and to tell you the truth, it makes feel sick. I'm not bad mouthing the PS2, far from it, I think it is a great console, better than the Gates Crate, the X-Box, but it could've been made better in my opinion. A friend of mine has a first generation PS2 and can't play certain DVD's on it, because of the fault with the DVD player.

About the PS3 being online only, well, there was supposed to be a modem for the PS2, specifically for Final Fantasy XI - Online, but from what I've heard, there's been nothing said about it for a while.

I've only had my PS2 for a couple of months, and I'll be damned if I spend more hard earned money on another console anytime soon. Most consoles have a "life" of about five years, except the ill fated Sega Dreamcast (which as far as I'm concerned was a far more superior console than anything else available now.), so the idea of the PS3 coming out this year seems a bit farfetched to me. Last I heard it was supposed to be coming out sometime 2004 - 2005.

From what I've heard, Sony is afraid of losing it's hold on the market, to either Nintendo or Microsoft, so they are doing the one thing they shouldn't be doing : Rushing. They're gonna try and rush the PS3 out ASAP, and I for one HOPE Sony doesn't. As far as rivals go, don't count Sega out yet. Rumours have been going around of a reemergence of Sega into the console making business (although that rumour has been around ever since Sega Japan went under), with Sega America and Europe reforming.

All in all, I'm just gonna wait and see what happens. Then decide.

02-03-2003, 06:20 AM
you all need to calm down, I'm 99.99999999% positive that PS3 isn't coming out anytime in the near future. I remember hearing rumors about PS2 more than 2 years before the thing actually came out, so don't expect to see PS3 on shelves for at least that long, and once it does come out most of us will have to wait at least another half a year for it to come to the states anyway.